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Collegehumor dnd Videos

Drawfee Nights Designin' Party - DRAWFEE BREAK

On a very special episode of Drawfee Break: Drawfee Nights, Nathan sits down with CollegeHumor designer, Randy while he works on a poster for the ...

User Comments

SHOUT OUT TO PEOPLE FROM SHROPSHIRE!!! Especially salopians what up mudda fuckers!
+Rosebellabear .... now i think about it i'm probably the only one from shropshire watching and looking at comments... also its not pronounced shire like the shire, its pronounced sheer like.. those tights are sheer! and the accent is more of a country farmer accent rather than a queens english accent. Also its v. close to wales so sometimes theres like a welsh accent mixed in... particularly Shrewsbury the town im from in the county shropshire is mostly chavs and old people so... uhhh... not very posh. and like.. telfords worse... telford is terrible... never go there.
Randy does sound v like Jacob. Jacob is still my favorite though
+evanafter #teamjacob #scampssuck #burnwillie
Next rivals Willie vs. Jamie Winner gets to be real 
+Connor Castellon Arrgggg peg leg pete too
Yes do it now.
Wait Jamie is......... WILLIE!?!?! 
I give up
Wait Jamie is really PEG LEG PETE!!!
Wait Willie is really JAMIE!!!
So... Is Randy... JACOB?!?
Love the name, kinda confused about what ya said...
No Randy is Willie and Jamie is Jacob! Also Jacob is Randy.

D&Diesel with Vin Diesel - Highlights (Dungeons & Dragons - Nerdist Presents)

Join Vin Diesel as he sits down with Nerdist and Geek and Sundry for a game of Dungeons and Dragons on this Nerdist Presents. Subscribe to Nerdist: ...

User Comments

I love it whenever Vin Diesel is shown there is a camera move!
Of course! He's a Dynamic Diesel. (And thanks for watching!)
I'm not beautiful enough to play this game, apparently. :P
Wow, this game seems pretty amazeballs! I never played D&D growing up, because my folks said it was an demonic game. I truly have missed out. Great video Nerdist!
+Loakum It's no Ouija board, so you'd be fine. ;) I'm just getting into it myself.
Who is the DM? If this guy made videos of just him running D&D sessions I would subscribe yesterday.
+jrvthatsme Dude is amazing.
+ZeroSumJ1 he runs a live game with the other players every week. Check out Critical Role at geekandsundry.com
Permanent -21 HP? Whaaaaaa?! What type of system are they using... since any D&D system I've played you'd be royally screwed.
+Stexe I'm guessing it's because when a Wraith hits a person it drains vitality so part of the damage lowers the person's maximum hit points. After taking a day to rest the effect goes away though.
is this a full video somewere? i would love to watch the full session!
+Bruce Wayne Search for "D&Diesel with Vin Diesel (Extended Version)" on youtube. It's in the Geek&Sundry channel.

Roll a D6

Buy the song on iTunes! //tinyurl.com/o88u2fj Follow us on Twitter! //twitter.com/#!/ConnorWAnderson Become a fan on Facebook!

User Comments

Haters gonna hate. It's known.
Love this music forever, by the way...
who the fuck let's their wizard use a bow?
+Myzer13 Is she an Elf or a Half-Elf?
+Vanessa Radleigh Arcane Archer?
D&D/Fallout/Skyrim motto: Buy nothing, just kill them and take their stuff
+Ian Adair i'm going to go out on a limb and guess you're not a paladin. lolfunny comment though
This song is great. I've been a fan for years. We listen to this during our gaming sessions, as it shuffles in with the LOTR soundtrack, Skyrim soundtrack, and others. What I DON'T get is why all the people in the comments below are trying to rip apart the lyrics and point out contradictions of the video in a FANTASY setting game. "She's a wizard wearing ranger clothes." Yeah, maybe she's a wizard and put levels in ranger in order to take the prestige class Arcane Archer? Maybe they have a homebrew campaign setting and that's how her wizard looks? Maybe there is a homebrew chart that you roll a d6 on to see if you are reincarnated as another PC? Maybe whenever you die, you roll a d6 to see what class/race you play next? Maybe it doesn't fucking matter because they made a kickass, fun song/video? Fuck.
+Ryan Pratt I was quoting the ones complaining and nit-picking when I said that. I don't think anyone is bound to a certain dress code or image when roleplaying.
+Cory Tennyson Love this song as well, by the way.
+Cory Tennyson If you were a wizard, why would you dress like a wizard? It makes you the biggest target on the board. Obviously, the first guy the enemies are going to target is the guy that shoots lightning.
+Cory Tennyson Clearly some people have a terminal case of NO FUN ALLOWED.

