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Breaking benjamin lawsuit over Videos

HOLY S#!% Is Breaking Benjamin Coming Back? (They're BACK... Sort of)

BREAKING BENJAMIN has been out of action for the remainder of 2011 and all of 2012 due to several issues. Signs of life show that they might SOONER or ...

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So far only Ben confirmed come-back. But no doubt I'm thrilled about this news, even if Aaron, Mark and Chad will be replaced with some new guys. May the new album will be fresh start for BB and a little more optimistic and positive thematic in songs if I can ask (Dear Agony was too depressive for my taste, though have some really good songs for example Crawl, Hopeless, Into The Nothing, Without You).
I'll believe it when I hear it from an official source. Such as the Breaking Benjamin Facebook page. Everyone always says that people are dead. Do you know how many times I've heard Adam Gontier has died? He's still around too. I'll believe it when I see it.
Yep, and everyone's happy to see them return. I'm just gonna be the greedy me I am and keep on ranting about how the album isn't out yet. But hey, I bet you all feel the same. Everyone wants this album out ASAP.
Ben died two days ago from his disease, sorry guys. I know this is upsetting news to you breaking benjamin fans, but it was said in an article and 94.5 the buzz. breaking benjamin will never come back.
ya dan chandler the singer of evans blue and fight or flight posted they are on his FB page n pretty possitive a touring partner knows his shit Js
Es genial, tambien lei justo cuando dijo que Breaking Benjamin continuaria. buena vibra hermanos, espero no se molesten por comentar en español
ya saturate is the hands down best but never will ben dissapoint hes an idol of mine since i heard him in '02
Its official! Ben Burnley had said the lawsuit had been resolved and Breaking Benjamin will continue!!!!!!
Still, It'll be a while before they release their next album, but at least they are at it again!
You give me a link to the article and I'll believe you. This is really nothing to joke about.
it says on their official website the bands problems have been resolved!
Lol, I just saw your comment in the Answer song video
Us fans stayed strong!! so now Ben's rewarding us c;
Its not breaking benjamin if they are not depressing
He can't be serious, you know how the internet is...
Chad left...Ben is the only one left now....great.
Chad left too man, like 3 days after the post.
fuck yeah ! this news made my day :)
Really?!?I fuckin' love you,man!:)
They better come back, or I'll die
Breaking Benjamin is continuing !
Firelfly, i remember this song,
Ben just said Its time to tour
waiting a long time 4 this
I hope they do cone back
They are BACK!!!! X3
Listen to Saturate
i like the song

Endless Bridge - Behind The Dark Light (Inspired by Breaking Benjamin)

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At the beginning, it was titled a Breaking Benjamin 2013 demo. He changed the name. Don't know what was up with that. The music is great, but at the beginning, it said that it was Breaking Benjamin, but we asked Rhiannon and Chad if it was and they both claimed it wasn't, which Chad is no longer in the band and hasn't actually jammed with Ben for a while. I know this isn't Breaking Benjamin.
Seriously, I'm not even fucking joking. I'd kill for you guys to live in New York. I'd definitely fill in for vocals. This style is perfect. But if this is implying that this music is Breaking Benjamin, it's wrong. We've had confirmation that it wasn't.
Who said I took it seriously? Never was implied. Just being sarcastic, giving you the message that your joke made absolutely no sense. Don't care if it's the internet, either.
"You Gwen from Ben 10?" Oh shit, you totally schooled my ass on that one. Shit, I forgot that childish jokes are what is considered cool now.
why does the title have breaking benjamin? are you guys working together, maybe a new album for bb. anyways great music
Jesus titty christ, I was only making a remark. God, you take it so seriously. It's the internet for fuck sake.
If there's a bass line in this, I don't hear it and it needs baaassss!! :( REALLY good demo, though
Beforehand, the video said it was a 2012 demo, look at the date I made the comment, you dweeb.
Sorry if your joke to me was lame. I probably would've found it funny if I was 8 years old.
Words can't express how awesome these 2 minutes are. Awesome work guys,keep it up :)
This is SO FUCKING BADASS!!!!!!! You guys just gained another fan. This is amazing.
Awesome ... when you people are gonna release it ... die gard breaking Benjamin fan
Do u guys have a release date yet for ur album? Ill definitely Be buying this:)!!
What? This song is inspired by breaking benjamin its not breaking benjamin O_O
We are going in Germany soon and there we are planning to finish our album...
Thanks! Thats right bro there is no bass line... Working on the album now...
Do you guys plan on finishing this song and adding in vocals? :)
This is great but why don't you have a picture of your own band?
Omagawd this is my fav song out of the ones u got till now =D
So who made this wonderful piece of music? Breaking Benjamin?
Thanks! Check other songs and you wiil see our picture:)
Not yet bro. There is still lot of work... Thanks:)
Thanks a lot! Welcome on the endless bridge!:)
No some other band...) Call us Endless Bridge...
Fucking piece of art *-* Absolutely love it.
What the hell. You Gwen from Ben 10? Dweeb.
INSPIRED by Breaking Benjamin. Can't read?
Such a great talent! I fucking loved it.
Holy crap! Is that ben burnly ?!?! :D
You maybe sure that we will!
Thank you bro! Soon...

