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Breaking bad dvd Videos

Hank and Marie watch the real dvd (Breaking Bad/Malcom in the Middle mashup)


User Comments

Poetic foreshadowing of Walter White's deadly dance with blue.
He looks good in blue just like his crystal blue.. Never mind
hahahah.. Hil fuckin larious.. ty

Breaking Bad Complete Series DVD Review

DVD Review for Breaking Bad: The Full Series! This is by far the best television show I've ever seen. Own the entire series on Blu-ray and DVD now!

User Comments

Hey does this collection have the english subtitles on every season ? cause I really need those and I know some of the seasons originally came without them,
+Simon D. B. I believe Captions are available on every episode. I'll double check

Breaking Bad the Complete Series DVD review

Breaking Bad the Complete Series DVD review. This is a review of the complete series collection, not the show itself. Breaking Bad was a great show that kept its ...

User Comments

Hey does this collection have the english subtitles on every season ? cause I really need those and I know some of the seasons originally came without them,
thanks for the demonstration, but i would have liked to see the discs for the other seasons too
good review, thank you !! 

Breaking Bad - Edição de Colecionador - Collector's Edition Unboxing

Edição nacional com todas as temporadas de Breaking Bad em DVD. Edição de Colecionador.

User Comments

matou usar as mesmas capas para os discos
so tem legendado amigo.

Breaking Bad Season 1 DVD Review/Unboxing (HD)

In honor of the return of the final episodes of Breaking Bad, I have decided to do a Review/Unboxing of Season 1 of Breaking Bad on DVD. This is a really great ...

User Comments

How could it fit on 3 discs? There were only 7 episodes in that season, so it could fit into 1.
+Kyle Miner Is Back They spread it out to fit over the three discs
I watch breaking bad too!
I know! I love it! :)
+Darian Hardmon Best show ever man! 

Breaking bad: Hanks Realization.

had the idea to make a compilation of all the things hank didnt think to pay attention too. turned it into this.

