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Cynthia king furman university Videos

U.S. Senate Candidate Debate

This is the recorded video of our Senate Candidate Debate from September 13, 2012. Following on the success of E2Tech's 2010 Gubernatorial debate, this ...

User Comments

As he is mine. Cynthia should drop out (despite how me and her seem to concur a lot) since she's taking votes from him.
Does Charlie get his news from Rush Limbaugh? Cynthia thinks Keystone is evil? Angus is my man for the Senate.
"The oil industry provides millions of jobs"...then where are they?

Ride On, King Jesus(Alice Parker and Robert Shaw)

「こころぽかぽかクリスマスコンサート」。 2012年12月15日新宮市「カトリック新宮教会」でのライブ音源。(松本氏提供) ハローグリーン、コー...

Ask The Watchman

Winthrop University Collegiate Choir- fall 2010 class. Conducted by Dr. Randy Imler.

Rob and Heather - Full wedding ceremony

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