Existential Crisis and Dragons - SMBC Theater

Jon has a new version of Dungeons and Dragons! SMBC Theater produces polished sketch and narrative comedy. Subscribe to our channel today: ...

User Comments

Huh. I am surprised no one mentioned "Inside Out".
+Avi Dennis Ah, I see. But even that can be explained by its age - the vast majority of the comments are older than the movie.
I meant in the comment section.
+Avi Dennis Because this sketch is four years old?
...I always love when people talk about how awful working in a cubical is. Try working retail and then tell me how unfulfilled you are by your job that pays a living wage and gives weekends off to pursue things you want to do. 
+laiHF wrgoiuh You get in a lengthy flamewar with said youtuber. You can't stand his view points or his stupidity and can never make him see reason. It's also the only non-superficial personal interaction you've had since Christmas. +2 points.
+HansLemurson You satirize an uneducated youtube commenter. Roll D20
+Kevin Cooper You realize that there is somebody out there in the world whose life is shittier than yours: +3 points.
GamerGate, the Tabletop RPG!
The controversy includes so many emotional tangles of White Privilege, Journalistic Integrity, Feminism, Misogyny and Mid-Life Crisis, Suicidal Relationships, Prostitution, and Capitalism.In other words, it's exactly like this game, complete chaos and the winner is determined by luck, rather than debate or skill.
Life score was at 0 after they were rolling on the floor covered in toilet paper. They should have been strangled by toilet paper at that point. Unless they needed to be in the negatives they should have failed.
+gaxim He WAS deducting 2, but the group thought fast and feigned sickness which negated.
I'd imagine that once they get into negatives it works like the negative hp mechanic and just starts inexorably falling towards -10 in a downward spiral of self-hate and despair unless some external situation changes things.

Lanipator Sings: D&D

This was a vid I found in my archives of a talent show thing I and my friends participated in my Junior Year of High School. Song D&D.

User Comments

Reminds me of when I was a junior when me and my friends wrote a D&D comedy skit for our annual variety show(not a contest). Our drama teacher made it the opening act, he liked it so much. Anyways, nice to hear that Lanipator will be a virgin forever. Just like me.....
I like how they sing at the end XD. I like the guitarist's helmet. I got a big broad sword made of cardboard. We're the coolest kids in the school no we're not XD. This song is even better then the one he sang at the anime convention (believe me I was there)..
I love your stuff, all of it, I honestly laugh my ass off every other time. Watching the things you post is such a great pick-me-up when I have a bad day. My friends love this stuff too. It's great, really.
junior high one of your freinds lookd like he was going bald maby things work difernt in america but apart from that it turns out you have more man points then i could have ever imaged
omg, this is so true... *laughs* my neighbor tried to explain d&d to me, and i was so confused! but i tried to play... i died... so quick... it was almost as fun as dark age.
i have just realized that i am part of this group i have started play a d20 based off of bleach and now am trying to gm my own gantz d20
holy crap Lani, here i thought you could not get any more awesome. you rock Lani i love your videos and hope to see many more to come.
I love this >w< I really love your singing, you're amazing,you know that? ^_^ Every time I play DnD I now hear your voice!
that was just awesome, i burnt my food i had in the oven because i didnt want to stop half way through the video. lol.
That was pretty good. My bro's a Stephen Lynch fan. *starts singing Special Fred until I'm hit with a brick*
I saw stephen lynch sing this too and im like "LANI'S SONG!!!" then i relized he sang it before lani..
oh wow is it me or is chris balding great song pretty awsome you should have a team four star concert
Post this comment on 500 different videos and/or channels and you will never be spammed again.
Lani. This has got to be, the greatest thing I have ever seen in my life. I can now die happy.
Wow, you should have won that talent show. If it wasn't a contest you still should have won.
not everything i know some fellow D&D players who arnt virgins XDDD YES i defied logic XDDDD
loves that one girl went aww when lani admitted that he doesnt have a girlfriend. XD
i agree. but then again that brings up a question, does he play D&D? i wonder.....
Lol, I loved "magic missile" because, seriously. Magic missile solves everything.
yay some one read my comment lol ya i rewinded and kept herein it to make sure
Anyway to cut it so it's only the singing? I want to put this as an mp3.. xD

