Not every game, Im hoping one game will not do that. Although mobas are mainly for men, which in that case, over sexualizes the woman. I am a girl gamer, but I don't mind it.
She is an Hunter, hunters need to wear as little as possible to move around swiftly and fast. Smite does not over sexualize because in the actual drawings of the gods, the woman are half naked already.
+LPS FlowerLove567 Youtube is full of haters and idiots, I expected no less from them lol. Also, there is such a thing as light full body armor lol. But whatever, persist in the delusion that she is not half-naked because sex doesn't sell lol!.
Anyway. She is a Hunter and she needs to wear something light to get around. Please. If you put up this comment, don't expect NOT to get hate. Maybe learn more about the gods from the pantheons.
+jamilah razzaq I think we're to the point where we're no longer arguing, and instead simply throwing witty 1-liners at eachother. So I'm gonna stop. =D
+Melancholy Fox Yeah plz don't you're an idiot. What part of fantasy do you not understand? They can alter it all they want. Obviously she's half-naked and impractical for marketing purposes duh.
+jamilah razzaq So, you're saying it's wrong because they DIDN'T alter the mythos as much? And you're calling me an idiot. Alright lol, have fun with your demented views of reality, I won't comment again. =D
+Melancholy Fox Fuck off dumbass, that's always the excuse with you clowns. Certain fictional characters in the God of War series who would otherwise be half-naked still had more armor/protection than this broad. Fantasy games are rarely accurate and are always left to the whims of the creators. Imbecile.
+jamilah razzaq That's how they're depicted in their respective myths. Go learn history and come back, k? =D
Smite - Silent Gameplay, Using A PS3 Controller
I haven't uploaded in a while and I figured I may as well with a Smite gameplay. I don't talk because it's like 5 am or so and I haven't slept at all. Excuse my lag ...
man i have setup and configured my ps3 controller to my pc using motion
joy, however when i go into smite it still wont allow me to change the
binding using the ps3 controller! please make a vid doing it step by step
maybe not so much w/ the ds3 or motion joy but what u did to make it work
through smite, thanks and good vid
It's hard to remember right now, but I'll try. Make sure you're emulating a xbox 360 controller with motion joy. And you can check it's working by clicking the vibration test button. Then try testing it again. If that doesn't work then there should be some way to download ps3 controller drivers for motion joy, and you can try enabling those and then see if it works.
+Michael Wallace after trialing it through, thought I had the same issue but it's already programmed in when "joystick" is active. no need to keybind :D
For me I don't open up Steam to recognize my controller, I download DS3 Tool and set it up as Xinput (Xbox 360) so my computer would THINK I'm using an Xbox controller. Hope this helps.
This is my enchantment guide for the sword, talking about the six enchantments available for it (knock back, looting, fire aspect, sharpness, smite and bane of ...
U need lots of levels and lots of bookshelves surrounding it with the enchanted books you want.(ex. If you want smite II, enchant the book, and surround the enchantment table with bookshelves, then enjoy your new enchantment)
Are thoose enachartmens the same on the other swords
(gold,wood,stone,iron... im not a pro at encharment, and potions,and i know
potions arent needed for enchartment because you cant enchart with potions
+Lylah Gordon thx but i dont really write allway's correct because we aren't in school and it's important that you guy's understand me ... more you don't need as long as you understand what i wanna say it's ok
IN HD E' MEGLIO ;)----------------------------- ISCRIVITI E CONDIVIDI! ☆ Vi ringrazio per i mi piace e le condivisioni :D ☆ Pagina Facebook: // ...
Tranquillo puoi cominciare a vedere la guida per neofiti sul mio canale per vedere come funziona , in game aggiungi grayowl27 , e comunque si ti sarà di aiuto
+Gufo Grigio tra poco finisco di scaricare =) perche un mio amico me lo ha fatto provare che ora lui non ci gioca piu e tra poco inzio a giocare =) ho giocato per abbastanza tempo a lol e a un altro gioco col mirino come snmite quindi secondo te mi sarà di aiuto? (lol come esperienza di moba, e neverwinter come mirino e stile di gioco diciamo) mi sarebbe di aiuto?
+giuseppe sorrentino provo ad aggiungerti ma non ti trova io mi chiamo Edoardo943 se ti va aggiungimi che giochiamo insieme
SMITE | Controller Configuration Guide!
This is a short video where I demonstrate how to setup a controller and how I have my controller configured. I am using my controller all the time in SMITE so I ...