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Breaking benjamin pcp Videos

Taking a Look at the PCP/HPA Air Gun Explosion

//Airgunsworld.com - Here is the much requested video of the parts break down and explanation from Randy at what happened when my Crosman 2400 air ...

User Comments

I own MAGNUM AIRPOWER and the .com by that name. Because of this incident I have been getting a lot of questions about the safety of PCP guns. I viewed the original video and this one after several customers expressed alarm over it. You used a Discovery valve with one single Discovery valve screw holding it in. The tube clearly only has one screw hole on the bottom for the Discovery valve screw. You converted the gun to PCP using a HiPAC but you cut part of that HiPAC off so that the 2400KT tube was pressurized. First mistake, the Discovery screw was never meant to handle 2000 PSI by itself. The Discovery model uses three of those screws to handle that same amount of pressure. Second mistake, you were taking the gun apart while it was pressurized with 1800-2000 PSI. The gun was completely disassembled except for the pressurized tube assembly and the trigger frame. You say the gun exploded when you were removing the trigger frame. The end cap and striker had already been removed so only the front trigger frame screw was left. The single valve screw had already failed so that front trigger frame screw was the only thing keeping that valve in the tube. When you started to remove that screw the valve shot out of the tube like a bullet. At the moment of failure the tube shot up into the ceiling like a rocket and the HiPAC was broken off on impact. You've got a lot of people terrified of PCP guns now because of all the confusion and hype over this incident. I really hope you eventually realize this was a simple accident that was your own fault. It wasn't the HiPAC at fault and PCP guns when handled properly are not dangerous. You seem like a good man and I sincerely don't believe the video is a hoax. I'm just sick of answering questions about it and wish you would put it to rest already. I am glad you were not more seriously hurt in this learning experience.
+AirgunsWorld - I felt I needed to explain it in detail for those who don't understand the mechanics of the gun that failed and why it failed. Some comments from others covered the valve screw issue but the overall picture wasn't very clear to the average reader/viewer. Your response and honesty is greatly appreciated and I hope this can all be put to rest now.
+William Baldyga - Yea we realize all this, you didn't have to type all that as it is frIgin OBVIOUS WHAT HAPPENED ... but it's always easy to be an arm chair quarter back because you have no accountability like we have making the mistake and then owning up it to it. Anyway, I would give comfort to your viewers about PCP guns that are made at their respected company factories and not mashed together like we did. Hence the problem. Factory spec PCP air guns are quite safe but still need a bit of caution when handling.
Bottom line is "don't screw with the HiPAC". The wall thickness at the break point may raise a question, as does altering the HiPAC to work in a manner for which it wasn't designed. Considering that in five years and only one separation to ever occurred. My expert has a different opinion which makes more sense, and says that the unit being altered by the user as the cause of the break, due to tooling. Tooling marks on the broken parts clearly indicate that the unit was squeezed into a vise causing the metal to flex.
Haha - heard that.
+AirgunsWorld no you guy being dumb is the problem
+PowerMax-HiPAC.com - When thew HiPacs blew up, he was holding the gun in both his hands. It was never put into a vise then or ever. He doesn't even own a vise. Your tooling thin walls and telling everyone that it will hold 3000 psi is the problem. Believe what you want. Your crap product is the problem.
Thanks guys,very helpful!The info in this video might safe some people's lives.However,my brother bought benjamin pump and hipac with 2 ext. and when he put everything together,up to 2000psi,the velocity was almost as twice as slower than with a regular 12g co2.Could it be the issue with the seal on factory valve that still remains the same as for co2 or something else??Thanks for any advise!!
you need to remove the piercing pin on the valve stem and increase hammer spring either with a power adjuster or a stronger spring. after I did that, my 2250 went from 580 fps to well over 750. it waste so much air though.
Randy, I sure you are aware that many airgunners are trying to figure out just what happened. Could you please answer 2 questions for us.1. When the gun exploded, was it ripped from your hands and thrown across the room?2. If that is the case, where did the gun (tube) end up, and did it hit anything on the way there?Thanks.... Bob
After looking over our broken air gun, the owner of the Ashland Air Gun Range with over 30 years of air-gunning, has determined that it was the HiPacs that failed first and the massive rapid change in air hit the air valve like a hammer and then it let go. This is the same as we think, that it was the Hipacs that failed first. I recommend not getting them.
+AirgunsWorld  - Thanks again for the clarification.... We are then faced with a very strange situation where two failures apparently occurred simultaneously, not one and then the other.... If one part had failed first, then the pressure release would have reduced the likelihood of the second failure....That means we have to look at each failure separately.... Thanks again for your help.... Bob
The HiPac was not bumped, touch and impacted anything when it blew up. We took our second HiPac gun apart and noticed how thin it was at the point of breakage with an unbroken one.
+AirgunsWorld - Thank you for the clarification.  Do you feel that the HiPac, while still connected to the gun, had the opportunity to collide or impact with anything, which might have added to the chance of it breaking through the O-ring groove?.... Bob
+Bob Sterne - The HiPac tube went into the ceiling as seen in the first video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1hrms0i2LU), the valve went into Randy's leg and the gun itself just hit the ground below Randy's feet.

