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Collegehumor difference between making love Videos

I'll Make Like To You (with Romany Malco)

See exclusive articles & pics //www.collegehumor.com It's a love song, just not an "in love" song. LIKE us on: //www.facebook.com/collegehumor ...

User Comments

I fucking hate when people put an annotation box that covers the entire fucking video. I have shitty internet out here in the middle of nowhere and after letting a vid buffer for a few mins, id like to be able to play it without fear being redirected to your subscribe link. especially since im already subscribed... now im bitching while i let the vid buffer.. AGAIN..
why have a youtube acct if your just going to be a D-bagg to all the youtubers your comment was uncalled for... just from the looks of your other comments on other vids your a sad lil child that didnt get hugged enough and for that ppl like you should not be alive...just saying
Because the stupid ass people who subscribe to this channel won't accepting anything except the shows they subscribed for.. So they dislike every other video..
No, you didn't make that comment out of boredom, you made it due to a lack of restraint and civility. Don't confuse your boredom with your poor judgement.
I'll make love to you, like you want me to, and I'll I'll hold you tight baby all through the night...or we can just be fuck buddies lol
So from what I've gathered, College Humor ruined a perfectly good video by putting a huge subsrcibe box over the whole screen... smooth...
Besides having Romany Malco, it also has a guy that is now known for being on Guy Code (at least I believe it is him)
@Hperman09 L4D2=Left For Dead 2 (awesome game) Louis= Guy that looks like this guy (playable character in L4D2)
You do realise you can hide the annotations with one simple click right? No need to get all pregnant about it
Don't forget to include yourself in that list, since you yourself are inclined to make stupid comments.
@ciano15 thats why i auto turn that shit annotations off before i even click somewhere else
like the "casual sex" part of friends with benefits, and im very ashamed i saw that movie
random fact: the girl's name is victoria parsons. shes been a backup dancer for rihanna!
Why are there so many dislikes? I thought it was funny and the singing wasn't bad lol
i remember listening to this song in the car when i was younger just... not THIS song
I forwarded this to my booty call as soon as I saw it. It's totally our song now. :D
my mam loved boys II men, if I told her about this she wud go all fan girl on me
Was this Romanys idea or College Humours? Wan't to know because it was funny :D
what makes it even funnier at 2:40 is that's the actual redtube background....
who else went to check out redtube.com after seeing this video?!?!?!?!?!?
There's a word for people who don't like this song. They're called girls.
Inception and Settlers of Catan? I would have laughed in his face haha.
Not that funny but I just love looking at Romany. I'd make like to him!!
is this him really singing this song is it someone else singing ?
loooool this was the stupidest thing I've ever seen lmfaooa hahaha
Wow. I bet he looks at this now n is ashamed...that was just, wow.
@reknowvator11 okay that made me feel bad.... =/. You're right..
@dns15r ha ya but louis was in L4D 1 unless u count the passing?
lol i like how it went from romantic to yeah whatever get naked
baby, i'll make like to your facebook profile all night long
whats up with so many dislikes? 2246 people are poop heads.
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