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Django Unchained: Django Guilt

Quentin Tarantino's Django Unchained has sympathetic white people acting awfully strange. Tomm Fondle is an LA-based comedy collective founded by Tim ...

User Comments

So that's what black would do if they had free reign huh, destroy hospitals, put people lives at risk by driving recklessly, have white people kill each other for their entertainment, enslave and generally humiliate White People? What a righteous race of nignogs.
+No1important88 +TajimaMunenori Arguing on the internet is like the special olympics. even if you win, you're still retarded.
+TajimaMunenoriI'm not, thanks.
And don't pretend it was a typo.
I may be a nigger but at least I know "riddens" is not a word. What you're looking for is 'riddance'.
+TajimaMunenori Good riddens to bad rubbish rice nigger.
Name calling? I guess "nignog" is a term of endearment.I can see you are a complete idiot. Debating with such a pleb as you is beneath me. Good day and goodbye.
Haha, name calling is the last refuge of an idiotic argumentative loser, the most graceless way of admitting you've lost the argument. Slavery was the best thing that ever happened to blacks, the descendents of slaves have it infinitely much better than thier cousins in the drak continent, without question. Right, white sciey treat balck better than equals, they give them all sorts of racial preferences, and benefit of the doubt. the reson why whites when they go to war inflict more damage is because they have better technology, if non-whites had it they would do much worse. Your perspective is garbage.
Your view of reality is very warped.I wonder if you're actually clinically insane.You spew the same rhetoric as eery other racist.First, donlt try to make slavery a bkessing in disguise. It makes YOU sound utterly ignorant.Second, Bla k people and White people in South Africa are working together to build a proud nation. And considering how long ago apartheid ended, they'rr making us look bad.Third, the only White people that have ever treated Black people as EQUALS, were the Quakers.Lastly, I have plenty of perspective. I also live in England. Once you leave America you learn White people have caused much destruction for years. World wars one and two are prime examples.
+TajimaMunenoriBlacks owe everything they have to White people, if it weren't for whites they would either still be living like savages in the jungle instead of livin like savages in out cities and all the luxuries we provide them. Or they would have otherwise likely been enslaved or exterminated by Arabs or Asians., or even themselves. Blacks are genociding whites in Africa, and raping and commiting epidemic level crime upon whites in white lands while whites treat blacks like royalty in our own countries. Show a little perspective instead of utter ignorance
Whoa! That was a comedy sketch. If it was real the Django guilt would only last 2 weeks, not 400 years. He didn't even get rape white women, kidnap white children and sell them to evil perverts, he didn't convert anyone into a false religion, he didn't wear a hood and burn white families house to the ground, he didn't infect them with syphilis just see how white people die.I mean this piece of comedy doesn't hold a candle to real life.

Hollywoods most controversial directors

These 10 directors have generated controversy over their movies and choices. Take a look to see which directors made the list. Love 'em or Hate 'em michael ...

FANTASTIC FOUR - Double Toasted Review

Four young scientist open a portal to another dimension and absorb its alien energy. The strange radiation gives them incredible abilities, none of which include ...

User Comments

So this movie had no...chemistry. I'll show myself out...
Good job kys xD jk
Who else is excited for Benedict Cumberbatch as Dr. Strange? I know I am!!!
Yeah it should be at least decent.
Is Julian McMahon's Doctor Doom better than Toby Kebbell's?
+GameStation3 Yes...
Compared to Ang Lee's Hulk how bad is this FF?
Hulk was entertaining in its own way even though it was subpar. I loved it when he punched the dog in the nuts and when Nick Nolte did that "Nyahhh!" It was bad in an entertaining way. But F4 was just bad bad. Awful.
+pradeep kanchan At least Hulk was visually interesting, this movie had nothing interesting.
Do they not give the "Fuck You" rating anymore??? Pretty sure this movie earned it...
+Connor Thompson The Gallows, The Lazarus effect, 50 Shades of Grey, Taken 3 earned Fuck You rating
Why so many fucking dudes???
Never bring a black boy to play the role of a redneck white dumbass.
That's a grown ass man.
Double Toasted is the best place for movie reviews PERIOD.
spill.com whas the best for movie reviews. bring back spill i miss cyrus and co host
+Back Chaining There decent in their own right but don't know how to roast hard enough. I love a good movie roast.
Thank you. Fuck Jeremy Jahns and stuck up, I mean stuckmann.
+greg parch #FUCKKOREY

Christian Bale Rant -- Bale Went Ballistic on Set

Christian Bale went nuts on the set of "Terminator Salvation," threatening to stop production and beat some serious ass. The incident was audiotaped, and it's ...