Sam Yang Ind - Sumatra 2500 Air Rifle - On Test - PCP Airgun

REVIEW: Sumatra 2500 Air Rifle - Wild West PCP Air Gun - This PCP air rifle has won my heart, devastating good looks and accuracy make this an explosive air ...

User Comments

What's the max fps you're allotted to use over there? Or is it fpe?
+Clayton Harper That's not too terrible.
Fpe that is, sorry.
I believe it is a max of 12 for over there.
Sumarta Indonesia
+Ari Udjananto Sumarta, Sumarto, Sumarno, Sumarni.. juga ada..
Have you not shot the Parker Hale Phoenix.
+John Langford yeah would like to see vid on phoenix no ones ever done one
Hello, im from chile, i want buy a rifle .22 to hunt rabbits and birds i want to ask you what rifle i have to buy: Air arms s200 10 Umarex r8 Benjamin marauder Sumatra Yoy can make a list wich you recomend ne between this rifle Make me a top 3 please Tanks PD: if you now other rifle for the same prize, let me now
All I can tell you is that I love the marauder.
It's an innovative design, surely the stock is so large, perhaps it needs a reservoir built in there. Imagine having a large gas container in there with a tube leading up to the firing mechanism. The home made US airguns seem to do this. PCP is the way to go.
+Myles Nicholas parkerhale phoenix has bottle in stock and is gawjus to look at and shoot

Benjamin Trail NP XL 725 .25 cal Pellet Rifle Review

Great gun Retail $300.00 plus tax Great value alternative to pcp Thank You for looking! Please leave a comment!

User Comments

how many shots did you need to take before your Benjamin stopped dieseling? I have put 50 through already and it still smokes, and sounds like I am shooting a black powder rifle!!! the power is amazing but I wonder if that is due in part to the added help of the dieseling.After putting the first 25 shots through(in my basement) I needed ear plugs !! my ears rang for about 4 hours!!! The accuracy is getting better with every 5 round group,and I added some aquarium floss into the baffle to try to reduce the muzzle report.I may try to reduce the size of the opening at the muzzle end(shroud screw hole, is much larger than .25 cal) with foam rubber washers.
It has the shroud,but there are no baffles inside,so quiet is not an option.sounds like a .22 cal powder rifle.and hits better.
+wayne stirling lol thanks for the correction i said register but i meant the licence. so they allow shrouds. or is it the canada legal shroudless version. happy shooting
No they don't need to be registered (long gun registry was abolished some years ago),however I did need an FAC(firearms acquisition certificate) to purchase it.and it seems to have settled down a bit now that I have more pellets through it.
+wayne stirling don't pellet guns in Canada of this velocity need to be registered as firearms.... and to boot aren't pellet guns with shrouds highly illegal in Canada?
This air rifle is ridiculously expensive for the power. You can get the much more powerful Hatsan 125 sniper for less.
Sorry for my stupiditeit english....
What are you talkin Aboutaleb? This gun is one of The powefullst weaphones on The markten....

Benjamin Marauder PCP Disassembly Guide, Guia de despiece. Full HD Part I

Partlist: //www.crosman.com/pdf/manuals/1763%20and%202263%20EVP%20and%20PL%20Update%20II.pdf Step by Step to learn how to disassembly ...

User Comments

Excelente video! amigo tengo un Bejamin Armada, es el mismo que el marauder, pero sabes como desmontarlo de la estructura? lo que pasa es que salio caro y me la pienso para intentar desarmarlo sin ayuda. Saludos!
+EDUARDO MONTALVO hola que tal, la verdad que no se, pero quizás puedas buscar el manual de despiece de la pagina de crosman y por hay orientarte.
prejudice I disassemble my benjamin, but in the assembly there 'leaking air !!! could you help me pls .... thanks
+yullex 333 canna.potete ??
Friend the benjamin marauder brings muffler ??
+Rafael Ramirez Reynero you can add from tko22 that com...
Muy buen video! Ambos la verdad. Tengo un Marauder, un día lo llené con unas 2700psi, a los dos dias lo fuí a usar y ya no tenía presión en el tanque. Trato de volver a llenar el tanque y pierde el aire por el cañón. Ya ordené el kit de o-rings para cambiarlos todos, espero que se corrija el problema. Se ve que sabes bastante del tema, si tienes una idea de que puede ser lo que le pasó al mio, agradecería cualquier ayuda. Pura vida! Saludos desde Costa Rica.
+Robert Martinez saludos y gracias.... con un 99% me atrevo a asegurarte que son los o-rings
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