D&D Stories #25: The Scroll Mistress

In which all the men of the fair village of Spiky Gallows go missing, and its up to our adventurers to find out what happened to them all! Enjoy!

User Comments

T, as a fifteen year old teen watching this I am very offended. I am a D.M. I work really hard at it, and I think I do a good job. Ive memorized the monster Manuel 1, 2 and most of 3. The player's handbook and the D.M.s guide (I play 3.0). Because you were immature at 15 dont act like we all are. Kay, thanks.
+Joshua Dennison I was giving advice. The advice that you shouldn't  judge how mature somebody is based on age grouping. Okay, so I did this by bolstering my ego and stating bias opinions about myself. So, ignoring my maturity from my own perspective (Or anyone's for that matter) I still stand by that statement. That some Teenagers are more mature than he claimed. I don"t really care that much about how mature people envision me as. I was just giving advice, my apologies, I will admit that I didn't express that correctly.
+treble It doesnt particularly bother me. I just wanted to point out he shouldnt assume all teenagers are exactly like he was. Even if I'm not mature, I have met teens that are, Though maturity is a subjective trait anyway.
+YourAverageTeenDouchebag You sound pretty whiny in YouTube comments. Are you sure you are a more-than-average teenager?
+YourAverageTeenDouchebag If it makes you feel better, just tell yourself your the exception to the rule. I don't see why so many people feels the need to state they're offended so often. If you take your role as a DM seriously in terms of running campaigns and keeping players happy, do you really need to care what someone's opinion of a 15 year old is? If anything, feeling the need to state how offended you are as if you deserve to be personally apologized to in itself gives an impression of either immaturity or a sense of self-importance.
+TtheWriter To be honest. I'm 21 now and looking back i was pretty mature when i was 15 years old. Don't just assume it goes like that for everyone. Some people mature earlier than others, which there is nothing wrong with.
+TtheWriter I never claimed to be, I stated I am not as Mature as the average man. Though I am not as immature as your depiction of the "average fifteen year old". I never claimed to be superior to every other fifteen year old. I am saying not all teens are as immature as you say they are. I thought you'd be mature about the situation. But clearly you still have some maturing to do yourself. Don't feel bad everyone has room to mature more, I do, You do and so does everyone else.
+YourAverageTeenDouchebag No man who has to say "I am the king", truly is one.
+TtheWriter btw thanks for the curt attitude, complete with sarcastic smile :)
+TtheWriterummm. Its immature to make assumptions. So your average 15 year old teen is immature. You said stuff like: "Well it was sexist because we were fifteen". I'm not sexist. I'm an equalist, I have my own thoughts and viewpoints on various things happening in our society currently. I study politics and don't just go on my parents viewpoints. I consider myself as intelligent as the average fully grown man. Clearly not as wise because its my own personal belief that wisdom comes from experience and at fifteen you don't have enough experience to be wise. So I'm not claiming to be. Though I'm saying some of your statements such as the one previously mentioned are not true to every fifteen yea old. You may not have meant to but you implied numerous times that no 15 year old could possibly more mature than you were.
+YourAverageTeenDouchebag I'm okay with you being offended. :) Comparitively speaking we're all immature at 15. If you think not, grow up first and then have a look back.
Does a succubus' magic even work on children? Or any being with an undeveloped libido?
Hmm, it isn't exactly sex magic per say, more like manipulation to get sex in which the sould can be taken or whatever... 
+TheNaturalnukeWell yeah, but that's the mechanic rule. In actuality wouldn't you assume that a creature using sex magic would only be able to use it on those who desire sex? I mean it could probably use some spells on them but not all of them.
It's just any sentient being of opposite gender that fails a saving roll, I think this is right, and npc children don't exactly have a high saving throw right?

