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Dragonfly wedding poems Videos

Aidan Murphy - "Dragonfly Blue"

//www.bamboosessions.com Aidan Murphy performs his song "Dragonfly Blue" at the Bamboo Sessions on 23rd July 2009. Recorded in the John Field ...

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Lovely string arrangement!

Dragonfly Electric - Paul Fraser

Dragonfly Electric Paul Fraser Duration: c. 4' Musicians: Alison Wells, mezzo-soprano Julian West, oboe Jackie Shave, violin Robert Irvine, 'cello Gabriella ...

"Dragonfly" by Brian Boyko (Mandala Madness video)

Fair Use Act Disclaimer This site is for educational purposes only!! **FAIR USE** Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is ...

WA/HA? FC/Jeff Ward/Rev. Billy/Dragonfly; May,16, 2014

Frank Craven talks with Jeff Ward (author/musician) about his work, books, music (they jam Bob Dylan's "Blowing In The Wind" and also a bit of the Dharma ...

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Sending Good Vibes

Nick Lachey Endorses The Dragonfly Foundation

A supporter of The Dragonfly Foundation since the beginning, Nick Lachey takes a moment to endorse the organization following his June 7th visit to Cincinnati ...


After going through a week's worth of grieving for a dear friend of mine & the funeral for my aunt, i learned something important from a Dragonfly. what does the ...

User Comments

what dragonfly? the tiger to move without worrying about getting hurt too much to finisih the job fast out of rage. or the dragon to move very carfully and wisly. while taking just a few seconds longer. always planing his moves in advance and thinking how to win without gettign hurt. maing every move count. im a tigon? hehe. usally listen to music and write or drawl to relax. peace. gregg
I need to disappear. Everywhere I turn stress is near. So I look up and ask for a new way. Or and escape from the this thing Calgon can't take away. A place or time to rest my mind. Maybe a cocoon would do just fine. TC love your videos. Love & Respect
hey there Larry, you're certainly right. laughter can do wonder & take you miles from whatever mood you used to be in :D
tilt ur head back to far and ur gonna fall off ur computer chair especailly if the chairs a reclining one HAHA
ahhh yes, Huggable Angel. that's the ticket. i used to have dreams that i could fly. felt so real back then.
Great video. "Set yourself free!" :) Thanks for sending me this and thanks for all your kind words.. Wendy
set yourself free.. such a beautiful saying from a Beautiful soul as yourself. God Bless you my friend!!)
i feel you! TC, this particular week's been a high challenge. i've been screaming for Calgon :D
careful, Richochet, u just might be inspiring a future song request my friend ;)
hey, samfisha, good to hear from you! i'm happy to hear you enjoy what i do :D
Hi there pj!! Thanks for the few minutes of peace and "calm"! (((hugs)))
i just ADORE your vids....thank you for your positivity! ;o) ~CRITICAL~
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