User Comments

look like batman just went batshit mad
what if he went off at the joker like this
Much and all as I enjoy these angry rants, I'm always disappointed when I see, in the column on the right, the inevitable 'apology'. Just takes all the fun out of it.
Oh yeah, totally. Takes the rediculousness out of it.
he sounds british
He is, I'm pretty sure.
Did Christian bail out?
Nice pun
People who defend this because Christian Bale's a star are kidding themselves. It's simply work place bullying. And director MCG really had showed his lack of authority over the movie. He called for a break, and Bale's overrules him 'No Lets go again!!!". Classic case of a spoilt star who has too much power, and can get away with anything he want's.
+davcar35 sadly, christian bale can get away with this. the director isnt the one in charge of the film and the set, its the producer. and the producer is going to be more worried about losing the "money magnet" who in this case is the actor.no matter what christian bale did or how out of line he is, theres nothing anyone can do besides the producer, but i dont agree with what he did here at all
Christian Bale was just mad that he was working on a shitty movie so he took it out on the crew.
I love how everyone is like, "ahhh, Christian yelled at this poor low-level tech guy." Dude was a DP. That's like the second-most important job on the creative side of the crew.
More like exploded
+ultimateblaze23 Yup. He was a dumbass AND a little pussy. Agreed. 
+BubbaZen10 No one has that kind of rant coming to them, it's work place bullying. Shane should of shouted back him or maybe thrown in a punch or two.
+Sinneric I've read that he is notorious for being a "tinkerer" on the set, and that Christian wasn't the first to have a problem with it. Just the most ... er ... "vocal".
+ABRACADACTOR He is probably just a more hands-on type of cinematographer. And thought he'd fix some lights himself rather than wait to get someone else to do it. Or they had limited space and didn't want any extra crew around.  
+Ethan If you don't think the DP is the second most important person behind the camera, i'd like you to name the people you think are? (we are talking about the people doing the FILMING on a FILM SET here, not the producers putting up the money, or the writers)
+ABRACADACTOR You are wrong, Sinneric was right. He was the DP on that movie.  His name is Shane Hurlbutt. This is something you easily could have looked up.
he's a light man! and christian wanted him fired so he can't be that important.
+Ethan lol. WTF are you talking about?
+Sinneric no it isn't, you obviously haven't been on a film set
+Sinneric And we all have our bad days. And that pushed Bale too far and he imploded. Sick breakdown though :D
+dittyobrien As far as behind the camera, it certainly is.
+Sinneric For real man. I don't think people get why he was so upset. Maybe he went a little overboard, but I don't think so. Dude had it comin'. And should certainly have known better. 
+BubbaZen10 It's also basically a universal thing to keep still while cameras are rolling. Especially if you're in someone's view, especially principal talent. 
+Sinneric And he REPEATEDLY did it, after he at first asked the guy politely not to do it. THAT gets left out of all of this. People get on Christian, but, HE WAS RIGHT here.
+gina director of photography which is synonyms with cinematographer
+gina A cinematographer. 
+Sinneric not sure what DP is but the guy was shane hurlbut and he was a cinematographer it actually in the trivia on imbd
+Sinneric double penetration??

Actor Jonah Hill Freaks Out durring interview

Actor Jonah Hill Freaks Out during a hostile interview while promoting the movie Superbad.

User Comments

WHAT THE FUCK DOES HE SAY AT 01:16 ? I've literally played that question back a hundred times and I still don't understand what the fuck he asked him. "How have you uh you in NYT"
+ali z Or did he ask "How heavy were you in Evan Almighty"
Did Edgar Wright say how do you feel? Now that youve pete
Now that you've peaked.
The interviewer is an asshole. Was this a joke?
+Anna May Yes, it was.
Lowest form of life on you tube
+wonderfulnmarvelous What is?
The interviewer was an asshole. I would've cussed him out and walked out.
Oh... Okay.
+Black Reaper Yeah, the whole video was a joke. The interviewer is director Edgar Wright (Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, The World's End). He even directed Michael Cera in Scott Pilgrim vs. the World.
What was? The entire video? Because if not. The guy meaning it as a joke or not. Seemed to be rude as hell.
+Black Reaper It was a joke, bud.
seemed scripted and fake
+Brian Soto It is, the interviewer was Edgar Wright who directed the movies Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, the World's End, and Scott Pilgrim.
this is Edgar Wright pranking Jonah Hill xD haha
+ejromm oh i see
+‫عبدالعزيز البلم‬‎ it wasn't a prank it was staged
Interviewers a fucking tool!
+Switch god It's fake, that is in fact director Edgar Wright.
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