Guy Doesnt Complete Dark Souls As Promised, Get's Sued For It.

Subscribe to RLM Corp: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOuKecIw7ObKsLCMimUbbMA Subscribe to my music channel: ...

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i've finished dark souls 1 3 times now, it's only hard the first time around, and then it's still only ornstein and smough that's hard. if you call dark souls ''DA HARDEST GAME EVAR'' you clearly haven't played it or you are literally among the worst gamers in existence.
You were one of the fortunate ones who decided to specialize in pyromancy. I didn't have any issues with the brothers until NG+. That's where the real challenge begins.
+Austin Downing then it's not that hard
+Jesus Christ I got platinum solo
Jesus is a bot...I knew it.
+Austin Downing to what boss did you get?
+Jesus Christ But miracles are kinda Your thing...
What's harder? It's the hardest game I've played, other than some NES games. I can't think of and AAA titles that are more difficult.
+Omni Codex no summons, no magic, no miracles.
Yeah, but you have super powers, so that's not fair.
After playing over three thousand hours of Dark Souls it's gotten very easy. Dark Souls II has always been easy. Dark Souls III will hopefully be very difficult. I've already gotten an hour or so into Dark Souls III's Wall of Lodeleth and it seems like it will be perfectly difficult. I'm pretty sure it's the Wall of Lodeleth, I think they changed the name from something if I remember correctly.
My last Dark Souls play through was two hours twenty seven minutes. I plan to get a video recorder so I can record myself running through all of it's demons and dragons and gods. My favorite character will always be Seath the Scaleless that slimy motherfucker.
Who the fuck thinks Darks Souls is easy
+HuntingLeviathan yeah, you need to atleast beat the game to think it was even possible, I've beat the 1st one 3 times second one twice
+Studd Muffn Me, but ive been playing for a while

Boxer Manny Pacquiao is sued over alleged shoulder injury

Boxer Manny Pacquiao is being sued in the US. Two spectators claim his alleged failure to disclose a pre-bout shoulder injury before the "Fight of the Century" ...

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As if they going to let a foreigner win
+Mocte Zuma Stop making excuses....he has won many times. You people are fucking pathetic. He lost because he was sloppy and Floyd took him out of his game.
They've been letting him win. He's won plenty here. Manny has a couple robberies in his favor
Money money money more money for may.
+philos4r the hyenas are scavenging already

Jon Stewart To Benjamin Netanyahu: 'How Dare You!'

Jon Stewart is warning Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that he might be facing a lawsuit... over stealing our election strategies. Just before this week's ...

