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Working advantage empire state building Videos

LEAP New York Educational Excursion 2015

CLARKSVILLE, Tenn. – New York City was the destination for the LEAP organization's 5th Annual Education Excursion. Youths from Clarksville along with ...

Simple Machines and Mechanical Advantage

This video introduces students to simple machines such as levers, pulleys, inclined planes and the wheel and axle. Examines ideas in areas of mechanical ...

Carpenter bee building nest & cuckoo wasp sabotaging it!

The carpenter bee (genus Xylocopa spp.) is busy building its nest while the cuckoo wasp (family Chrysididae) is surreptitiously laying her own eggs in the same ...

How To Create A Better LIFESTYLE | Create a Better Life | Intentional Creation

User Comments

OMG, your vid is soooo great about positive mental attitude. ☺♥☺
@ldobson1 THanks for the comment! We are on the same page!
sounds good wade...
ok i'll try it

#MillionaireTip | Gary Vaynerchuk - Is Entrepreneurship Hard?

Don't Forget to LIKE&SUBSCRIBE Is Entrepreneurship Hard? Damn sure it is :) People usually follow trends and right now the trendy thing is Entrepreneurship.

French Firefighter Olympics

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