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What scotland thinks Videos

What the English think of Scots

Englishman reviews the Scots ------------------------------------------ //www.electricscotland.com/history/wylie/vol1ch21.htm ...

User Comments

scotland is a colony of england and scots constitute over 90 percent of the english military force. Go figure these subhuman scots.
+Jon Bdoe Where do you get your facts from? Back of cornflakes packet? It was actually a scot than formed the union of Great Britain, And considering there is roughly 53 million people in England, 4 million in Wales and 5 million in Scotland, 2 million in NI. You go and take a wild fucking guess where the majority of Britain's military comes from. Just ask nicely if you get stuck.
It really isn't...
the remaining english colonies consists of scotland, northern ireland and wales whilst all of the african nations are sovereign states according to UN Charter. how low can scots get? hey, they are already the lowest of the low on earth.
Equal with the Engand then, which also is not an independent country.
don't you be insulting us scots ya doaty bassa you!
I'm scottish and have nothing against England
+Panther Gaming Nay Bother
+Scottish Mudkip (gunmasterjack) thanka m8y
+Panther Gaming Aye Ha Ats Fuckin Clever Pal
+lynsays channal so.. mad
+Panther Gaming I'm from Edinburgh
+lynsays channal wit are you mad/from dunfries
amen brother
+Malcolm Reynolds (Erebor soldier) and catalan, independence!!!!

SSA13: The Referendum - What Scotland Thinks So Far

Shit Scottish Guys Say To English Guys

The plight of the Englishman living in Scotland is something that would make Nelson Mandela spin in his grave. Here is an example of his horror.

User Comments

Every word of it is true sadly... i lived there for almost 9 years and i had to put up with this abuse the whole time and they won't like you unless you join in and do the same but if you don't they start shit up constantly... everything they say is to push people down and make them feel just as insecure as they are... and to intentionally piss people off, they think it's funny but they don't know how childish they are being... still recovering from living there confidence wise... don't ever live there... your not welcome anyways... they are just the most negative people on this planet, completely intolerable to be around. What i don't get is why they want to be hated so much... it's sad... everything they do is to make you hate them, quite honestly i do lol you can't get a shred of sense out of them, you ask them a simple question and they ether won't give you an answer or give you a completely unrelated answer then turn it around and tell people your the crazy one... if you expect to make friends up there don't count on it lol.
You have obviously lived with a bunch of arse holes. I'm Scottish and most other Scottish people that I know are genuinely nice people. You walk down the street in London and they are locked and glued air shut to their phone. In Scotland if you walk by someone they will mostly say "hi" or "hello." I find your comment quite insulting and hope you realise that you don't sound very nice either as your pinning it on every single Scottish person. Read a history book and you can find out how nice the English used to be and still are to the Scottish. They were very cruel.
wow this is wholly inappropriate in this enviro! clearly you are the person extrapolating singular events concerning yourself, perhaps brought on because of your own actions given the hatred with which you speak & why I don't get involved  in these comment as its impossible to reason with any qualitative evidence. I still believe you should seek some help though, as this type of anger and bitterness is what breeds dysfunction and reactionary behaviour which will in the end, help no-one, least of all yourself. I will not be returning to read any further.