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Damn I miss Stewart
+anfalas Phew, that's a relief...Haha.
+dan theman What, no! :D He's been doing the Daily Show since 1996, it was just the time for him :) 
+anfalas Damn, can nobody publicly criticise Israel without losing their job?...Lol.
+dan theman He doesn't do the Daily Show anymore, sadly! But Trevor Noah is a worthy successor :)
+supastar Miss him? Where did he go?
Watching a screen of a screen of a screen.
+Thrilla Whale LOL
Down with Satanyahu!!!! Boycott The Racist State of Israel!!!! I am an American and I say to the terrorist state of Israel "Hands off America!" "Stop controlling us!!" "Leave America alone!!"
+Violeta Ivanova, you are completely right.
+Stas Granin All politicians are greedy motherfuckers and traitors of their people. Look at what is happening in Europe. I support Israel and like the jews, but also feel sorry for the palestinian people. But their politicians/terrorist ruling elite has sold them out as well. People living in deocratic societies should demand more from their governments. The first demand should be to end all wars and military actions and do EVERYTHING possible to reach some diplomatic solution. I truly feel that the ruling elite does not care about diplomacy anymore. We are not heading in the right direction at all with all these wars. Diplomacy education and peace are the only way out of this shit.
+Zachary Gafanhao Oh sure! Like any American can talk smack about racism! We have the best racism around! Jim Crow laws for decades...slavery longer than ANY OTHER OECD country! We still fly f**** confederate flags at our state court houses and on state flags! The Stars and Bars..a symbol of a TREASONOUS attack on the United States Government by the Confederate States of ‘Murica! Racism is alive and well in the USA!!
+Zachary Gafanhao Your lost, stop sucking off the arabs or atleast after they cum in your face, smart up about the situation as you wipe it off. Israel want peace its their opposision who are blood thirsty vampires attacking the borders 24/7 then crying about beatings they take. Ive seen it first hand. Its pathetic how one sided the media has attacked Israel.
'sall good, man :)
+Stas Granin I like the Jewish and Israeli people a lot! No hate intended whatsoever. God bless you! 
+Zachary Gafanhao, that's misplaced hate, my friend. I'm from Israel and we hate this war mongering clown. What a douche. He's our less stupid version of Bush. Don't blame politics on the people ;)

Christina backstage with Breaking Benjamin and Evans Blue

Christina Martin backstage at Pointfest, hosting artists lounge, dressing Chad the drummer of Breaking Benjamin and 3 members of Evans Blue.

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hey tons of backstage shots at "the Backstage Artist Lounge" on Facebook
At first I thought the guy at 0:34 was ironing or something.
I love Chad. Almost as much as I love Ben.
lolz you look so pretty
Chad looks so pretty;)
Dam she's a cutie
chad!!!! \m/
lol at 1:23

Sex lawsuit: Swedish ex-model wins $18 million from 'Wall Street wolf' harassment scandal - TomoNews

NEW YORK — Hanna Bouveng, 25, is $US18 million richer after winning a court case against her former boss Benjamin Wey, the CEO of New York Global ...

