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Working advantage disneyland tickets Videos


Any questions you'd like to know about working there? Curious about the Disney College Program? Let me know in the comments below! :)

User Comments

That sounds like an amazing experience! You have seriously sparked a new passion in me to want to work there
+Rylie Gold you should consider it!! It changed my life in such an amazing way!

Disney World College Program Fall Advantage '06

User Comments

It's such an amazing experience!!! You live in apartments with anywhere from 1-7 other people. If you don't have a car, they provide a bus system that will get you to and from any Disney property! You will make the best friends you'll ever make, and you probably won't want to go home when your program is done!
@ramtruck20 The college program activities people are always coming up with new things...I was never into sports, so I'm not sure what's available. But as far as watching them, as long as you're not scheduled to work...why not? Disney doesn't own your soul, though it may feel like that at times.
I am going to try to put my app. in tonight. hopefully I can get in it. Can you particpate in sports there? This might be astupid question but do they let you watch football games?
me too, except I worked at Cosmic Rays Starlight Cafe in the Magic Kingdom
Don't remember the exact site, but just google it and you should find it!
"Magic Kingdom in the Sky" by Da Vinci's Notebook
Awesome! I was there Fall Advantage too : )
whats the name of the magic kingdom song??
It's the beginning of FANTASMIC!

Working at Walt Disney World's Epcot

Two brothers have worked together at the Mexico pavilion in World Showcase since Epcot opened in 1982. Travel expert Jason Cochran introduces them to you.

User Comments

good job guys. you guys have great voices. You are living a pretty decent dream.
I want to go in summer for the ICP !! or CP ! :) I hope I get accepted
Cool video ! I LOVE the Mexican Pavilion !

Celebrate A Dream Come True Parade 2012 - Magic Kingdom - Walt Disney World

The Celebrate A Dream Come True Parade runs daily at 3pm at The Magic Kingdom and I always try to look for a good spot about half hour beforehand for ...

User Comments

@Cheerio753 Yeah it was a great spot! right on the corner and I could lean on the lamp post behind me. If it were sunny though I would of been on the other side because it isn't good to shoot towards the sun. It was breezy also and that area was real calm because of how enclosed it is. I have the other Parade video uploading as I write to you :-) Tomorrow will be the Wishes Fireworks! This song and the Good Morning song on the Opening Ceremony video really get caught in my head. Thanks Ryan!
@uncledave10 Thanks Dave.. Always a fun parade at Disney.. The longest video I shot this time around was the Wishes Fireworks Show and that was over 12 minutes I think. Will post that in a couple days... That was challenging because there were so many people around and I had to hold it higher up and try to keep it steady. It didn't come out to bad after watching when home..
Wow! You got a really cool spot to view this parade! I have never seen it there before! This song gets stuck in my head forever. hahaha. That is really cool how you got to see the parade 2 times at different angles! Awesome video!
Can someone send me a pm if they know how to get a special meet and greet because there are 4 chraracters who never seem to show up and i have been dying to meet them all 4 times ive been down to floirda
The parade in the Magic Kingdom is truly a magical parade. We are taken to our childhood and bring back sweet memories of all the Disney characters..... Another awesome video by you Chris :) Superb:)
When you are the " First Family" there at Disney World, you get to meet a lot of characters and later they all recognize you. Tiana and Naveen waved to us from to the float.
I LOVE the girl who plays as Ariel in that parade! She is awesome! I don't know her at all, but I see her around the park and she is so happy and definitely my favorite!
Click my 2010 Walt Disney World Playlist under the Show More Info here under this video and I have a video from when we went to Epcot and rode it.. Very cool ride..
I'm going to disney world this summer and i am really excited!! :D when i get older i want to work at disney because disney world to me is like home to me
@NaturesFairy Disney Parades are always great! No matter how many time you see them they bring a smile to your face.. Glad you enjoyed :-)
Both of those are favorites of mine also.. and I would have to put in Soarin', Haunted Mansion and Expedition Everest for my top 5 :-)
Yeah, he kind of took me off guard as he walked up to me, didn't know what he was going to do but it was funny..
I thought it would have been longer guess not and I agree with Aqua6396 I wanna be a character when Im older
My grandparents anouced yesterday that I was going to disney world Florida next year with the whole family
When Alice said " I'm very glad I wore my party dress" when I went, Wendy looked like she was crazy.
Now I want to go to Disney!! :) Cant help but smile watching this video! Thanks for sharing!! Hugs!
Thank you! I will and don't worry i will always keep the dreams of working at Disney alive! :D
Have a great time at Disney this Summer :-) and keep those dreams of working at Disney alive!
Well my favorite ride would have to be the Tower of Terror and the Rockin Roller Coaster!
Another great parade , Those kids work hard ,Chris you have a steady hand :o) T/U
The Parades at Disney are always magical... What was your favorite ride though?
i go to disney world every year, in a week i will be going for my 16th time!
Yeah I was surprised when he walked up to me and did that but it was funny :-)
@lmmsl Thanks Menu! I appreciate you taking the time to watch and enjoy :-)
When I went to Magic Kingdom. My favorite part was the parade! :)
Have a Great time! Will it be your first time to Disney?


User Comments

Two down. One to go. Please Disney? Please! I need to be there with the Lexies!
lies!!!!! the locks were the last thing you got lol
those cats are evil... baby looks good in black
i love the song in the background!!!
i know. im so loveable :)
i love you too btw
i love you baby


GUYS!! Seriously get to Disneyland, like NOW!!! The new shows are amazing!!! The decorations are so Elegant and well done. Everything is just amazing!