yeh... yeh... that's something you do up there too is make it sound all good, accepting, awesome and fabulous, you hype it up but there isn't anything there for a start, a few pubs, night clubs and cinemas but you have zero community centers but if you do all you have is a pool table, a few computers and maybe a very low quality recording hub but still... all you do there is go on the computer or play pool... something we can do at a pub... lol and the disgusting stuff that goes on at leasure centers... don't get me started... swimming instructors getting jiggy with other people in the disabled changing rooms... taking drugs constantly, drinking constantly... only druggies, alcoholics and the incredibly lost live there... it's not a good place...Even my own parents now worry what would of happened to me and my bro if we kept living there... by now we could be druggies ourselves, but even if i didn't i wouldn't of gotten any where... wouldn't be able to find work even in the next 20 years because it's just a dump... and not many people there accept English people, my dad went through a lot of discrimination by not employing him because he was from England... it's a dump there and there are 40 year old women who dress like Kat Slater from Eastenders there who think they are still in their 20s... lmao. Soon as we moved away all the people up there i knew thought they were too good and cared so much what other Scottish people would say if they knew they were still "friends" with someone in England... even my bros friends... they no longer want to know... what does that tell you?. Honestly Scotland is only good for a weekend trip to Edinburgh and you wanna be as invisible as possible while you do go there because some Scottish person is gonna start something lol.
+FlyingMonkies325 I never comment or get into these crazy anonymous net slanging matches, but it seems to me you are taking what was clearly a very cutting experience of your own and extrapolating wildly! Some of the most accepting and inclusive communities are formed in Scotland! It is a varied and multi-cultural land. THIS is a comedy sketch, as with much comedy material it's playing on stereotypes and most recognisable moments for effect!This is not the place for a deep seated counselling session or trying to stir up hate-speech, for or against your personal vendettas.  Scots humour is widely known to be as much directed at itself as anywhere else and the historical context of Englands behaviour against many others is bound to arise but HISTORY is just that.PLEASE consider seeking help from somewhere for your own sake, it sounds as though (regardless of nationalities etc) you had a really tough social experience and perhaps need to consider some CBT or similar to avoid bitterness and rumination dragging you to a dark place and affecting your future experiences socially. I'msure with some help you can consider different possibilities and not miss out on better experiences in the furure.
Tell that to anyone else from England who goes to live there lol i went through SO much shit up there, so much shaming, so many people taking the piss out of me for no reason at all, and the thing that annoys me the most up there is people claim they know you but for the life of me i swear to god i haven't met these people before, haven't talked to them, haven't seen their face, our spirits did NOT cross :P yet some how just because they did see me from across a very very big room all way... from the other side... that i should of noticed them :P lol it annoys scottish people SO much you don't pay them attention that afterwards they start shit about someone who had no clue they existed :D, the fuck is that about? but it happens constantly... just... i can't even beguin to get what their problem is... but they need to talk to somebody.
You can't define the whole country assuming we are all like that because of you're experience this is why racism and hatred exists because one guy blows up a school then his race are all bad if a black guy steals from a shop stupid idiotic people assume they are all like that , this isn't opinion it's fact we aren't all like that
Scottish twats should be made to go to a speech therapist
Fuck you ya English cunt
English twats need to go see a dentist..... its a fact and im english
Fuck uuuuuuuu
Since when do scottish people say "Poof" ._.
Regularly to mates aha. Not to strangers.
+Volound the good old days.
+Mr. Wubstank :D. people went around saying "gay poof" all the time 5-10 years ago.

