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Breaking bad agent Videos

GTA5 Misteri e Stranezze #54 Walter White, KGB, Agent 14, Joe Thornton, Breaking Bad

Episodio ricco di interessanti informazioni al riguardo dei personaggi delle rapine che altro non sarebbero che riferimenti alla serie di Breaking Bad e ...

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Er satto sei un grande!
A e se vuoi mi puoi dare il tuo n. di telefono?
Satto li vedi i miei video? Capisco che sono fatti con una grafica pessima ma ti possono interessare (almeno credo)
+Simone Cutello faccio uso di sostanze dopanti
Ma come fai a trovare gli ester eggs
+Simone Cutello grazie :D
Il KGB non esiste più. Adesso c'è la FSB.
+Alan29 grazie per la delucidazione
Ersa ho scoperto una cosa per il new gen . Vedendo il video sui mostri delle fogne a un certo punto phanampton vede un codice. Io mi sono informato e in effetti il codice ce e ce scritto 2014 cioe la data di quando è uscito GTA 5 per la play 4 Cmnq sei grande ersatto
+ErSatto grazie a teMa cmnq lo fai vedere
+Gio Lati grazie!

Breaking Bad Season 5 - Jesse Pinkman to Agent Xena Schrader @ San Diego Comic-Con 2012

Heroin Labeled 'Breaking Bad' Caused 3 Deaths, DEA Agent

DEA Acting Special Agent-in-Charge James Hunt talks about the uptick in heroin sales and use in the last year and a brand of heroin, stamped "Breaking Bad" ...

Keith Jardine cameo in Breaking Bad

Keith Jardine made a quick appearance getting beat up in Breaking Bad. //mma.battleofone.com.

User Comments

Wish people in bar fights were that stupid. I mean, Hank pushing the guy with the bottle... try to do that in real life and you get a few stabs.
+Bat & Spider Italiano do Chapeu russoStill, people struggles at least. Not even martial arts experts can execute their moves perfectly.
If you know how to fight and dodge. This wont be a problem
I'd like to see Hank fight Tuco. 
+Rodney Dongerfield You're goddamn right!
+Brett Palmer I recon mike vs hank would be better
+Zhake *only beat people. That's a good point. I think Hank would kick Tuco's ass. I mean come on, he man handled Keith Jardine like nothing.
+Ryan Morrison hank would wreck him in a fist fight
Hank did win, actually.
Hank would win
+Ryan MorrisonTuco only beated people who didn't defend. Jesse? NoDoze? And when Jesse defended himself Tuco got shot by him.
Tuco would win, Hanks a bad ass and all. But Tucos a psycho who has no remorse. You never have any competition with that, hank will have sort of a conscience in the way, like any normal person would have. Tuco would do what ever it takes, he will go past the line. 

'Breaking Bad' free agent Vince Gilligan has studios in pursuit

'Breaking Bad' free agent Vince Gilligan has studios in pursuit Hollywood's hottest unsigned TV showrunner, Breaking Bad creator Vince Gilligan, is weighing ...

Bob Odenkirk of Breaking Bad, SNL, Mr. Show & Tim and Eric

Bob Odenkirk of Breaking Bad joins Media Mayhem to talk about everything from sketch comedy and political satire, to his unlikely inspiration for playing shady ...

User Comments

Well, it turns out bob odenkirk is a left wing retard. Also fuck lena dunham.
+zargmatt Completely disagree. For god's sake, have you seen what happened in the 20th century with the widespread acceptance and promotion of communism? If that's not proof that extremely bad ideas can be accepted by 'experts', I don't know what is. These intellectuals believed in communism in the face of damning evidence to the contrary, and they continue to today even after its complete failure.Economics is a weird beast, it has many counter intuitive ideas which go against default human tribal-thinking. That's why I think so many people can be so retarded about it and still be accepted by the mainstream.  They're emotional tribal thinkers.So, if you want to get to the truth, moving towards the middle really isn't a good philosophy to apply here. Was the golden mean the best policy when the majority of people believed in ridiculous stuff like bloodletting? There were many times throughout history where some large segment of the population believed in something ridiculously untrue.
+seanlolol2 There are too many ideas possible in this universe to simply accept one and then sit around railing against those that disagree with the one you choose to proselytize.  If economics is empirical, then like any scientific observation, it will change over time and not always be true.  Every philosophy has it's zealots and its dissidents both of whom are educated and present evidence to the contrary of the other, so the only rational perspective is the golden mean.  
+zargmatt Im sorry but some things left wingers believe in are so obviously dumb, it makes people who actually understand economics really pissed off.  Im talking about policies like minimum wage, high tariffs, government subsidies, high taxes on the wealthy with a disregard for the laffer curve, quantitative easing, government run schooling, government run healthcare, the current welfare system:  All those things are just full of unintended consequences leading to awful results, and the left still supports them wholeheartedly.  Learn from the master milton friedman and you will understand.
+seanlolol2 Here's my impression of a dumbass conservative: "I'm so entitled to my opinion that liberalism is bullshit I'm going to scoff at liberals as if everyone agrees with me, because if you don't agree with me, you're dumb and a liberal.  Der der der."  Ta-da!  
+zargmatt I never watched that dumb show.
+seanlolol2 Clearly you have never watched him on Mr. Show or any of his other sketch comedy, because it would have been plainly obvious that he's left wing. Get your head out of your ass and maybe you won't be so surprised by the obvious, ya ring wing retard. :)
I quite like this presenter she knows her stuff, I wish more were like her. Anywho Bob Odenkirk is awesome
Oh well, maybe someday...
+mrjimmyos she does seem smart but after seeing her here for the first and only time i would confidently say her interviewing technique leaves a lot to be desired
He looks a lot like a court appointed lawyer I once had. This guy seemed so sleazy I think he inspired Saul Goodman and then they toned him down for the show.
+SurvivalTipsClips if you're saying odenkirk is sleazy you're opinion is probably being influenced by his performance as Saul.
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