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What body type am i Videos

What body type am I? Mesomorph

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The Myth of the Mesomorph, Ectomorph & Endomorph I Body Types & Your Body Shape

//www.drberg.com/body-type-quiz Dr. Eric Berg DC The theory of ectomorph, mesomorph and endomorph is very confusing and has no real technology ...

User Comments

the somatotypes are not are myth.
your comment makes my tongue twist.
+Demonic HuntsmanSheldon's theory is widely considered as bunk by many modern physicians and biologists. Like I said before, the bodybuilding industry is the only place it is being used
+supererik man It's fine. If it is the way you say, hopefully it will stop being used soon.
+Demonic HuntsmanThe Somatotype theory was developed by PSYCHOLOGIST William Herbert Sheldon, and his theory has been discredited by endocrinologists and other scientists since then. I capped psychologist because he as a psychologist had no expertise on the physical body only the brain, it's like accepting a marine biologist's theory on space. 
+supererik man University of Newcastle, Australia. Bachelor of exercise and sport science.
+Demonic HuntsmanActually it is taught as a debunked myth, only the bodybuilding industry still believes it, get your facts straight 
+supererik man Yeah right. That's why university level education teaches it.
yes they are, science has moved in the direction  to prove it is a load of crap. please do more research and you will find out it is a total myth

What's my Body Type?

You may need to modify your training and/or nutrition based on these findings. There's no such thing as a one-size-fits-all fitness or nutrition plan. Everyone is ...

User Comments

Pear shaped?? But I got upper body muscle what would I b
+joseph mandarino you may be more of a strawberry then.. or possibly hourglass
Hi Jess you're beautiful
+Ana “kassie” L yes! It is possible for any shape when you have the right fitness and nutrition plans
hey I am a pear shaped just like you but I didn't get your point of stop gaining muscle, for what I have learned from videos I have to build muscle rite? plz elaborate how did u get there, what type of workout
+Kinzah Syed Thank you so much. Thanks for watching and commenting
I am glad you replied! thank you soo much. I got really confused. Not anymore! Thanks a lot you are doing a great job +Jessica Rumbaugh​
+Kinzah Syed Hey, you may have misunderstood. I said I had to stop gaining FAT, start putting on lean muscle, and train based on what my body was lacking and what my body needed. The type of workouts I used are just like the ones found in all the programs I write now. You can find my complete program at liveleanformulaforwomen.com, or our member's monthly programs in teamlivelean.com
That hair and makeup. Looking fabulous. I would never have guessed that you were pear shaped. Great job!
+GetFitwithMindy thank you!
your videos have been on point as of lately! I appreciate your dedication to helping us achieve living lean. it's becoming more and more of a reality for me, thanks to you!
+missreia Thanks!
Where's your daily blog?
+sasha We do Snapchat, Periscopes and Blabs now. Follow us there. Details in the description box up above
I have an hourglass figure and I am an endomorph. I also have hypothyroidism but I can't blame my overweight issues on my health condition. I am completely aware that I love food and i cheat more than I should. I love to work out! I do kickboxing twice a week as cardio and 5 times a week i do a combination of body weight, and lifting in a bootcamp/crossfit gym. I feel so frustrated because all the hard work I do at the gym goes out the door with the bad eating habits. When I workout I keep up even with the most fit people but I don't look like am fit. I just wrote stuff that was not even part of the question. I just want to say I love watching your videos and they keep me going! Thank You
Buy gums. Seriously you're gonna keep your mouth busy.

CJB - How do I know what Bodytype I am.

World Natural Bodybuilding Champion Jason Barnett lets you know how you can determine your bodytype or Somatotype in order to get the best from your ...

User Comments

No worries bro, catch you soon
thanks can't wait for part two

Dr. Berg's Body Type Seminar

https://drberg.com/body-type-quiz1?utm_source=youtube&utm_campaign=youtube For more information about Dr. Berg's 3-day intensive program in Alexandria ...

User Comments

This guy is awesome. His info is excellent.
oh thaannkk youu a lot ^^ appreciate ur answer!
+D'hia M'halla He said 7 cups of salad.  He's referring to dark leafy greens.
+SamGuthrie1977 cn someone plz tell me what he said, 7 cups of what?

Swimsuit Collection!!! + which one is right for your body type...??

Hey Girls!!! I am back with another video, this one is my Swimsuit Collection! My collection is too abundant to show you all of my suits, so I chose my very favorite ...
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