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Buy Gold, Buy Silver: Don't Vote for Obama or Romney, Serve America By Buying 1 oz of Gold & Silver

don't waste your time by going to the polls to vote this yr. Both banker supported candidates stand for more of the same and the status quo. Learn why buying an ...

User Comments

If voting changed anything, it will be illegal. Today we bought Silver, Firearms AND ammo. You wanna make a difference? Vote with your money EVERY DAY! Buy Silver & Gold. Don't put your money in the corrupt banks. Do not eat GMO foods and put your body through those toxins. Do NOT keep taking medications that you need not take and fund the corrupt Big Pharma. Make the choice and do not give into this system that is corrupt and relies on debt and death. BE the change YOU want to BE!
no he didnt, eo11110 was an addendum to a public law ushering in federal reserve notes. read his jfk's 1963 economic report and his views on silver. jfk abolished the silver purchase act and with it the treasures power to issue silver certs with the public law he wrote. so right after he issued eo11110 to give that power back only for purposes to phase out all the silver reserves. read jfk myth by g edward griffin, youll feel embarrassed that you ever said such a thing.
here's the thing.... People believe the only way yo make change is to vote. The more people that vote, the more things won't change. If NOBODY voted, the system would have to change. The RED and BLUE teams have, well always had the same agenda, just a different timeline for the same result. They could make NOT Voting Illegal, but Laws ONLY work if Everybody obeys them. Wall St knows this, which is why they all continue to break the Law day in and day out.
so true..but most sheeps need some time to wake up.. too brainwashed from this fake mass media under same control like the fraud paper money system.. the last real president usa had was jfk and he wanted to make money FOR the people, wanted to stop the "steal-tool money" from the fed .. we know how he ended.. we must all go out of this worthless toilet-paper money they print like hell (they are the hell because they are the real devil on this planet)
how about serving america better by becomming born again in the Holy Spirit. James chapter 5: 1 Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you. 2 Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten. 3 Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days.
People who say "fiat money is backed by nothing" are wrong. It's a debt note, and it's backed by your leaders ability to tax you, and your need to earn back a debt note to pay down your personal and governmental debt. Debt is essentially slavery which is why you should never vote for the candidate offering "free" stuff, because the government that spends is the government that enslaves.
Many (perhaps most) of the people who understand gold and silver are true Believers. > 3 Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, Gold does not rust, but paper gold certificates (or gold plated copper and iron coins in the Roman Empire) did rust. Make sure you have the real deal - God, Gold, Grub, and Good sense.
The reserve bankers are gold-hoarders because they know that when they engineer economic recessions and depressions they will retain their valuables, while the general public is in a trance state believing that there is such a thing as 'money'. It's just paper and digits on a screen. How much is an ounce of gold and silver?
we know obama, we dont know Romney It may be as little as this: Romney is better than Obama like old age beats the alternative. or he may be the greatest president in history. we dont know... what we do know is that Obama is a communist, and communism always fails after 50 or so years. do you have 50 years to waste?
Thank you for communicating that! You said it in a way that I have been searching for for quite awhile. I sent it to my entire family... Also, I'd love to send you a copy of my recent book, The Silver Bomb - The End Of Paper Wealth Is Upon Us. Please message me if you'd like a free copy. Keep up the great work!
Good answer! :) Glad to see we are on the same side. I don't know if the bible really means that gold and silver will rust, but that they, at some point, will be worthless. And the rust is just an adjective to show that the gold has decayed in value. I don't know, just some thoughts..
I decided to vote for Gary Johnson he isn't a globalists Clinton, the Bushes, or Obama are from the same bloodline/globalists. We pull our extra fund out of the bank every payday and we are stackin silver and copper bullions.
@agcjkjv sit and goes are my favorite, you can start with a no deposit bonus to reduce your risk. you can get $8 to play no need to deposit any money get it here => bit.ly/XdcbuE?=efwfll
Quadrillions of derivatives, if one factors in the synthetic derivatives. MMMMmmm synthetic derivatives. - Homer Simpson
I'm just guessing here, but I think that 98% of americans could not buy one ounce of gold even if they wanted to.
why the hell would you say jfk tried to help the people? he was the one who ushered in federal reserve notes!
jfk tried to END the federal reserve with Executive Order 11110
I agree with you. Thanks for sharing.

Skeptics of Oz 2013: Stand Up for Atheism presented by Blair Scott

Blair Scott does his stand-up comedy act about skepticism and atheism.

The Boy from Oz Isabel Keating as Judy Garland 3

The Boy from Oz Quiet Please, There's A Lady on The Stage Isabel Keating as Judy Garland 3 Peter Allen Hugh Jackman Broadway Lyrics: Quiet please, there's ...

User Comments

Listen to Hugh he almost seems to be channeling the spirit and soul of Peter Allen. It is in the subtle litte inflections of the words and the music. Peter knew Judy Garland personally as she was his mother in law. They were the two most loved people in his life. Peter take care and rest in peace. But knowing you the place is rocking and you are giving a great show
The sad part is Judy was such a great star and never felt it or knew how much the world misses her. Now Peter left us and it seems so sad to think we have lost two great talents. But they are remembered by those of us who loved them and miss them. Seems unfair that they both left to soon for them to know how much they meant to all of us.
OMG she is amazing! So is the quality of this video! Please tell me there is an upcoming DVD... would you consider uploaded more Hugh? (Once Before I Go, Bi-Coastal???) Thanks so much for posting these!!!
As with all Judy Garland imitators, she's best with the sound turned off. It's easy to do the gestures and mannerisms. The voice can never be duplicated.
I saw the last show before it went off Broadway and it was completely amazing. I love this song! Thanks for uploading!!
no, is different, listen to the real Judy, her voice is something else, but the gesture and mannerisms are similar!
beautiful, but her voice is different, the Judy's Voice can never be duplicated! Similar gestures and mannerisms!
Wow .... I'm one of Block's number 1 fans, but now that you say Hathaway, she looks a LOT like Liza, those eyes!
I saw this show on Broadway...this song had me weeping. We lost Judy 40 years ago...June 22, 1969.
Judy Davis was pretty good, I just think the production she was in made her seem kitsch
is this out on dvd? I'm am sooo sad that I never got a chance to see it live on bway..
Very moving song and performance by Hugh.......Isabel was AWESOME as Judy Garland!
love judy garland, her voice brings tears to my eyes every time i hear her sing.
Here's to Peter Allen, who left too soon. And to Hugh, who captured him nicely
I really like her older Judy, better than Tracie Bennett's or Judy Davis'.
how i wish i had seen this show before it closed. it was cut way too short
I love the music, but when are wegoing tro SEE this show in Britain?!!!
Wolverine sings Boy of Oz! Omg, just like DeadPool wished it!
But there are moments when the voice is hauntingly similar.
THANK YOU. It's so great to be able to see these!
Anne is playing Judy in a movie to come in 2011.
This gives me goosebumps God I love this show!
its so scary... she moves in judy's way ^^
And to Judy, who also left way to early.
Do you have any of the clips with Liza?

Gary Gulman - Wizard of Oz (Stand up Comedy)

Watch the full special on Hulu: //www.hulu.com/watch/818485 Last Comic Standing alum, Gary Gulman, delivers with his clever wit and handsome boyish ...

1 Oz Stand Up Zip Lock Bags

Wow 2 layer laminated one ounce size 5.90 x 9.05 Inches Perfect for medical dispensaries - just add your sticker logo to the bags in seconds . Great for storing ...

INXS full concert Oz for Africa 1985

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