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Does peeker's advantage really exist? [Analysis]

10% discount on server hosting, great service: //dathost.net/r/DevinDTV 0:00 Common misconceptions 1:04 Introduction Definitions: 1:33 Lag compensation ...

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Im not sure from the video, but did you consider both players ping? Wouldnt the ping of the holder and the ping of the peeker add up? And wouldnt this make peekers advantage even stronger?
The peeker's ping is irrelevant because it makes him see the enemy sooner by the same amount that it delays his shot's registration. The defender's ping does matter (detrimental to the defender).
+DevinDTV I think I understand, thanks for responding. When I wrote that post, I didnt really consider which shot gets registered the first, I only considered who sees who first as part of peekers advantage. The part where you show the peeker, with 900 ping, actually losing despite seeing and shooting the defender long before, makes things very clear (and the vice versa example that comes next).So if I understand you correctly, the shot from peeker not being registered advantagously, despite the fact that the peeker will see defender long before, is the reason why you say high ping in peeker doesnt matter much?At what point would you say the ping of the peeker tips into defenders advantage? or is it just a non factor?
+robinb153 I went over that in the vid, they cancel each other out.
first unpeekers disadvantage= peekers adventage and second, prefire is almost always meant, when people say "peepers adventage"
Not really, I've watched enough killcams to know different. This might be true in cs go, but not in actual competitive descent games like battlefield, rainbow six siege, arma etc etc. If this applys to cs go, I don't know, because I haven't played it for months if not years
+Malkhaz Mgvdliasvhili Unpeeker's disadvantage isn't peeker's advantage. If you stand still as the defender, the peeker doesn't get an advantage on you. It's only if you unpeek (move away from the corner) that it can occur.
what..? you are saying peekers advantage doesnt exist while every other channel says it does
+firendable Yep, it doesn't exist in the way most people believe. Truth is truth, even if it's unpopular.
Very informative video! Thank you :D
+Wulpul I'm glad you found it helpful

Peeker's Advantage : The Easiest Way to Improve Your Fragging

Talking about lag compensate/Peeker's advantage and how to utilize it to the best of your advantage.