Military Mom Fights DND

User Comments

I can't get past this!! I can understand why this Mom thinks the NDP want to help but?? Her son used illegal Street Drugs before he took his life right?? Do you all remember that Layton and Emery made thier deal in?? NOW it is a FACT Libby and ...the NDP fully support the STREET DRUGS as that is why over 400,000 Canadians use NDP supported Street Drugs as Medications in Canada!! STREET DRUGS! I am a Veteran and the NDP wanted me buying STREET DRUGS and supporting Organized crime?? WHY?
It 's a cover up , they bashed her son to cover their pathetic asses , they should be paying her a lump some and covering all legal fees. W5 goes in deeper . There is a major cover up and they had to make sure he didn't leave any evidence to expose them.. It crap is what it is, political and higher up military politics cover up, I doubt it was even a suicide, i think someone helped him. since the documents were altered.
WHY? Did I not already have enough STRESS!! I bet if you looked, that hes Son even bought Street Drugs form a NDP Member or Party Supporter!! I will bet on it living in BC that he used NDP Street Drugs just like I did!!! Why are the NDP doing this now?? If it is to move in on the 6 Nov, I want every Canadian to see how this Party works!! NDP Semi-legal Health Care for Veterans and the Sick!! TTFN
Bless you Sheila! Sharing this on Facebook and Twitter in hopes you get more attention and therefore action. Your son is a hero! I am so sorry for your/our loss. They did some really awful things over there in Afghanistan I can only imagine the horrors this boy saw or even was ordered to commit. Bless your family!
Please don't turn this into a political debate. The woman is only seeking her legal fees and an apology. If the NDP brings this to the public eye and helps usher in any change so this doesn't happen again then so what.

Everything Is Offensive

BlogTV show - July 16 - Noon CST //www.blogtv.com/users/theamazingatheist Donate and get shiny things: //goodsie.com/store/taa/ AMAZING ...

User Comments

My own comment offends me, were can I start a petition to get my comment fired!?!?!?!?!
+ella limbTriggered! Triggered! Yo can i get some muscle over here?
+Davpe357 Change.orgthe place to make petitions
+ella limb OMG! Thats so offensive! Ill murder you!
Omg that's so offensive I'm going to make my worthless life goal to get your comment fired
Fuck people who get offended!
So basically fuck opinions. Everybody is offended by something.
+Jim James me?
I'm offended by that(Just kidding...)

Drawfee Nights 5 - DRAWFEE BREAK

Drawfee's #1 scamp, Willie makes his triumphant return on this week's Drawfee Break. While Nathan works on an article for CollegeHumor, Willie lays down ...

User Comments

My love for Willie is like a parasite; slowly killing me as it takes advantage of my body.
True love never dies, it consumes you...
+osha dombrowski LOL
Why hop? Ghosts can fly.
They thought he was gone. They thought wrong. This Fall, Willie. Is. Back! Willie Ressurected
+JangoUnchained Willie's back and you're gonna be in trouble~
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