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Zimmerman breaks silence Videos

Zimmerman Auto Center Breaks Silence

CEDAR RAPIDS, IA (CBS2/FOX28) - For the first time, a Cedar Rapids car dealer is speaking out after police opened fire on one of its BMWs and former ...

NEWS: Zimmerman juror breaks silence

George Zimmerman Interview **FULL** 7/18/2012 Part 1

Part 1: *George Zimmerman breaks silence on 'Hannity' SEAN HANNITY, HOST: And tonight in an interview that you will only see right here on "Hannity," ...

User Comments

What, you monkey? Negro is Spanish for black. That is a spoken language fact. And about GZ, YOU or know one else is going to do a thing. TM is nothing new. There are countless TM's that no one knows about, ever heard about, or no longer remember. Blacks especially are going to do NOTHING. Your entire history is one of getting trampled by others or by yourselves and doing nothing to stop it. The only correct thing you said was that you are out of my league. You are out of my league and below it.
Hey fuck face. Here's another example of just how fucking stupid you are. Nicknasty14 is talking about liberals like YOU. Nick commented in agreement with something I said earlier. He is not a liberal nor am I. YOU don't even know what that means so you jump on here and without understanding try to shift his comment towards me while at the same time you're just begging for someone to side with you. "Help me, help me dealing with Razor! I can't do it alone. Please, someone agree with me." Stupid
Now, there is NO "WE." You're not fooling or impressing anyone, especially those who know better. And again, EVEN IF there were a "WE," you all would garner real respect if you targeted the police, the judges, the prosecutors, and all the others who act or do not act in support of furthering the division of the masses. But you and all other individuals or groups espousing the shit you're talking about are IN FACT pussies. Why? Because you will not go after those will real power or authority.
Oh no! El ya esta muerto? Y no le han dicho? Que haremos? Not only do you sound incredibly stupid but you definitely ARE stupid to come on here and post the things you're posting. How hard do you think it is to find out who you are? All I have to do is forward this to the Sanford Police Department. They will go to Youtube and your ISP for the IP and MAC of the machine you're using. From that they will know everything about you. And then there will be one less Trayvon Martin on the street.
Hey, asshole pedaling away on your little bike, it is apparent that you're not very educated to think that your nick is obscure enough to require explanation. I can think of 4 other possible origins off the top of my head. Where I am from people get there heads banged in, or worse, until they learn to tame their tongues. Save your "sweeties," "boobies," and "honies" for your kin. Just own the fact that you're full of shit and quit mouthing off. You are a cancer on this planet.
I think people like you are being held back by the fact that Trayvon was black. If he was a 17 year old white kid, a honky as you call him, would you be supporting his family? I don't think so. The thing that you should be worried about is that an innocent human being was killed. You shouldn't care about the color of someone's skin, you shouldn't care about someone's accent, you shouldn't care if someone is an illegal alien, if you are innocent then you are in the right.
Malcolm X was the fucking man. If you knew what he was about you would understand why I say what I say about you. But you don't; you're just a fucking monkey ass fake bitch that talks dumb shit. You're a classic HOUSE NIGGER that doesn't even know his situation. Malcolm would have called you a House Negro. NIGGER is a spin on negro which is spanish for black. You know that you Dominican little pussy. Where's YOUR greencard? I don't need one.
I fucking did asshole! U can laugh at me i don't give a rat ass. It won't affect me cause unlike u i have life I don't waste it by going on youtube and being a tool like u are. Oh by the way i graduated 3 years ago dickhead and guess what 7 other people agree with my comment. And actually i rode in an rx8 i forget like 2 years ago. It's still on my list of dream cars but i am gonna get a different car
no he just said "We don't need you to do that" either you need to learn how to fucking read, or get your hearing checked... either way you need to change that broke ass profile picture... You can't touch the flashlight of truth that GeeZee keeps shining. You can't touch that level of swag in an areX8, a car you will probably never see the light of and if you do, it probably won't be paid off...
Shut the fuck up you wet back ho... Malcom or any black person will spit on your face. I am black you bitch I'm a black latino.. you must have forgotten that slavery happened all over the fucking world not just the US. Malcom would have been marching for treyvon and slapped you on your face for being a wet back bitch using the word nigger to any black person. You WET BACK greasy haired 5'5 ho.
Exactly! Its funny how full of hate all these libs are. From protesting to wishing death on people, just for having an opposing opinion. Then they have the balls to say the rest of us normal thinking people are the hateful ones, or racist. They are the racists, and they are the angry hateful ones. Pretty funny actually. Just laugh at them, theres no arguing with ignorance!
For those of you freaking out about how he is changing his answers, it's because he has been coached by his lawyer. He's just trying to sound as good as he can - anyone innocent or guilty would do that given all the national attention. I'm not for or against. All I ask is the facts be looked over by the court, and that all the uninformed and biased people shut up.
howcome everytime black people say something about Zimmerman white people act like they make no sense? all you have to do is picture your own relative member in the same position with the same story, same outcome and think about what kind of judgement you'd have!...however when you're religious or simply racist nothing logic comes to mind
B2C2 Bitch Best Come Correct... Throwing a temper tantrum on youtube, well it seems that it's good we don't have allegedly graduated high school three years ago on the jury for George Zimmerman, because it seems that YOU really DO NOT know what you are talking about kid. Tommy must really set his sights high, FOR DISAPPOINTMENT...
Do YOUR homework, no he seriously didn't. He essentially said "God has a plan" when asked about the death in regards to him actually dying and not being wounded. Not "God told me to do it", as in he believed he was on a divinely ordained quest to hunt blacks. Go back to Reddit, sperglord. You're out of your element here.
Everything that comes out your mouth is NIGGER NIGGER.. yet you have Malcom X video on your page.. and a bunch of rappers that you look up to. You know what you remind me of you wet back? when white girls used to fuck black guys back in the days but then cry out rape when daddy found out. You a ho.. bitch ass wet back.
I want the world to see how much of a dick sucking ho you are... you call black people niggers but all of your heros are black you spend all your time looking at black dudes rap battling up close and personal to each others faces. I'm pimping you slide. I have a few black friends that rap that will love you ho. LMAO
Someone can be Hispanic and still hate black people. His excuses were complete bullshit, the worst thing he was charged of was smoking weed. If God told him to jump off of a bridge, he wouldn't have done it, but whenever "God" tells him to kill an unarmed black child who has done minor felonies, he's a hero!
constant eye flickering and dry mouth of nerves interesting using the words sir changing of his use of words to favour his story. Seeing him looking and at him saying something when its raining and his skipping away or running. The cold stare downs he gives and head nods seem all a cover
It means it to you, because you're a mouthbreather that goes on YouTube and screams about "ur FAKE god!!1!" under the impression it makes you and intellectual. And then just reword shit people have already said to you thinking nobody's going to notice you've essentially said "NO U!".
Tell us more about your great field of knowledge only 3 years out of high school (allegedly)... I think you have a Didn't Even Graduate (which is backwards for GED) certificate, or a certificate of attendance because you have a slight case of mental retardation. Which is it?
Bullshit! Yes Americans had black slaves, and blacks in Africa are still having slaves to this day, arabs are still having BLACK slaves TO THIS DAY. Whites are being mass murderd in south Africa. etc etc etc. Now please explain the difference.

