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What say you Videos

Sting - What Say You Meg? (Live At The Public Theater)

Music video by Sting performing What Say You Meg?. (C) 2014 A&M Records.

User Comments

This is the most beautiful song I have ever heard!It really hits the heart strings .Sting has the most moving voice so simple and yet the meaning is there .I am in my 50s and so wish I had discovered his beautiful voice with such sensitive accompaniest .
מה צי

What to Say When You Talk to Yourself by Shad Helmstetter, Ph.D.

More goodness like this: https://brianjohnson.me/membership/?ref=yt Here are 5 of my favorite Big Ideas from "What to Say When You Talk to Yourself" by Shad ...

User Comments

Powerful stuff. Definitely one of my favorite videos from Brian. Had me laughing with the self talk. We do it all the time. Signing up to the website now. What have you been waiting for Susel?
+Susel Ferrer hehhe and thanks and welcome, Susel! So fun. "I'm so happy Susel signed up and look forward to rockin' it together!" :)
good summary, well spoken and confident.
+daniel paradowski Thanks, Daniel!
Is it possible to be too screwed up..? Too screwed up to apply this knowledge..?
+Callie Ballie No. :)
Fantastic video Brian! I wish this classic was available as an audio book. I'd love to listen to it on the train. Keep up the good work my friend :)
+Mufreddin Choudhury Thx!
Excellent book!! First read it 7 years ago...this is one book that has changed my life.
+Jak Carsten Awesome.
I talk to myself from the time I can remember! People may discourage it sometimes but we actually never stop talking to ourselves. So let that voice be heard!!
+Mishel Fayad :)
I subscribed to your site, I'm so happy I did, I really love what you do, the Best site I have joined in years! I told numerous friends to get on board with this. I basically read or understand a book a day b/c of your work! Thank you, Chander
+Chander Singh Amazing! Thank you for your kind words and generous support, Chander!! Really excited to optimize together!!
For me one of the most useful videos. Thanks Brian!
+Serena d'agostino Thanks, Serena!!
I would like to give myself a great big pat on the back for watching this video. I needed it. I am truly enjoying this, and other vids on this channel that I have watch. I must say marcdaddy33, SMART MOVE in subscribing to this channel. I know that I will thoroughly enjoy it. ;-)
+marcdaddy33 hehehe. Well done and nice self-talk. SO GOOD! :) Let's do this! :)

What Should I Say When I Approach a Girl?!?!


User Comments

Leave them white girls alone man.
Why ? Just because you say so. If you prefer to be with a white woman that's your prerogative. Don't try to force someone to think or believe like you do. You do know blacks and whites are allowed to date,marry, and have a family together don't you.
Sarah looks good in this video and you can tell her body is poppin', but dayum she interrupted him so many times! Honestly I don't want a woman that has the balls to go after a man, that's my job. If your a man who's afraid to approach and you want a woman to have the balls to approach you, you're gonna get a controlling, modern-day feminist woman who is always gonna have a Plan B on the side for when shit gets rocky with you. There confidence, and then there's arrogance. I've been in this situation and a ton of my friends have been in this situation. She and Tyrone met and danced while she was in a relationship with another man, she was keeping her options open(Plan B) and she hit up Tyrone as soon as she became single. In my experience, these women are terrible to date because there's no incentive to work on relationship issues when you have a list of guys phone numbers you've collected while dating. Don't want to date a controlling b*tch? Accept you're gonna get rejected ALOT and go
If a woman approaches a guy, it doesn't mean that she's controlling. lol If I see a guy that I'm attracted that I want to meet, I can't just stand around and wait for him to approach me. Because what if he doesn't? Then I'm gonna go home, lay on my bed and get depressed about how I so badly wanted to talk to a sexy guy but I missed out on the opportunity. If we don't hit it off after I approach him, at least I can say "Well, at least I tried". Sounds a lot better than "should've, could've, would've". And I'm naturally submissive, by the way. But I can't allow myself to live with that guilt or shame for that night. It'll be on my mind for the entire day.
Black women are better.
When they're humble and not cocky?That's more of a mindset, and cultural thing, rather than a skin color preference.But as you say, to each their own, have at it hoss.
Each to their own Jamaicans Cubans African americans are the BEST in my book.  When their humble and not cocky lol
+Shabar BlackWhen some of us go to the shop for something sweet. It isn't always chocolate that we end up finding. If one's intent is to chose an s.o. solely based on color/culture, I tend to pity them. The very fact that they limit their parameters to be that narrow, via prideful ignorance, means they're willing to miss out on a truly meaningful and fulfilling relationship(s) because they feel obligated to stay on their own 'race'. Whatever that may mean. The funniest, and yet saddest part of all, we're 99.9% genetically identical, but yet it's that 0.01% most people focus on. As far as a species go, we can be pretty pathetic that way.
No their not bro some people have preference most people dont go to the shop to buy white chocolate LOL Most people generally love black women their just to scared  to admit it. Some of them are anyway. 
+Shabar Black Women are women. Deal with it.
I don't ask for numbers now, they give it to me. I did when I was in high school and my college years, but my game evolved. but they on point, that's how I get dates by following their methods.
+shameDJ5 cool.
What a nice looking woman...must be impressive in real life
She looks average. I have seen better looking white women.
+David Bell maybe :)
cough slut cough cough
Yo, I asked for this girl's number and she gave it to me. I dialed it and a guy answered. He asked how I got that number, I joked and said from Osama. A white car showed up where I was and I got arrested. They sent me over to a holding with terrorist type convicts. I was then flown over to an island and was held for questioning. They let me out of my cell and two guards walked me across a long road. They got shot at and shot back, turn out they were the UN army. I was put in a humvee and questioned at an embassy. They sent me home after realizing it was a mixup and I saw the girl again. She gave me the wrong area code.
+Cornell Jones it's true! ask my cousin.
Your a horrible liar.
+Hamza Hassaballa Trues! 
+SurfingOnBrainwavesstay tuned >:D
+OverthereLook You had me sweatin' there for a second.

