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Wedding poems italian Videos

learn italian A POEM "ho sceso dandoti il braccio" -thisisitalia

This poem was written by the Nobel Prize Eugenio Montale. It's about two people who shared the walk of life (le scale, the stairs) & truly, deeply and simply loved ...

User Comments

The Music..your timing. The Words..your voice..The Image..your expression..tutti perfettamente "fits" per elicitare il "momentless" momento where a deepening sense of loss is sweetly confounded by the nostalgia it has given rise to...a longing for the other (l'altra in stocaso) who spiritually affects us so we can move beyond the trivial and mundane senza perdersi d'animo...Anyway youRock!..chicken-lickin' badda-bing Awesome-Gotham ROCK!!!!!
Mi piace molto ... it has taken me a while this evening to translate the poem and to find out more about Eugenio Montale. Thank you for sharing this and the piano playing is so beautiful - I could listen to the music and your voice all night. Grazie mille.
@anmeinersaite Hi Thomas, this is a great idea! I'd love to read a poem on your music, you play wonderfully! I'll think about something and let you know. Thank you, Laura
hi laura! wonderful recital of this poem and adequate music! if you like to read a poem with guitar music ... check out my songs ;-) best regards thomas
Qualcuno mi sa dire la canzone in sottofondo com'è intitolataaa? Complimentiii interpretazione da brividiii! *__________________________*
@OlivePickingHolidays I'm really happy you got to know Montale through my video. Glad you liked it, thanks!
@mauson1963 Grazie Andreas, sei molto gentile... anche Montale apprezzerebbe, credo. Tanti saluti, Laura
Gracias, es bello tu idioma! Thank you, your languaje is beautiful! Grazzie, e bella la tua lingua!
@jackangaroo77 ti ringrazio, mi farà di certo piacere essere presente alle tue lezioni!
Comptine d'un autre été: l'après midi... è scritto all'inizio del video.. ciao!
@starsontheground Always happy to collaborate with somebody talented.. Thank you!
@pietroindietro ..per ora neanche una!!! Grazie per il commento! Ciao, Laura
i just want to listen to the voice,,,you could have lowered the music a bit
sempre molto bello leggere una poesia di Montale... grazie.. davvero...
grazie Ste per la condivisione !!! e sempre bello risentirla !!!
mi piace come la interpreti e mi piace come dici "coincidenze"
Qualcuno può dirmi il nome della sinfonia in sottofondo!? ...
Bellíssimooooo! Grazie, bella Laura. Baci dal Brasilie.

Toronto Wedding Events Great Turkish & Italy Mix Wedding

www.VideoBabylon.ca At Babylon Productions, our goal is to tell the true story of your event from start to finish. Whether it be a wedding, baptism or other special ...

Meaning of Wedding, Italian Way.avi

A little bit of Wales in an Italian wedding

"The Infinite" by Giacomo Leopardi. A timeless Italian poem translated in English.

"L'infinito" by Giacomo Leopardi, 1818-1821 Sempre caro mi fu quest'ermo colle, E questa siepe, che da tanta parte Dell'ultimo orizzonte il guardo esclude.

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The Poems of Giacomo Leopardi Authored by Giacomo Leopardi, Translated by Frederick Townsend https://www.createspace.com/4232830
...che tristezza infinita...
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