User Comments

detailed and professional opinions, as well as answers on statements and questions: 1: in reality Hank would have found out long time before who Heisenberg ; 2; the scene was "far fetched" or "to naive"; anyway I first started writing quick answer here on youtube, then after that I have wrote comment on our forum and then somebody made another comment on Ytube which is also on forum so I am copy pasting it here; if you were not a big fan of B.Bad or not a lot interested into the series production, story or in general scriptwriting as profession I doubt you will have time or nerves to read all of this But if you are enjoy; First, they knew each other and each of their small and big habits, they knew each of their intimate little secrets and details of those secretes, probably including their sex lives or how does each one of them eat their burgers on BBQ's... Hank did notice and saw clearly White had issues and was behaving different as well as highly preoccupied with a lot of things but considering he found out about his cancer diagnosis, and considering he knows how much he cared about his son, about losing/quitting his job and problems with his wife as well as their problems with the money he did not have time nor need reason to go dig any deeper into it as he had more then enough answers why would somebody behave like that even if he did not know him, those facts would be enough to understand... also he himself had huge issues in his own professional life to be bothered with him... The fact that majority of those issues was directly connected with W.White was so inconceivable and so small in possibility that nobody would really suspect such a stupendous coincidence ... I mean the odds of it were so insignificant ... Also the drug cooking, trade and money laundering and many other stuff was happening long before White even knew let alone involved in any of it and long before he made the purest product and that means Hank had many previous successes and fails, ups and downs and encounters during his career and all those years and there was no way for him to connect how his brother in law is all of a sudden suspicious in regards with the biggest drug operation he was ever part of (it just wasnt possible and it wasnt happening until, fully accidentally, it did happen)... even though writers did try to show few of those instances where he did attempt some cop work on Walter.... but if you have anybody in your family or your friends who is a cop they all have that distinctive curiosity about certain things, even when they are out of work or relaxing with family .... White had all reasons to look worried, to behave strange or to do anything crazy or out of his normal character.. Walter is 'leaving' and he knows his life is ending so he is little stressed and snapping thats what Hank thought ... It would take a veteran expert in trans-personal behavioral psychology with a natural talent and evolved NLP experience and knowledge to distinguish between: 1. I-am-a-criminal-and-love-it-because-it-feeds-my "narcissist sociopath syndrome disorder" and 2. damn-I-am-dying-with-shitload-of-problems-I-want-to-solve-b4-I-go-and-I'm-realizing-I-havent-done-enough-for-me-or-my-family type of face .... About the scene and why it is not "far fetched" Also somebody said the scene was "far fetched", I do not think so, I am one of the people who is dedicated to find such little "mistakes" or soapy, un-realistic moments (and similar) in different script's (where there could be a case of lack of author's creativity , lack of good dramatist, lack of broadcast time to explain longer version of event, or sometimes lousy decision based on incompetent or underpaid producer/director/dramatist).. we usually analyse and do all of that "work" after any big A-production film or series.. ... We are, btw, a small company and we have a public forum and 2/3ths of us are writing critics on different sites or magazines, mostly IMDB, local newspapers (local, global and several internet places), we have amateur and professional scriptwriter's, poet's, dramatist's, playwright's, novelist's, book authors, linguists and editors.... ...anyway we all agreed that B.Bad was one of most polished and one of the top 5 most creative of series (story and script wise) in time when it was broadcast. It also revolutionized the whole writing process in certain way as there are hundreds of pages which never went into series and which was written about characters and what they do while they are NOT subject of interest or in otheer words when we, as audience, dont see them (that was what triggered the idea to produce series "better call Saul" as there was some amazing stuff "behind the scenes" with him and it was discovered during the process of writing how he could be amazing main protagonist for his own separate story/script).. But the whole point of this is to say that we went even very deep and even into the question was that hank realization scene "far fetched", was it "to soapy" or "to naive", a friend of mine said it was below quality of other "solutions" but it is interesting to know that one of our younger amateur writers went and made a little research about this and In case of USA more then 70 percent of all old criminal cases (from which any of three letter agencies gave up either due to lack of clues and evidence, witnesses or prolonged time without any progress) were solved by accident or in slang "cause they wanted to be solved by themselves"... People with criminal past (specially with large amounts of money) tend to become to relaxed, not cautious or vigilant enough and then they are usually caught ...
+Coyotemation if you can not understand I have copy pasted my review (which is part of my job and my profession) ;    Than I dont really know what to tell you, from this point on you can keep pursuing your "deep insights" against people who write to long comments on youtube, or whatever the hell you're trying to do, I promise I wont react, you're just to shallow to waste my time and energy on.
+Coyotemation but, read what ever the hell you want and comment, if you dont want becaue it is "to long" than fuck of, dont comment I really dont care one way or the other...    I just wonder why would you keep answering or why who you think you are to say my comments "has no place here..."...    DORK
+Coyotemation Also ad-hominem is a one of series of conventions, semi-moronic rules, dogmas and moronic laws of behaving and communication used by "The ton" (or upper 10 thousand) or term commonly used to refer to Britain's high society...     If you know history of anglo-saxons and what is all they did influence you woudl understand how last 10-15 years of butt-hurt fagotry is using that retro-trendy anglo saxon bon-ton and its Ad-hominem excuse of "proving the point"... 
+Coyotemation hahahah....    its really "cute" how you're trying to explain to me what is meaning of ad-hominem while you're throwing stuff like "pretentious twat" or how I'm over-analyzing while in same time telling me how you're not reading my comments...     How can you conclude any of that and factually know it if it is "to long" for you to read ?   
+Leonard Orr Ad hominem is the use of insults in place of factual argumentation. Which isn't an anglo-saxon rule, it's just a way of speaking. In any language. Good job being a pretentious twat.
+Coyotemation  couldnt care less if you're reading my comments;    Ad-hominem ? lol ... If you soak up, obey and bend over to every new anglo-saxon rule of communication it doesnt mean everybody else does.    You narrow pleb !
+Leonard Orr Too long, didn't read. I see a whole lot of ad-hominem though. Very mature.
+Coyotemation just be silent....lol, for your own good.      What a frustrated little pleb..  To learn anything in life you narrow dork, maybe you should start with learning how to read some text or review longer then one liners or semi-moronic "funny answers";    This shallow little Nitwit thinks he can pose as some Criterion and tell people what can or cant be posted ...   ..or better yet quoting the dork : "...it has no place here..." lol..    ..and all of that on most public, biggest, and most spread intellectual, video and audio materials ever uploaded on on this planet !!     you're semi-moron...   Your rhetoric is infantile and your Logic is silly, go watch a cartoon and then to bed.. 
+Leonard Orr And right now you're in a YouTube comment section. Your snobby over-analysis of a fictional media produced solely for entertainment, based nowhere in reality, has no place here and just comes off as arrogant and holier-than-thou. Go away.
+Coyotemation   I publish those; Its my job,   I write reviews on scripts and films;  When I dont publish them in almanacs or in magazines I copy paste them on Imdb or anywhere where people talk about it.....
+Leonard Orr Jesus Christ dude, nobody gives a shit. It's a a piece of fiction, not a criminal documentary.
Cooking crystal meth in the middle of the day, having dinner by the pool with the D-E-A
+T1AORyanBay IF you ever try to stopHeisenberg getting paid!
Run you over with my Aztek - GTA
its from epic rap battles of history
+Milo Septett Hey, that rhymes!
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