What Kids Say To Parents vs What Kids Want To Say

DashieXP Channel: //www.youtube.com/dashiexp BLOOPERS: //youtu.be/Un3UPeiVGfY Ratchet Anonymous Meeting: //youtu.be/13-ONbCq2NY ...

User Comments

Mom:throw out the trash Me:yes ma'am What I want to say Mom:throw out the trash Me:get in then
"you eat too much" "I know, i'am working on it" (3 weeks later) "you're getting skinnier"-"Well, i'am only 115lbs. " "I'VE BEEN 115lbs SINCE LAST LAST WEEK, i'am trying to eat healthier, but it's hard when you keep buying sodas i specifically told you not to." "ALWAYS SITTING AND EATING, always on your damn phone"-"Ok, OK, OK, i hear you" "Hmm, go to friends? NO. Ride my bike? NO. Get a cat? NO. MAKE UP YOUR DAMN MIND! STOP YELLING AT ME, i'am a ft away from you, i can clearly hear you" "You can't eat anything"-"I know, i go by my guts" "WELLL THANK YOU MR. OBVIOUS. Don't blame me for refusing to eat food that smells and looks unappealing, you already know what would happen if i even try to eat it, i will puke." "your grades suck"-"i did better then most of the school, what are you even reading?" "IT'S BEEN THE SAME GRADES SINCE FOREVER! IT HAS NEVER CRASHED INTO AN F, so if i get a 100% A on one grade, you expect me to get a 110% A on the next? I only got 2 C's and 4 A's, chill"
"Mom, i miss you, tell dad i said hi, hanging out with my friend is awesome"-"oh, i gotta tell my friends that and my co-workers.""I'am just mad at my mom(to my friend)"-"WHO THE HELL IS THAT?!!! DON'T TELL FAMILY MATTERS TO OTHERS!!!!!!!!!!!" (months later, she tells one of her co workers to call the house phone "is ***** there?- no-I'am sorry KID, she asked me to call you) <- laughing is heard in the background clearly my mom making up lies about me(at this momentc, i was pissed at my mom for being the "Hey everybody, he got a -92% on his report card, hahahahaha, he's mental.)"GET DOWN HERE"-"what?.........WHAT DID YOU SAY?!........... WHAT DI"-"GET DOWN HERE, WHAT ARE YOU, DEAF?!""(in my mind) Stop wasting my damn time, mow you're mad at me for not responding? It's your damn fualt for not responding to my calls.""i have a stomache, and my throat makes me feel like vomiting, went to the nurses office, told me to drink tap water in a rude manner."-"WELL YOU SHOULD EAT MORE!!"
The one about the homework was just rude because she was just trying to help and know if you were done with your homework
Late response it's a joke don't take it to heart
Do people actually call their mums "Ma'm"?
Some people do
"What you call me?- DD? Bish stop callin me that, I got hair on my balls!" XD
1:41 is it just me or did he say I got hair on my balls?
Spanish Is not a race it's a language.Except if your from Spain. What I think you where going for was, "Just comes I'am Hispanic" not "Just cause I'am Spanish". That is the proper way for generalizing Spanish speaking people. All is true unless you were trying to saw you need to cut the grass just because your from Spain.
You're right Spanish isn't a race but he used in the context of nationality so therefore he can say Spanish or spaniard
Us 90s kids would NEVER get away with saying this stuff, we didn't get time out instead, We'd get a knock out
Kids of today get away with SO much more shit than we did
No kid with sane parents would ever let their child say that to them lol
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