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She does have a choice to say no, but she did it anyways. He was at fault too, could of grown a pair and asked her out and see if she was dating him for his money but it seemed like it anyways. So no one wins.
+nero1840 despite your point, technically the winner seems to be the Girl. .18 million is a lot of money for such an "effort".
Is this the first case where someone has been harrased online and actually got money for it? Don't they normally make the dude do community service for this type of thing? I can only guess she was sleeping with the judge and her ex's lawyer to get money for it... especially 18 million... just wow!
Ya, especially she's swedish and 18 million dollars are like 180 million in swedish money.
One of the rare times a women who is well off has sex with a black guy....maybe didn't choose, but more of a slut. She does NOT deserve 18 million. Insane that someone who is a slut is rewarded in life.
I agree to an extent. When they are approaching 40 and alone usually the sluts go through a crazy phase and the oil well dries.Around 40 women start to get less happy in life, she will be an example, when looks fade and attention goes.Just by stats, women go unhappy as they get older. So short term yes she wins, long term she loses.
Everyone is jealous of black men Lol How the fuck can you even suggest she is a gold digger? the guy said if she doesn't have sex with him he's going to fire her. this guy is a piece of shit. she was pressured into sex and did it only to keep from losing her job. this guy should be in prison.
+Mark M oh you poor lost soul.  if you only knew how many things white girls do and choose not to tell their fragile white cuckolds about.amazing that things still go on when you're actively participating in the discussion, eh cucky?
+KingoftheHAHAHATHis is still going on? LOL...I left King alone and more people dropped sperm on his face.I like the burnt negro line. I love the logic, it has me lmao.Funny thing is the video never specified the color of the guy she cheated with, we just all assumed it was an awful ghetto black guy...lolWe all assumed it was a black guy because they are a lower form of life in the back of our minds and it is one of the SUPER RARE occasions, where a women chooses a black guy over another race.
+Conqwiztadore22THis is still going on? LOL...I left King alone and more people dropped sperm on his face.I like the burnt negro line. I love the logic, it has me lmao.Funny thing is the video never specified the color of the guy she cheated with, we just all assumed it was an awful ghetto black guy...lolWe all assumed it was a black guy because they are a lower form of life in the back of our minds and it is one of the SUPER RARE occasions, where a women chooses a black guy over another race....imo.
+Conqwiztadore22 hahaha lolol ok dude love you, your very funny. add my on google, i write books and i would love hearing your opinion on some other stuff, ill add you
+Conqwiztadore22 haha its not about being black dude, its about not being able to fit in your vagina after, you,ll be throwing your sausage in a hallway. but you don't even make much sense, if your wife left you for a women. what she is saying is that a woman is better than you. so if your wife cheats on you with a black man, what is she saying about you? she is saying your worst than a burnt black negro. that sounds even worse, what would all your friends say when they hear a burnt black guy ruined your woman for you. hahaha, you did not think it through man, you just wanted to say something you thought would offend someone.
+Conqwiztadore22 tough talk but we all know your already tiny nuts would shrivel up to the size of raisins if you were to catch your girl getting the shit fucked out of her by a black man.  and no matter who you are with you know they always want something bigger and blacker.  just facts.
+ridimwaveLOL the black pipe////Love the wit....and sarcasm....lol
+Conqwiztadore22 i would be jealous of any man i came home and found with my woman, but even more so if it is a super hung black guy, that just cuts even deeper man, i think even black men feel that way. if you come home and see your wife with and Asian, your like "girl what you doing stop playing, you must be tripping." but if she takeing that black pipe you go nuts "NO bitch what the hell, how you going to do this to me, i try my best to provide and this is what you do o lord Jesus" lol im just kidding dont trip people 
+Conqwiztadore22 google her name and check the article on the daily mail.  he's black. 
+Conqwiztadore22 i don't know, but i guess white men know something we don't.  clearly this woman would give up a life of luxury to get the brakes fucked off her.  maybe that has something to do with it.
+Mark M mgtow, right dude!  men going their own way!  you've had it with women and their bbc-loving ways!
+ridimwaveMake sense, but stats from various studies show what I say to be true. I am not playing favorites, I just know stats show what women like and dislike.Just making a comment, did not want people to get offended like the King Chimp. Some people hide from stats, I lie that you reasoned it. It could be like you said, but I think it is societey painting black features as unattractive and that is why women think that way.Women are more easily manipulated.
+KingoftheHAHAHA i would not go that far, its not like a mass exodus of white women, most white women still marry white men. its just most women are becoming alot more adventurous, which im not even sure is a good thing. because now we having all these sluts and cheaters. like i personally feel for alot for white men who wife kick them to the curve for some hot bum and brings the guy to live in the home her husband built to raise his kids all the while he has to pay their bills. and i blame feminist for all this their sexual liberation all that, and seeing as how white women lead the madness im not so sure what any man white or black sees as so desirable in white women. i mean for sex yeah but not for marriage man 
How do suggest she's a gold digger? WOW she originally asked for 850 million $ omg what a stupid response and don't even say she was pressured into getting 850 million! lmfao
+ridimwave don't even bother.  the guy is a scared little pale faced faggot.  he's probably got a blog about how black men are taking all the white women (which is true, btw).
+Mark M Dude dude how do they collect those stats, think about it they ask people rigth. now just look around with your eyes and see whats up, i understand its hard to accept but i live in the Caribbean and i see white women come here exclusively to find back men. look at the celebrity couples like Kim and Kanye, its happening right now man, look at all the mix kids bouncing around come on man its time to wake up and get you some exotic pussy to, hit up Taiwan go japan i know most of you white boys dont like dark meat but there are some nice girls in the Caribbean, none of that over aggressive american stuff live a little man, before the show is over cause the way things going now it looks like we ent got much time left
Sure chimp.
+Mark M whitey
+KingoftheHAHAHAOh....I am not white or Asian you chimp.  I was merely making statistical truths.I am sure after this comment you'll pull a chimpout.
Doesnt excuse her for being a gold digging hoe. $$$ hoe!
+Mark M white tears.
Oh...gosh one of those guys. I thought you were a serious commenter. Never mind you are a black guy most likely who is upset at his own standing in life.I run into a few of you daily in NYC. Sad life that it is.
+Mark M another jealous one haha
+KingoftheHAHAHA Really rare when a white women has sex with a black guy. Stats show, most women avoid black guys so I am not sure of the jealous part unless you are black and want to feel good about yourself.If you are serious, and want honest answers, non black women avoid blacks due to their looks, personality, physique and status. Stats show black are usually at the low end of attractiveness scales to others. This women surprises me though, as she had a great job and life and dated down in reality.