What Scottish Girl Really Thinks About Poland and Polish People? // Co Szkotka mysli o Polakach

For today's video I've asked my friend Joy (who I recently went on a girly weekend to Krakow with) few questions about her experiences with Polish People and ...

User Comments

All good, but waiters do not earn 4 zlotys per hour. Olga don't know when have you left the country and yes polish wages are ridiculously low but let's not exaggerate.
+olgatoja Yes and No :^^~ Your right that it isn't in our East Asian culture to tip although our services are much greater than that of the States for instance, but I am well aware of the tipping culture since I was brought up in America. But when I was in Poland for a short 3 nights 4 days trip... this was sort of my detour getaway from my initial Spain trip, and since I didn't do any previous research for Poland, I automatically presumed there was no tipping culture in the country just as in Spain. But honestly I feel really ashamed now for my misbehavior(?) having learned that I should have done so only afterwards(I found out about the fact from a female Korean blogger's trip essay). I just hope that I can redeem myself when I go back there next summer~ honest^^~ㅇ
Yes and No :^^~ Your right that it isn't in our East Asian culture to tip although our services are much greater than that of the States for instance, but I am well aware of the tipping culture since I was brought up in America. But when I was in Poland for a short 3 nights 4 days trip... this was sort of my detour getaway from my initial Spain trip, and since I didn't do any previous research for Poland, I automatically presumed there was no tipping culture in the country just as in Spain. But honestly I feel really ashamed now for my misbehavior(?) having learned that I should have done so only afterwards(I found out about the fact from a female Korean blogger's trip essay). I just hope that I can redeem myself when I go back there next summer~ honest^^~ㅇ
+Christopher Kim That's correct, they expect the tips because their living depends on it... :( Great majority leave tips especially that for the foreigners to leave 20 zl as a tip is not much but for Polish people is few times as much as they can earn per hour. You mentioned you are Korean, I've been to Asia and I'm aware that you don't have the culture of leaving tips, hardly anybody does that over there, perhaps that's why you didn't know we do it here ;)
+olgatoja unbelievable... that's like only 1/10 of Japanese hourly wage!! I am Korean btw. Perhaps they expect servers to get big tips but I suspect that's hardly the case in Poland. I never tipped there only to have found out that I was suppose to LOL~.
+stewie zjonder Just before I left the country I was working on the market square and they gave me 3zl/hour... I stayed in that place for 2 days. I'm not kidding, this is the hourly wage people earn in Poland... I spoke to one of the waitresses when we were visiting in July and she confirmed that's still how much they get. Ridiculous!
maybe not everywhere, but it still happens :)
Joy doesn't look Scottish to me. She looks indian/middle eastern.
+good diet I'm from Scotland and that girls average in the looks department
+MooseheadDrinker what does she have to do with this? stick to the subject dude, this girl improved your gene pool and you should be grateful for that, inbreed practice won't make Scotland a better place, even if it will be independent
+MooseheadDrinker I agree with that but what it has to do with this girl? Her family may have lived in Scotland since 1930 and be totally assimilated to the point that she has more IrnBru than curry in her body.
Scots are usually ugly, thoughShe's too pretty to be either Scottish or black. Maybe mixed race.
+Christopher Kim She could pass as one. Trinnies are very diverse in appearance. Many are indian, chinese, black and a mixture of all or some. 
I thought she was from Trinidad Tobago
+MooseheadDrinker calling me a leftist is a biggest insult I could receiveYou narrowed Scots to being white, I used the same trick - after a visit at Leith how would you describe average Scottish person? so be happy that apart from those very unatractive, sick and corrupted individuals you have nice, healthy looking, smart ladies like that one in the video who consider herself as Scottish because she certainly raises the bar for the rest so called proud Scots
+stewie zjonder You leftists can say whatever you want but at the end of the day she is not a Scot. BTW, not all Scots are ginger and overweight. 
+stewie zjonder I meant what she thinks about herself in terms of nationality.
only because she is not pale, ginger, overweight or on smack? she sounds Scottish to me, her skin tone has nothing to do with how she think about herself or where she was born. Come on dude, it's 2015.

Scottish Times: English view of Scottish independence

Scottish Times interview with random people in Birmingham on the subject of Scottish independence. scottish news | scottish independence referendum | news ...