George Zimmerman Interview **FULL** 7/18/2012 Part 3

Part 3: George Zimmerman breaks silence on 'Hannity'

User Comments

If this pussy bitch didn't have a gun he would have never pursued.he is a murderer period! he found Treyvon guilty the 2nd he saw him for just being black walking from the store ,It seemed out of place, foreign to Zimmerman that a kid could just be coming back from 7-11 with candy he must of been up to no good this is what racism&fear&ignorance brings the death of an innocent child,he pursued a frightened 17yr old he created this situation,he was the aggressor,death to this bitch sounds so fake
Actually, I have. And it was self defense. It doesnt take away the fact that he murdered someone. The kid fucked up. He didnt deserve to die for it though. I am a gun owner, and responsible with that kind of power. I cant understand what was in his head at the time Zimmerman was getting his ass handed to him, but who knows. Maybe we all would have done the same thing. Whats troubling here is that this kid was doing what he was doing. And that Zimmermans rights are being violated. Anway!
Hannity asked "Do you feel that you wouldn't be her if you hadn't had that gun"?. Ziimmerman replied "No Sir". So he was not in fear that his life was going to taken if he did not have a gun, which is not self defense. I think this tragedy could have been prevent. When you go looking for trouble, you will find it. How can you stand your grown when you pursued the confrontation? Trayvon was the one being followed and Zimmerman was the one acting suspicious.
Zimmerman shot trayvon through the heart and we are supposed to believe he actually rolled over and said anything to Zimmerman after being shot through heart? Like in the cartoons, bang you got me, if you believe that you are fucking stupid
Zimmerman is LYING about when he relized he shot and killed Trayvon Martin... He told someone immediatly after shooting Trayvon to Call is wife and tell her he just killed someone. George Zimmerman is a habitual Liar!
It doesnt make since... He said he was only 100 feet from his car that was a lie... he was running .... and did the following and approach... GODS PLAN really? Vigilante NO SELF DEFENSE... SELF inflicted CONFLICT!
following someone;getting out of your car after being told not to;and not identifying yourself as someone with any kind of authority;all while packing a piece...is not self defense...get real...
Because he was an up to no good trouble maker? I don't know what goes through the minds of criminals before they commit crimes. The official story is Trayvon confronted Zimmerman. Deal with it.
@JoeytheWise ..."official story"??? thats just too precious....are you on crack???... what you're saying he robbed the skittles?...wheres the criminality you refer to?? you're full of beans...
@JoeytheWise ...you just made that up...there is absolutely no independant evidence to support that...stop with the chicanery...
FUCK this interview if trayvon would have shot him,he wouldnt be on tv, he would be in fuck prison locked under the jail
when a human is shot they dont start to talk they make sound of pain racsim is a powerful thing
I love my children even though they arent born yet? What about your niece chester?
GEORGE ZIMMERMAN IS SUCH A FUCKING LIAR. how could anyone support him?
hey cloudsblue Trayvon Followed Zimmerman so your argument is invalid.
what reason does trayvon has to follow zimmerman?
OMG he said it was Gods plan? Bzzzzz, wrong !!!
It was Gods plan that I shot a teenage boy...
I assume you've never heard of self defense?

George Zimmerman Interview **FULL** 7/18/2012 Part 4

Part 4: George Zimmerman breaks silence on 'Hannity'

User Comments

Outstanding interview by Hannity. Fair and balanced. It's not what many people want to hear but that's because it's the truth.
if you were black an zimmerman was in his racist mood an was behind you with a gun you telling me you wouldnt be worred ?
Thanks for uploading bro ;) inb4 they delete the video lol
Shut the fuck up nigger.
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