[459] Indefinite Detention in Mississippi, Corporate Climate Infiltrators & In-Your-Face Activism

Abby Martin Breaks the Set on Mississippi Jails, Climate Negotiations. LIKE Breaking the Set @ //fb.me/JournalistAbbyMartin FOLLOW Abby Martin ...

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When are you going to do a show on the Georgia guidestones?
+David King If you can build it, just build it and stop caring about what a woman on tv thinks.
After she sucks al gores ...vagina and fails to look at the evidence of SUPPRESSED clean, free energy technology.  I used to  like her, now she makes me sick.
20 14 what does it mean? - Abby's hair will get curlier?

Confirmed: Benjamin Fulford's Inside Info on $1.1 Trillion Lawsuit Against the Elite is NOT a Hoax

article: //www.in5d.com/confirmed-ben-fulford-1-trillion.html In a massive story where truth becomes stranger than fiction, a huge coverup of global ...

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@gaiabloke In this case the Anglican Church was the main perp. but, the Vatican is implicated & has their own rap sheet of murder/torture/pedophilia at other Indian Schools. When I say mother church I am referring to the Vatican, though I really feel looking at it, it's a curse to the word mother to associate it with that organization... don't think I'll use that phrase again. It is horrible, it is vile and yes, I think it will do humanity a great service to fully expose this "church". Totally.
Shit coming from another angle towards the "elitists" is the find of childrens bones outside Canadas oldest Indian Residential School on Nov. 28, 2011. The Mohawk nation is keeping the case under their jurisdiction & aiming straight for the Canadian gov. & the "mother church". Yep the shit seems to be flying in their general direction, I see it snowballing pretty quick here. They rely too much on the delusion of control & predicatbilities... like they're somehow immune to the unpredictable.
@professormaxtrinity - Thanks for posting this info. As abhorrent as it is, people need to hear the truth about their beloved spiritual leaders. It makes me sick to the core. Clif High has been citing this church behaviour for a while & adds how they will be outed for the VILE creatures they really are. I'm not sure if your exact example is included in Clif's citations or not. When it comes to Paedophilia & harm to children, my compassion for the perpetrators fades to zero.
@bearpatch626 ZIONISTS all of them, little to nothing to do with Jews its everything to do with ELITIST IDEOLOGIES. Anyone who claims they can kill you because their god says so, anyone who says you are an animal and treats/writes laws as such. Anyone who our Earth is theirs to do with as they please, anyone who has the I b4 U mentality, THEY ARE THE ENEMY OF MAN.
@rg2027x lol... these people are literally retarded if they beleive a word of this. I dont just mean stupid... I mean retarded like downs syndrome. I think its safe to say that the alternative media people are more manipulated than the MSM people at this point.
Thoughts are action! We've all been pretty much done with ALL the bs, really, so it doesn't surprise me what all of them are going to face. Sweet consciousness is just manifesting and at are seeing that it is our power producing it... Awesome!
I recommend everyone who is interested in this subject to click on the in5d site and then the link to Davd Willcock's divinecosmos site to read the full interview he had with Ben Fulford.
@professormaxtrinity There are so many people now out of sync with 'regular life programming' that it is completely falling apart at the seams. Amen to that ay
@professormaxtrinity ... One further thing, what denomination is the 'Mother Church' ?... would it be the Catholic Church by any chance?
wake up folks, hear the cry and act like a human, FEEL, no one wonts to be controlled, we care we love we judge our own, not another ♥
@Joelhimself Amen and indeed! Glad to see it happening. Peace to you friend, I have the feeling it's going to be an awesome year ;)
I really would like to believe Fulford on the white dragons and DUMB's destruction. Just sounds too good to be true.
So much love being given from me to you all. Change is coming. Hang in there. We are one
And just how did the dragon family get 1.1 trillion?
sounds like another psyop to play the serfs..
wow a commercial for your website???
And just who is this new enemy???
But we have a new enemy. The ESF
@CosmosPrivateer the esf?
@essellkay Look it up
Z for zillions
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