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Breaking benjamin lawsuit Videos

Breaking Benjamin Wins Lawsuit,Plans Return

All my stuff ↓↓ //albumreviewtv.com/ //www.youtube.com/albumreviewtv https://www.facebook.com/AlbumReviewTV https://twitter.com/albumreviewtv ...

User Comments

chad is gone, he left the band due to creative difference. This whole thing has left a lot of fans stranded. definately not pleased with the whole thing, but at least Ben will be able to continue with the band
Well, although I'm not the biggest fan of breaking benjamin, I am looking forward to new material from the group because the tension's between the band might make great lyrical content.
Ok... So Ben fired the bassist and guitarist... And the drummer left... This isn't Breaking Benjamin anymore, this is Just Benjamin...
LOL,right before I watched this video,I was playing the very video game that got me into BB
This is so exciting to hear. I've been dying to hear some new Breaking Benjamin.
Maybe more. It's already been 4 years since their last album.
That sucks. That really sucks. I was hoping he would stay.
I NEED!!!! Breaking Benjamin in my life! im so excited!!!
That is just too bad... He's a great great drummer...
You're welcome! Glad to help. I will try my best!
Same here. Its been too long!

The Return of Breaking Benjamin

User Comments

I hope so my friend this was my first metal band and my favorite so far

USWNT’s Meghan Klingenberg on turf lawsuit / 2015 FIFA Women's World Cup

USWNT's Meghan Klingenberg on turf lawsuit Member of the United States Women National soccer team Meghan Klingenberg discusses the ladies' withdrawn ...

User Comments

I can't believe Meghan said it leveled the playing field....The field turf in reality gave Team USA an enormous advantage it showed tonight when they crushed Japan.
+Matt Embury They were playing like shit during the first three or four games though. Then again, Abby Wambach played the first four and she blamed the turf as to why she wasn't able to score goals properly.
Wow...this girl has no idea what the f*** she's talking about. She said we think injury risk are higher on artificial grass, we think. In fact there's no absolute disadvantage when comparing artificial to natural grass regarding injuries...gosh, she needs some lessons in public speech...she can't put a sentence together without stumbling and struggling to find words. 
+airfuzz4 shutup stupid
+airfuzz4 Artificial grass gets extremely hot during the summer. I believe Sydney Leroux posted pics of her injuries from the turf.
+airfuzz4 as long as she plays well who even cares
Stfu you're so rude
Get the facts. FIFA requires a 2 Star quality turf to be played on and it is pretty nice freaking turf. O'Reilly didn't know what kind of turf it was before she mouthed off with her comments about gender bs. Then most players were able to practice in the facilities and witnessed the quality for themselves then decided to withdraw the lawsuit. Lol 
+airfuzz4 shutup stupid
+airfuzz4 When were the Americans and the dozens of other NT players who were involved in the lawsuit up in Canada practicing on said turf prior to dropping the lawsuit? The gender bias point has nothing to do with the grade of turf and has everything to do with the fact that it's turf to begin with. Even FIFA didn't stick to their guns 100% when the promised the women that no future WWC would ever be played on turf again.
The players should have gone after the sponsors and asked them to divest if necessary. If you go after the money only then will FIFA listen
+oeckstei who would the sponsors listen to more? All powerful FIFA or the athletes?

Diary Of Jane Cover

Breaking Benjamin is amazing. I'm still sort of depressed about that whole lawsuit thing Q_Q but oh well. I love this song, it's one of my favorites of all time.

User Comments

Neve rheard this song before... But I'll try and follow the words... no I won't lol... I liked ballad of jayne better ;) But your voice is cool...
Why haven't I ever heard you sing before?! You're so good!
Because I'm too shy and awkward Q_Q but thank you! :,)
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