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Poems first wedding anniversary Videos

130525 SHINee Taemin - The First Poem@SHINee Day* Debut 5th Anniversary Special Party

SHINee Taemin - The First Poem@SHINee Day* Debut 5th Anniversary Special Party THANKS for watching!! Please DO NOT RE-UPLOAD or MODIFY, take out ...

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Moms First Anniversary Peom

10 Year Anniversary Poem, Spoken Live.

My wife and I celebrated our ten year anniversary yesterday, and read her a poem I'd written on stage in front of a live audience. This is my tribute to our first ten ...

User Comments

Congratulations on your 10 year anniversary! You've made it past the 7 year itch. : ) Nice tribute! EdElisea 04/28/2015
But Does She Juggle :), Congratulations on your Anniversary
That was very nice!

Denice Frohman - Anniversary (2013 Women of the World Poetry Slam)

This poem tells the true story of how my grandparents met and fell in love. They have been married for 62 years. They were engaged after 3 weeks. This is my ...

User Comments

Denice, on NPS finals night I stayed up till 3:30 am watching the online video version. This was the best poem of the night. I liked a lot of them, but this one stands out in my memory. It's so sweet and nostalgic it gives me goosebumps. I like it even more than Dear Straight People. You rock.
"My mothers only advice was to take a picture with him, to make sure he at least had one good side"
Not a single marriage in my entire family has ever lasted. This was beautiful and inspiring :')
I love this so much, I love all of her poems. She's the cutest also.
This was beautiful, I love the change in perspective
I have to see this girl live! my socks are knocked off
such a beaaautiful storyteller
that was beautiful
I love this piece.
That was amazing
Bong Bong
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