User Comments

Fucking sick of hearing this BS, if Scotland stays then we all suffer together pish. Don`t you realize that it`s going to take a huge shock to the UK political system for any change to ever come to the north of England? I`m guessing though actually you are a unionist as this line is used by them all the fucking time. The North will have no option but to have more powers in place to compete with Scotland and why not every other region? Fuck all gona happen if we vote no. It will be business as ..
I see what you are saying, I'd like to save the union but there isn't much unity in the union anymore unfortunately, we aren't appreciated, it is a failing system UK wide and it isn't just a Scottish problem but Scottish independence might cause a much needed shake up in the current system and if all else fails you could always move to Scotland assuming you don't already live here. You are by far one of the more sensible posters here and I like that even though I believe your wrong about "greed"
Thames water has a very cushy deal where the cost of the investment is passed onto Thames water customers. My water rates go up year on year above the rate of inflation. In fact I remember Alex Salmond claiming that a tidy sum could be made selling water to the English. Is this really the person you want to lead you to independance. I think you should get rid of him and vote for someone who works with Westminster, not against it. In the interests of the UK, not Scotland. And after 2014 maybe th
We will still have a military, the defence budget that would be spent on trident would be spent on building a new armed forces for Scotland on top of the fact we have rightful claim 10% of everything including Typhoons, have more people in the current military per head than the rest of the on top of that fact we have defence pacts with other countries anyway? Less protected from who? Weaker, financially? No, Scotland would get out of recession much faster (said the Tory government unbelievably)
It will be a resource that can secure our future like Norway but it is by far not our only resource. Like I've said Scotland has more exports than imports, we have much more resources than just oil and more per head than the rest of the UK. No, but it owns part of it under indisputable international law, no matter how many times Westminster tries to change the water border. Possibly because they've been fed lies by better together like I was? Less protected from who? Let me out this another way
'Of all the small nations on earth, perhaps only the ancient Greeks surpass the Scots contribution to mankind' Winston Churchill. So don't act as if Scotland has done nothing, England thrives in making money for themselves, they always have done. Scotland has contributed to this modern world more than England has. So yeah, no need for all this "England has always been the better nation". Go look for your long lost national pride somewhere else, you will find nothing but greatness with Scotland.
I was educated in England and I was always told I was British, not English. Now I'm 40 and it's pretty clear that if your schooled in wales or scotland your not British, your Welsh or Scottish. England has always been the better nation on this little island. If there was a war to fight, we won it. If there was land to discover, we explored it. If there was knowledge to gain, we learned it. If there was trading to do, we made a deal. England was strong before the union and even stronger after it
Now, half a millennium later the world has caught up. The countries with large populations will hold the power. As much as I hate an unaccountable European government, it's the only way forward. An independant Scotland is a weaker Scotland and a weaker UK. Alex Salmond has worked tirelessly for god knows how long for his referendum, so let him have it. Self determination is the right of any populous. The idea that a Scottish person has less say in the running of this country than a Londoner is
Why interview the general public who don't know the arse from their elbow about anything. That sums up surveys for me. Asking people what their opinions are on things they have no idea about. Real power and think tanks are hidden from the public. Britain is not free nevermind scotland so scotland would only be free on paper. I would like to see a real free scotland but we would still be dictated to by the fascist orwelian EU and private bankers either way. The sooner people see that the better
The report shows that between 1980 and 2006, Scots were almost 12% more productive than those in the rest of the UK, producing on average £1415 more per person. Even in the worst year since records began, 1989, Scotland outperformed the UK by almost £600 per head. Yet listening to most people we are the Black sheep of the family, Needing handouts. They need us to help pay for Trident, or the new London sewage system or the refurbishment of Westminster Palace. Propaganda at its Best. vote YES
head than he does now, about how much national debt Scotland will have. He will quote a statistic and therefor it must be true. I guarantee there will be figures avaliable that disprove his point. Ask a serious question like what about Scotland's defence, the nuclear issue, membership of the EU, NATO or border controls and he has very little to say. His arguments take a form like the one below. I live in London and trust me, we don't need Scotland to help pay for our sewage upgrade. Thames Wat
just false. Once the No vote is secured I hope Alex Salmond goes back to his bigoted little 'clique' and never shows his face again. Just a quick note on politicians and statistics; Statistics don't lie but liars use statistics. We should always be sceptical when statistics are quoted to prove a point. There is nearly always another statistic that disproves it. Alex Salmond will bombard the voter with statistics about how rich Scotland will be, about how much more he will be able spend per he
Scotland more than payed its way before oil even started to flow, it was only with the revenues that thatcher could pursue her free market ideals and dump massive amounts of folk on the dole. The revenues were spent on infrastructure in the SE and look how overheated it has become. 1/2 a million UK jobs rely on Scottish oil and gas alone, I think about 200,000 of them are in Londons financial services. Scotland , the only country to find huge reserves and hand control over to another country