User Comments

Hi Sara! My family loves your videos! We recently went to Disney in May and my sister (a television major at Columbia Chicago) made our vacation video. She's extremely talented and it's only a 4 minute long video but we think you would love it. Check it out if you've got time! //youtu.be/oqcr0EooG58
+Jessica Schroeder Aww it looks like you guys had a great time!! I loved the video, thank you for sharing it with me.. :)
So happy to see you back at a park!! But still can't believe your program is officially over! Best of wishes babe! 
Right?! It's been almost 2 months now & I still talk about Disney like it was yesterday.
Holy smolly crowds!!!! Yikes. Glad u got those fastpasses ;)
Yeah the crowds were crazzzy!
Sarah what rides or what do you miss back at the WDW resort>??
I think the only ride is miss is rockin rollercoaster, test track & Everest. Other then that Disneyland has the same rides if not more.
can we go to disney together???
oh yeah!!!! i'm down for whenever!  lol
Aha legs goooo!
Is it worth getting a annual pass and living far away? I live in Modesto and want an annual pass but I don't know how often I would be able to go. 
You're from Modesto?? No way! I'm from Stockton!!
3:34 Does anyone else see the little girl crawling backwards all alone on the right?! Haha!
Aha yeah I saw her when editing, her Mom is the blonde lady walking in front of her.

DISNEYLAND VLOG 1 -- The Rare Species Toryus Vlogus is Prowling About...

OMG YES, YOU'RE SEEING MY FACE AGAIN. Hahaha. For those of you who are not familiar with my previous vlogs, those done on the Walt Disney World ...

User Comments

I'd like to once again give you my dearest congratulations on getting the job at Disneyland! *hugs* Like last time (I doubt you'd remember) I still haven't gotten accepted at the College program yet, although I most certainly will reapply now, especially since I just finished my seasonal this past winter (ironically it was at a Sears next to Knotts). I'm so happy you got the job at Disneyland, and hopefully, I'd like to be among the many fans who meets up with you there. (I do go there A LOT!)
HAHAHAHAHAHA, funny you'd mention the "take a picture" part, I'm still working hard on my Photography major, and I'd love it if you'd see my photos someday, as for CP, I've just resubbed to their email, so I'm not going to miss out like last time, and with my luck, I'm sure we'd see each other sooner then you'd think. And yeah, we're all improv artists at heart, we will do what is best at a moments notice. Sides, with my knowledge of the park, I'd be a great addition to their cast.
Thank you, honey!! You are in my thoughts for the CP -- it is a lot of work, but it really is rewarding, if nothing else, than for the wonderful experience you get for future positions. I'd love seeing you if you got there while I was working -- if we do end up colliding, you will most definitely need to take a picture and send it to me! ;) And I'm honored that my journey is helpful to you...I'm just sort of following my whims, so I can't claim any inner wisdom on my part!! XDD
LOL, WELL NOW YOU HAVE NO CHOICE, YOU MUST TAKE OUR PICTURE. XDDD Hee. But yeah, it seems like Disney could really use someone interested in photography -- I know PhotoPass photographers aren't usually CPs, but I've heard it's relatively easy to become a part-time one after having been another role, and Photo Pass earns good $. But a photo-expert Character Attendant would be a gem. And knowledge of the parks is always a plus.
Sweet! As happy as I am to now be at Disneyland, something to be said for Disney World is that there are a lot more variety of things there, so hopefully you'll land somewhere fun! I have heard Animal Kingdom is a fun place to work and I can testify that EPCOT is pretty awesome too, for the most part. XD
eep i cant believe you meantioned me ^^ i will totally go up to you and say hi if i see you on one of the DL attractions. omg that would be funny if i saw you tommorow when i go. i would totally bring my friend with, but her pass expired. btw i think she sent you a message on dcot she's tamisweetie.
Awww, unfortunately I won't be starting my training until February 1st and won't actually start working until that following Friday. :( But I hope you have fun!! And yeah, she did! Hopefully I'll be able to see both of you there in the future, hopefully with you as CMs or CPs!
(what I meant to also add) Keep up the amazing work you've been doing Tory, seeing your story has really inspired me to strive to do the things I love doing, and with such awesome excitement, I hope you have great things in store for you in the future. =)
Hi Torrey. I dont know if you remember me, but I had you for a couple of classes at SWC. how are you doing? Hows life working for Disney? Im actually starting the program in 2 weeks for DL and pretty stoked
Yeah, I'm definitely thinking it'd be an interesting experience, if not I'll just work retail (since I now have the credentials for it).
I'll be posting another vlog really soon about where I ended up -- it should be up in the next few days. :)
awh thanks, but i think i'm going to wait a year to become a CM or CP. wait till my second year of college.
Thanks, and congrats to you on getting on the Program!! What role will you have when you get there?
so have you started working at DL yet? what ride are you working at? keep me posted ^^
Congrats on your new job and I start the college program in two weeks so excited :)
Omg omg omg awesome XD I can't wait to see your next Vlog! XD
I have attractins :)
ok cool

| DCP Spring Advantage 2016 | Resort Hoppin' N' Roomie Bondin'!|

Join Em, and her 5 roomies, as we adventure through (a little) of the land of Disney before we all have Traditions! Resorts to hop (even though we only hit 2!)

User Comments

I really like your drawing, how long do you think you spent on it?
+Michael Mahan Thank you so much~! Probably about 5-7 mins total, my little friend on the other side was fun to draw with!

My Disney College Program Adventure

Disney College Program Spring Advantage 2015 (Feb-Aug) at Walt Disney World. Divided into 3 Segments: 1. The Adventure Begins- Highlights of the past 7 ...
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