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I literally cant win... Every game I get 30+ kills but somehow get paired with the worst players so I end up tying or losing EVERY GAME. Has anyone else experienced this? it's driving me mad...
+Alexander Brahm I used to solo que back in the day, when I was trying to escape Gold Nova with all the derankers got very frustrated at the game since there were people throwing/trolling 9/10 of the games I played, I took a big break; came back met some people and only que'd with my mates at minimum a 3man que.Ever since then we played, had fun enjoyable games, there still would be smurfs but atleast we had a chance against them.Currently DMG now.
+Alexander Brahm i have a great tip add players that you go against that are better than you. this will alolow you more players to q with and possibly get carried / hlelped by
+Alexander Brahm The worse I've experienced is an entire week of mostly losing streaks and uncoordinated teams, dropping me 3 ranks in total. But there's also the winning streaks and good teammates every now and then, and a pretty steady climb in ranks from GN1 when I first started out, all the way to SMFC now. So personally I think bad teammates/luck/etc etc are just short term fluctuations, and people are emotionally affected more by the negative fluctuations than to notice the good ones. In the long run both the good and bad luck balance each other out, and your skills ultimately deciding which rank you will end up with. My experience is from solo-queues btw.
+Alexander Brahm Yea same, I just always play with my friends from now
Nope. I get paired with equal teammates for the most part. Every once in a while there will be a smurf on my team even.
One u reach LE U'll be getting kinda "good teams" Not everytime tho, Try and play with 5 man
Gold nova 4...
Well fuck me and my 5 ping
+MrMagicBanana No, I'm saying ping gives disadvantage.
+Ohrami You are literally saying ping gives no advantage
+MrMagicBanana Yes, and everything I said is 100% correct. If you don't understand that then you are inept.
+Ohrami Have you ever actually played counter-stike? Actual question.
+MrMagicBanana No, it's simply false. A high-ping player will be on equal footing with a 0-ping player if he peeks the 0-ping player. The high-ping player will be at a 5 ms advantage against a 5-ping player if he peeks the 5-ping player. The high-ping player will be at a 100 ms advantage if he peeks a 100-ping player. The high-ping player will have a disadvantage if anybody peeks him, and that disadvantage will be equal to his ping time. If you can't understand this basic concept, you don't understand ping, don't understand netcode, or don't understand basic logic. One of those three is absolutely true.I'll try to explain this like I'm trying to explain it to a five-year-old.One person with 100 ping peeks and sees a person instantly on his client after he peeks.The person who was peeked (playing at exactly 0 ping), at this current moment in time, does not yet see the person who peeked him.100 milliseconds pass.At this point in time, the person being peeked is just beginning to see the peeker.100 more milliseconds pass, thus meaning that 200 total milliseconds have passed since the person peeked the person holding the angle. At this point in time, the peeker fires his weapon at the other person's head.At this point in time, the person holding the angle has seen the peeker for 100 milliseconds.100 milliseconds pass. At this point in time, it has been 300 milliseconds since the peeker has peeked and 100 milliseconds since he fired his gun.The person who is holding the angle has now seen the peeker for 200 milliseconds, and he dies at this exact moment in time. Absolutely no advantage was seen in this situation, because the person being peeked had 0 ping. If he would have reacted even 1 millisecond faster than the peeker, he would have killed him. You can go back yourself and plug different numbers into the equation and you'll come to the conclusion that the higher-ping player holding the angle will always lose the gunfight even if he reacts slightly faster than the person peeking, but that there will be no advantage on a person with 0 ping.Now let's look at this situation reversed, where the person peeking has 0 ping and the person holding the angle has 100 ping. We can also give the 100 ping player a 99 ms faster reaction time than the 0-ping peeker.One person with 0 ping peeks and sees a person instantly on his client after he peeks.The person who was peeked (playing at exactly 100 ping), at this current moment in time, does not yet see the person who peeked him.100 milliseconds pass.At this point in time, the person being peeked is just beginning to see the peeker.100 more milliseconds pass, thus meaning that 200 total milliseconds have passed since the person peeked the person holding the angle. At this point in time, the peeker fires his weapon at the other person's head.At this point in time, the person holding the angle has seen the peeker for 100 milliseconds.1 millisecond passes. At this point in time, it has been 201 milliseconds since the peeker has peeked and 1 millisecond since he fired his gun.The person who is holding the angle has now seen the peeker for 101 milliseconds, and fires his gun at this exact moment in time. This is nearly twice as fast of a reaction time as the person peeking.99 milliseconds pass. At this point in time, it has been 300 milliseconds since the peeker has peeked and 100 milliseconds since he fired his gun.The person who is holding the angle has now seen the peeker for 200 milliseconds, and he dies at this exact moment in time. His shot never registers because it would have taken 100 milliseconds for his shot to register, but only 99 milliseconds passed before he died. He would have had to react at least 100 milliseconds faster than the person peeking him in order to kill him. Note that the ping of the person peeking made absolutely no difference, but the ping of the person who was being peeked in fact does.I'm too lazy to write out any more situations and examples, because quite frankly if you can't come to the correct conclusion with all of this information, you are inept.If you're really so upset about your 5 ping, just play on servers that are far away from you. Enjoy your "advantage".
+Ohrami You're not getting it, a higher ping player has more advantage, not less.
+MrMagicBanana Yes, all you said is true. Thus, if you have 0 ping, you will have no disadvantage if someone peeks you and they have 100 ping. If you have 5 ping, you will have a 5 ms disadvantage, and if you have 100 ping, you will have a 100 ms disadvantage. High ping is always a disadvantage, and peeker's advantage only works against opponents who have latency themselves. Your peeker's advantage is the same at 0 ping as it is at 500 ping. The only thing ping will affect is how much you are affected by peeker's advantage, and it is exacerbated the higher your ping is.
+Ohrami If a player has a ping of 100 and is delayed by 100ms or .1 seconds, they will be able to peeked. I will not receive the visual queue of the enemy player peeking the corner and shooting my face in until that .1 seconds has passed. So, lets recap. By the time i see the enemy peek, he will have seen me and fired. If he fires in that .1 second window, the server will not recognize that for a whole .1s, but neither will it register the peek. I will be dead because the information of him peeking and firing will be delayed for me. Now, if someone peeks with 100 ping, the advantage is having a gap of .1 seconds to react. It is not the same as having 0 ping because you would be relying on human reaction time rather than a latency.
+MrMagicBanana you clearly don't understand how ping works. If you have 100 ping, your shots will be delayed by 100 ms. Thus, if somebody peeks you, it will take the time it takes for you to pull the trigger plus 100 ms for your shot to register on the person. If you have 100 ping, it will also take an extra 100 ms for you to appear on the person's screen when you peek. Thus, if you have 100 ping, and you peek and instantly fire, it will be no different than if you had 0 ping, because the person will still have just as much time to react since ALL of your actions are delayed by an equal amount, thus meaning that when you peek around a corner and instantly fire, it will look, to the other person, like you peeked and instantly fired. If you peeked that guy with 100 ping and he instantly shot you, it would look like he shot you exactly 100 ms after you peeked him. That's why there's a PEEKER's advantage, and not a holding advantage. If ping wouldn't matter when you are holding a site, then there would be no peeker's advantage.
If you are static holding a site, your ping shouldn't matter. This isn't an argument about who has it worse. It is well known that when a player with high ping peeks a corner, they will see you before you see them. Its not a "5ms" difference, it can be almost half a second sometimes, which is more than enough time to react.
+MrMagicBanana they will see you 5 ms before you see them. hardly a disadvantage, and if you had 100 ping then it'd be 20x worse
+Ohrami it's easier to aim with low ping, but when someone with high ping peeks you, it's very hard to handle. They will see you before you see them and they the first shot off.
low ping is nothing but an advantage

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Mala muy mala no imprime la he instalado en cuatro pc distintos y no tiene comunicacion .instalada del disco ,pero escanea y fotocopia pero no imprime. Probe comprando otra yla misma basura he perdido mas tiempo de lo necesario .y como si fuera poco ompre otra 1115 y nuevamente la misma basura devo tener internet y suscribirme para ser monitoriado de todo lo que imprimo malo he invasibo nunca mas hp y se van a la basura
Busca la aplicacion alinear
+Jose Amezcua tienes la impresora del video?
+OfficialDiego930 como le hago para que imprima mi impresora ,que software necesito descargar, como se llama?
+cristian alcaino juacida  tampoco compres Epson , los cartuchos son mas caros que la imperesora
+cristian alcaino juacida   intentaste descargando el software de internet
Hola alguien sabe como se ESCANEA?
+Fernando Ceron  yo
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Como le hiciste para que imprimiera me podrías decir?

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What is the song at the end of the video?
+ManagementAdvantage I can't seem to find the song anywhere. Any advice on where to find it?
Thanks a lot! Love the videos by the way! Keep up the good work!
Neil Thrasher - Sacred Ground
what kind of video camera do you guys use?
Canon T3i and a Sony AX2000.

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