Unfortunately history has shown that from the Union of the Crowns till the Union of the parliaments in 1707(10) Scotland's national debt went from 65,000 pounds to share the English national debt of 13 Million pounds. Power outages in the 70s through the national grid were not necessary in Scotland due to massive coal reserves in Scotland. When BMC went on a strike the largest US dollar earner was Scotch whisky. These are just some examples of England needing Scotland more than vice versa
England has always been the better nation? You see, when it comes to a country within the UK the typical Englishman would say that. So from what you're saying, Englishmen are better than Scotsmen? And England runs a country better than Scotland? Also, thanks to the 'inferior' English education the world now thinks that Britain, Great Britain, the United Kingdom and England all mean the same thing. That is why you are happy to call yourself British, it doesn't represent the Celt's anymore.
Why would scotland have to take their independence by force if it is choosing democratically through a referendum next year? Unless are you wanting people in England and Scotland to die through some pointless war? Many English and Scots(as well as Welsh and Irish) died fighting side by side at many OUR nation's famous battles such as Waterloo, the Somme, Battle of Britain, Normandy as well as more recently, the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. So show some respect for all those people!
Scotland does not need England and this propaganda that Scotland gets disproportionate amounts from England is fatuous and incorrect, In an analogous approach Norway with slightly larger population has oil revenues and is not part of the EU so comparably the GDP of each country per capita is way in favour of Norway with a higher average disposable income for the people. It would be essential for Scotland to become a sovereign state and leave the fascistic/communistic undemocratic EU.
Nice to see you've had a change of heart. I actually agree with you on the "better together" point and I am Scottish. I don't believe that either Scotland or any other part of the UK will benefit from this. The way it works is that Scotland, as well as Wales and Northern Ireland, have their own parliaments that make decisions on a local level like education. The British Parliament (all four nations) makes big decisions for the whole of the UK such as going to war or taxing.
You are not looking at the bigger picture then, what with Thatchers incessant attack on British industry and bolstering London's economy giving us the Londoncentric Britain of today, so much has been put into London to make it strong in the financial sector at the expense of British industry in the north of England. Scotland and Wales. Scotland has a population of approx. 5.2 million. London has a population of 9 million so when you look at the facts, it is not ridiculous.
The usual view that Scotland drains money from 'English' parliament. I can hazard a guess that Midlands get MUCH more funding per head that Scotland does as it's a poorer area! The amount that is contributed to 'English' parliament is always ignored or not even known about in the South. I am not in favour of independence for the simple fact it would weaken everyone. I live in Switzerland now and the standard of living is way higher than anywhere in UK! England included.
I really hope this fails. I actually prefer Scottish politics to those of England - more socialist, very little support for Tories, but I really dislike petty nationalism, and I know that without Scotland, Britain will probably fall apart. It's already low from it's gradual decline after 1950. Without even Scotland it'll be another insignificant nation that was once a world power, and that will mean a huge boost to the far right, who thrive on insecurity and hurt pride.
Funny thing is, is that more English people want independence for Scotland than what the Scottish do. Every poll have proven that. The majority of us English wants rid of Scotland, we've put up with you leeches sucking off our blood for over 300 years. Strangely though, the English can't vote, if we could you'd have your 'independence' in a heartbeat. I guess you wouldn't really have independence though seeing as that red-faced fatty Salmond wants you to join the EU.
Still finding it hard to take you seriously. So really anyone that is also Welsh, Scottish or Northern Irish can also be prime minister, meaning that England does not "own" any of their lands. Wallace died 700 years ago and things have changed since then so I don't think many of us really are disheartened by that.You respect the fact that the IRA murdered innocents of your own country to get what they want...ok then. Why does everything have to be about war to you?
Again you make me laugh, especially by bringing Wallace into your argument. If you hate "political bullshit" so much then perhaps you should stay out of political debates because you are just making a fool out yourself. If England "owns" Scotland then please explain to me how the last prime minister of the UK was a Scotsman? Why was he allowed in power if we are so oppressed? Its funny how you are idolising what the IRA did, you really need to wake up.
i take all that nasty stuff back and i apologize to you. I dont hate scotland.. infact i can see why scots would hate us... that said you probably dont remember what i said nor care right? my mum from down the family line actually has some scot blood in her, truth is england and scotland IMO would be better together. I dont see the point of scotland getting independence i mean... you have it already... england dont run scotland right?
That is true, but we aren't appreciated for everything we have put in and continue to put in to the union, you speak a lot of sense. The union could and should be saved but its came to the point that Scotland has been shat on too much and there are calls for independence and the breaking of a 300 year union. But if independence is achieved we will still be allies that share an immense history, both good and bad.
Just changed course again? They said they would switch the euro years ago, the flaws of the euro became apparent and they said they would stick with the pound and as far as I know they had held that stance for a number of years. England does not have control of the Bank of England either, is that not independent? Is France, Germany? Spain? and the rest of the eurozone countries independent? I would say so.
So when things get bad people like you just want to run away and live off a depleting resource? Again, Scotland doesn't own the North sea. All the Scottish people I know say they don't want independence because they think Scotland can make it but will be worse off. So, WAKE UP. I think the question should be 'Do you want Scotland to become a weaker and less protected country?' NO
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