Please give Okinawa back to Okinawa (not to Japan but to Okinawa)
Today is one of the saddest days for Okinawans after the War. The Okinawan governor Nakaima accepted the Futenma relocation plan to Henoko on the same ...
BEGIN Sanshin No Hana Eng Sub (Okinawa band BEGIN.)
+Courtney McDowell I don't understand the whole part but generally they were saying "Iyasasa." I once asked a local what that means, he told me that it is a little like the English equivalent of "Go! Go!" I hope this helps a little!!
Ryujin no Utage in Uruma city, Okinawa 2013 (JAPAN UPDATE)
Historical beliefs not withstanding, Ryujin is a powerful influence in Okinawa, and Taiko drums are important for the impact of the performance, which comes to ...
Round 1 Arcade, Okinawa, Japan
A few of my favorite games and songs at the local arcade in Okinawa, Japan. The songs played, are overlayed on the video. Please, mind the volume. Also, I am ...