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America's Pro-Israel Special Middle East Envoy Resigns

Phyllis Bennis: Closely linked with the pro-Israel lobby AIPAC, Martin Indyk was a key figure in the so-called peace process.

User Comments

terrible report--- not a word WHY US policy is 'failed'... etc. 
Because Israel doesn't want peace, it will never bring peace. 
peace talks, what a joke that is.. my way or the highway is more like it.. down with the illegal state of israel.
+Nealhugh Hurwitz It is illegal. Israelis originally came from Europe and set up shop in Palestine.
+Nealhugh Hurwitz Israel is not a country; it is an occupation.
it is illegal, always has been always will be always should be..
silly remark--- if Israel is illegal then no country is legal... 
He's not really resigned. He's merely been reassigned to a new post within the US administration by the Israeli government.
You said that very well. Some people will not get that.
Israelis tend to have duel citizenship and those who support Israel, especially in an official capacity and even when born and bred in the USA, tend to have dual loyalty as well.
silly--- he is US citizen and works at Brookings... 
Can't believe AIPAC has the power it has. It's a deeply racist lobbyist group with people who have outdated and unwavering views. It just shows how important money is in politics.
+Imani Malaika ????Are you asking me why the Jews were transported to Palestine and not elsewhere?
+Imani Malaika ??? Your question doesn't make sense, repeating it 100 times doesn't make it coherent.Why are who in what piece of land?Why are Israelis in Israeli+ Palestinian territory? Why are Palestinians in Palestinian territory?What are you trying to deduce? It's about as relevant as wondering why Nigerians are in Nigeria...
+Imani Malaika Completely a Zionist fantasy, and nothing more. The Ashkenazi are Jewish converts plain and simple. They had no right to colonize anywhere in this planet. Just like Mormons have no right to colonize anywhere on this planet.
+Imani Malaika They can't reclaim land on the basis that 'Jews used to live here 2000 years ago so we have the right to live here today'. Although Israel ignore it, international law exists. Israeli territory is well defined and there is growing international pressure on them to stop their colonialism. I wouldn't be surprised if Israel withdraws from the West Bank this decade.I'm not sure what your question means, I've not read most of your comments, would you care to elaborate?
+Imani Malaika It was the insane idea of Zionist to settle Palestine with the Ashkenazim, and it had the full backing of the Rothchilds financial power behind this insane project. The result, today Israel is a small racist fascist state behaving like Nazis of the 30's killing woman and children. The Ashkenazis are white colonists just like the Boers and English in South Africa....no different. Zionist Israel=Apartheid South Africa. Boycott, Divest and Sanction Israel.
+Imani Malaika Nothing, absolutely nothing. A book of fairy tales is not a deed of trust for real estate.....Zionist are murders, thieves and liars.
+Imani Malaika You have missed my point. Hebrew historical writing do not give the Ashkenazim the rights to colonize Palestine or declare themselves direct descendents of the Hebrews. This is just Zionist fairy tales.
+Imani Malaika LOL Jewish sounds better. All Ashkenazim are descended from converts anyway. Their supposed expulsion from Judea is just a fairy tale and nothing more. Check out what whistle blower Zionist, Benjamin Freeman has to say about "The Jews", and he doesn't mince words. Its on youtube. 
+Imani Malaika  My first objection with your comment is in reference to Jewish people as "The Jews". It is strong and racist, and no need to go their unless you are a racists and also hate all other non "white" people.Germany was a secular bi Christian state, Protestant/Catholic, and benefited from the Enlightenment making Germany a secular state. The German Jewish benefited enormously. The distribution of income among Jewish Germans was the same as Protestants and Catholics. Jewish banker were influential but did not monopolize the financial sector.It was the withdrawal of support of German Zionist and the Rothchilds to the German effort in WWI that infuriated the Germans. In fact it was worse than that. German Zionist went to England asking them to not sue for peace with the Kaiser after he had defeated Russia and France making it a repeat of the Franco/Prussian war. It was because the Ottoman entry into the war on the side of Germany did the Zionist see an opportunity to get Palestine. The Zionist promised to get the US into the war on the Allied side even though US sentiment was with Germany."Benjamin Freedman speech" on Youtube explains it very well.
+Tahuan Tinsuyo Your first statement is correct, but what makes you think there would have been no holocaust?
It was the Rothchilds banking prowess in Europe who financed the Zionist movement that in the end created Israel. Without the Rothchild's involvement in Zionism there would be no Israel and there would not have been a holocaust. WWI would have just been the Franco/Prussian War 2 and nothing more.
+Imani Malaika Yes. They're also funding the very same terrorist groups that are undoing their 'work' in Iraq present day. Point?
+Benjamin Freedman Surprisingly the vast majority of people that point the profile picture out actually praise it. 
Kurds should have the same right to self determination as the rest of humanity. I don't think Israel is behind this. Overthrowing a US backed puppet in Iraq to replace them with terrorists who are fundamentally anti Israel? Overthrowing a secular democratic government in Syria in order to replace them with extremists? The Israelis are probably sitting back and encouraging sectarianism because it distracts the middle east from who their real enemy is, the zionists. The Americans funded terrorism in Syria, and the terrorists sought to use that funding to promote their own interests. History repeating itself again.
Israeli PM Netanyahu endorses Kurdish independence citing chaos in IraqBy: Ethan Allen and...Any doubt as to who is behind this now! Wanna bet the Turks are a little perturbed! They are following Israel's plan to break up Iraq. Then Syria and on to Iran!Citing the “collapse” of Iraq amid the ISIS insurgency and sectarian violence, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has endorsed the de-facto independence of Iraqi Kurds. Netanyahu has also called to support the “Kurdish aspiration for independence.”
+capucchan8 because he's a politician.
+capucchan8 Because it's political suicide to publicly have views which oppose the Zionist Fed. The reason the Jews have so much money is because they own the printing presses.
if AIPAC is racist  and right wing how come De Blasio is always kissing their ass?..
+Nealhugh Hurwitz Of course AIPAC is racist. They believe that Jews have a right to territory because of their race/religion. They believe that Jews have greater human rights than non Jews who live in that specific area of land. They have even defended genocide against Palestinian refugees at Sabra and Shatila...
# MustacheVerraAn apt analogy, in my opinion.
+Nealhugh Hurwitz I'm sure all of those Ethiopian and Sudanese migrants that Israel deported and are now facing terrible conditions in Egypt would disagree. 
+Nealhugh Hurwitz You mean supporting a state for Jews is not racist? Of course if a white guy comes along and start talking about establishing a state for white we all know he'll be immediately label a racist neo-Nazi etc.. and he will be all over the news as this monster. But when Jews does it it's great? I can't think of a bigger double standard.
silly remark--- the kernel may be true: MONEY rules... but AIPAC is NOT racist... and the views of AIPAC are shared by many, incl me... 

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