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Working advantage disney Videos

Working for Disney Tag

Tag! You're it! Feel free to follow up on this tag or recreate your own questions and talk about your experiences working for the Walt Disney Company. - What is ...

User Comments

Omg I got teary-eyed when you said your favorite moment; that was such an awesome thing to do! Also, I can totally relate with what you said about watching World of Color. I've seen that show soooo many times and I still gets chills. I'm just starting at the Disney Store, but as I spend more time there I'll see about doing this tag! Good luck with your dream of being an Imagineer! My dream is to be a marine biologist at the Seas Pavilion in Epcot.
I haven't been to the park in a while, but I always look forward to watching World of Color. Good luck following your dreams as well and hope you enjoy your time at the Disney Store.
The first step to working in Disney Imagineering as an imagineer is to get an education in engineering. That is the first step. If I were you, I would go get a college education and major in math and science and get a degree in engineering. After you complete your education, then apply to Disney Imagineering. There are other ways one can work for Imagineering, such as myself. I am an "Honorary" Disney Imagineer and my specialty is photography. For several years I worked as a contract photographer for Disney Imagineering here in Orlando. Imagineering is an amazing department! So many cool things going on always! Follow your dreams and first get that education! Who knows, maybe someday you will be an official Disney Imagineer. Good luck. 
Thanks for the advice and insight Bob.
Don't give up!  You must be persistent.  Things happen very slowly on the professional jobs level at Disney!  It took me 2 years to get hired as a professional marketing photographer at Disney.  I was persistent.  And eventually I got the dream job of my life.  I went on to work 7 years as a Disney marketing photographer and then another 16 years as a Disney contractor (creative photography).   You are still young and have plenty of time for your Disney dreams to come true.  Best of luck and don't ever give up on your Disney dream job.  Bob 
If you read further into my blog you might have seen that I was in the interview process for a "Contracts Administrator" position at WDI. From then on, I haven't seen any entry level postings for WDI.
Just read your bio.  So, did you apply for a job at WDI???  Working as an hourly CM isn't going to get you where you want to go in WDI.  Are you still working for "The Company"?  
Thank you for sharing Bob. I have already obtained my BS/BA in Mechanical Engineering. I encourage you to follow-up on my blog toimagineeringandbeyond.blogspot.com to read more about my journey after graduating in 2012 and participating in the Disney College Program.

Kyla Does Disney | DCP Spring Advantage 2016!

Hi, folks! If you sat through this, thank you! I'm so excited to be participating in the Disney College Program next semester! It's going to be an incredible ...

User Comments

amazing! I am vlogging too for Disneyland!
+Nicky Thompson That's exciting!! Congrats :)
Congrats on being accepted! I was accepted for Spring 2016 at WDW for attractions. I am so excited! :D
It really is going to be so amazing. I'm counting down the days haha. See ya there! :)
+christylately Thank you!! And congratulations to you as well! It's gonna be amazing. See you there!
Took me a while to finally watch this. I'm still so happy for you!!! I really enjoy watching you on camera and am super excited about you making Disney videos. Also your editing skills are pretty on point gurl.
+MyLeatherLace Thank you, Michelle!! (Look at Youtube, actually letting me reply to this, haha.)

Hair Dye and Selfies - Disney College Program Fall Advantage 2014 Vlog #13

User Comments

You would go to Wendy's. And amendment to your statement *never dye your hair with out me there in person. 
Glad you're having a good time! I can't wait until I can be there!!!!!

Traveling - Disney College Program Fall Advantage 2014 Vlog #11

User Comments

Love the vlogs! xoxo

Disney College Program Fall Advantage 2016 || My Roommate Survey!

Hello Everyone! My name is Sydney and I was just accepted to the Disney College Program for Walt Disney World! I will be participating in the Fall Advantage ...

User Comments

aww you're so lovely and we have so much in common, we'd be such good roomies! I could handle the bugs
+jasweiner Aww! thank so much! Sending pixie dust your way, I hope that you get in!!

DCP SA 2015: I've Got Some News...

My name is Seth and I will be working at the Walt Disney World Resort as a Character Attendant for the Disney College Program Spring Advantage 2015.

User Comments

Congrats Seth! I got accepted today as well and it was my second time applying. Cant wait to see you in Walt Disney World 
What role, Katie?!
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