EPIC FAIL! The folding doors broke down, on an Svenska TecnoLift elevator!
This doors suck, it´s broke down on 2nd floor, as you can hear in the end off the video, the doors trying to close an several times! As you can seen before it broke, ...
@RailCarADDE Leka? den va ju dålig, och har vart de ett tag, bara för man
trycker på dörröppnarknappen så ska de ju inte bli sådär, Budgetdörrar.
Hydrauliken går hur fint som helst på denna!
@RailCarADDE Jo, jag tryckte 2 ggr, då man såg i filmen, sen balla de ur,
men aja, nu vet man att man inte ska trycka på dörrknappen i dessa
Barbie Doctor with Frozen Elsa and Kids Alex Breaks Leg on Kelly Playground with Felicia and Krista
Barbie Doctor with Frozen Elsa and kid Alex breaks leg on the Kelly Playground with Felicia and Krista, by ToysReviewToys and DisneyCarToys. Doctor Barbie ...
Flex Test 2 (heavy duty): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vK00fN-g8L4 Heard a lot of hype over these little boards so I decided to put one to the test. So I ran it ...
+Ms. Misty-Eye You said i have no life yet you continue to reply. And really I have no problem with gay people ive had 2 bi girlfriends, im just trying to get a reaction out of you. And believe me i got it.
+JerkCircle R u Satan? I think you are,go back to the hot fiery depths of hell u came from. Bruh and I don't got time to argue with cry baby potheads.
Thank youuu why does gay have to be an insult like really it just meand they loves someone so don't call someone gay bc then ur making fun of someone who loves someone else ❤