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Breaking bad last season Videos

Breaking Bad Season Finale - Freestyle by Taalbi Brothers: teen brothers shred flamenco rock guitar!

Buy the song on iTunes: //tinyurl.com/Tbros-freestyleDL Free mp3 of the song in this video: //tinyurl.com/Tbros-RNfreestyleLiveDL The Taalbi Brothers ...

User Comments

I kinda want to blow up a meth superlab now.
haha you beat me to the comment.
+JSTrudel xaxaxaxaxa yeay :p
Your profile picture fits this comment perfectly. Do NOT EVER CHANGE IT!!!
How could you dislike this? Not only for the skill and sing itself but these teenagers made a song badass enough to be the theme to death of the most powerful drug King pin in the US and parts of Central America 
+eddielaur they didn't actually make a song, look up Diablo rojo
these dudes copied the song. The original is Diablo rojo by rodrigo y gabriela
+Vegeta Diablo rojo or not its still Beethoven's 7th Allegretto sped up with a twang delivered glorifyingly in a spaniard format, it fucken owns none the less.
+Vegeta nobody copies NOTHING.Part of what you listen here, actually can be listen on Breaking Bad. Tamacun also features a escape scene in the Season 01 :)
+Bálint Ujvári I know my english is very bad
+BOB boby nice english better original opinion no what i dont know you what is that say you meaning nonsense to call the what this interrococtail
+AssassinsCreed4Life This brothers is too stupid for create a song man, they copied diablo rojo come on........... diablo rojo better
+Vegeta insect
+AssassinsCreed4Life You fool! He is the prince of all Saiyans!
Shut up vagina nobody cares what you have to say, read the title it was in Breaking Bad that's how they knew the song so that's how they titled it

Breaking Bad season 2 finale scene

User Comments

So the planes just happen to crash over Walt's house? Give me a break.
+ma675 Over Albuquerque, as Walt lives there and the operator worked at Albuquerque airport. Yeah, so unbeliveable.
Desmond didn't press the button ;) Anyone get the reference ?
+ThatGamerGuy LOST. Same msg here.Conscience gives you the same error and you try to make the same rational justification of it.
how the hell cant the planes see each other i mean its not like they are remote controlled.. they could have steered a little to the left or right, am i right?
+Josh Wheeler Incorrect. TCAS was working correctly in the Uberlingen mid-air collision. The collision was caused by the pilots following the ATC's order to descend, causing them to do the opposite of what their TCAS was telling them. The DHL followed TCAS, the Bashkiri Airlines pilots did not.
An average 737 can travel up to speeds of around 500 miles an hour depending on wind conditions and turbulence. That being said, you're traveling at over 700 feet a second and by the time you see an incoming aircraft it may already be too late to react. There is a safeguard on an aircraft to prevent things such as this called TCAS (Traffic Collision Avoidance System) which will determinate the position and altitude of other aircraft in your area. Should two planes be on a collision course, the TCAS will alert the pilots by telling 1 party to ascend and the other to descend. However, there have been crashes where TCAS has actually caused planes to collide. The Uberlingen Mid-Air collision was such a case when TCAS told both planes to descend and as a result they collided. So it's entirely plausible to say this could happen since things like this have already happened.
I think i'm missing the point here, can somebod explain the link between those events?
+tna2014 Renting a house vs. not saving a human being. Yes, your logic is impenetrable. Also, I would never want to meet you.
+Floris Moens Photo/videography Russian shoot it
+Floris Moens Photo/videography If you watched the show, Aaron Paul's character "Jesse" was living and doing heroine with a girl named Jane who's father worked for the FAA at the airport. His daughter Jane died from ODing and Walter (baldy) was there at the moment and could have saved her life, but instead let her choke and die all for the purpose so that Jesse would focus again on making Meth with him and not be sidetracked with her. Her father suffered so much mental anguish and depression from this that he lost his concentration in the tower guiding planes and caused 2 to collide in midair eventually ending up committing suicide.
+SkullDagger7920 Damn Walt is one strong ass dude. And what was on that pizza?!
+1moe7 The plane exploded because Walter threw a pizza at it :D
+tna2014 Jesse didn't let someone die. Him buying the house didn't cause another person to practically mentally shut down. lol
+marshmalOxpload Well, going with that logic, if Jesse didnt rent the house, he would never meet Jane and she wouldnt die. So it could be his fault
Walter could've prevented Janes OD. Her father is a air traffing controller, and the loss of his only daughter led him to collide the two planes. So Walt is to blade, ultimately, for the deaths of 167 people. And if you know the names of the episodes, the first episode in which the intro is the pink bear is called "737", the 2nd "Down", 3rd "Over" and 4th "ABQ". Crayz, right? I think so too. 
holy shit yeah walter could have saved Jane from dying from drug OD and her father wouldnt feel like crap and the 2 planes wouldn't have crashed lol man this series is so great in detail
Walter's actions led to this plane crash.

Breaking Bad - Final Season - "Line Of Fire" (tribute)

Basically, I wanted to create a tribute to the last season of this great show using the very haunting song from the "Felina" promo.

User Comments

Great work as usual, you're really gifted ! Awsome
My fav video from you, really well done :)
I got chills man! awesome job!
Great Job!
Great job
Nice job.

Breaking Bad Season FIVE Recap Pt 1/2

You Got Me............Skylar is afraid of Walt while Walt, Jesse, and Mike start from scratch to continue their business. PART 2: ...

User Comments

There is no one, that I relate more to then Walter White, he is truly a troubled guy, a good guy that makes wrong decisions, this guys acting is soo good realistic, and even after everything he did we all felt sympathty for him til the end, if we didn't know his story we would label him, as a criminal not worthy of life like everyone else. to those that aren't fans wouldn't understand how deep and unique this character really is to our reality of life!
+Efrain Rosado It's a piece of shit criminal, and you're a dumb idiot.
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