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Collegehumor debate drinking game Videos

The Onion SportsDome Ump Husband - CollegeHumor Video.mp4

Nick Raio as one of the umps in this Onion Sports Dome spoof.

FOMO Horror Is Real!

Anna Camp of Pitch Perfect made a great FOMO horror movie trailer with CollegeHumor - what is FOMO? Fear Of Missing Out - do you have it? Are you terrified ...

User Comments

I have the opposite of FOMO, for the first few years in my 20's I feel like I went a little nuts and did my crazy bit and went out with all my cool friends, and now that all those "cool" friends are settling down and getting married and stuff, I'm like, THANK GOD, because I'm getting older too and I just don't care about going out as much anymore. I like to stay in, cuddle with my cats in my cozy blankie & watch reruns of my fave shows on Netflix, that's right! The youngins can have their fun.
I had one really bad FOMO moment. Me and my best friend were at the time living in different cities and going to different unis, so already felt a bit FOMO'd on a regular basis... but the worst part was when it was her 21st birthday and her and her uni friends all went back home and had a great time... I wasn't invited. It took me about a year to ask why, and turns out it was because her mom wanted to thank her new uni friends for helping her adjust... but still hurt like hell >
With me it's more, as an example, my friend says we should do something sometime (like watch a certain movie) and then the next day I'm right next to them and they're inviting someone to come over to their house and watch that movie. So it's not getting left out, more of being forgotten kind of thing.
I saw a giant poster in the bar the other night that said "Check in on Facebook so your friends know where you are!" 400 people do not need to know nor do they likely care where I am let alone giving them a map online on how to find me. I've always found the "Check in" to facebook thing stupid
I sort of have FOMO but what really annoys me is when friends ask you to hang out and you can't, so they go off to hang with someone else -that's not necessarily the part that bugs me- but then they post a bunch of photos with that other person and are like "best day ever" or whatever
i have such bad fomo, especially if its like my best friend, but its really annoying having my wall littered with really dumb photos of like a group of girls eating freezies with-#freezie #summer #cuties #havingfun #bffs #bestnightever #fun like go shit yourself.
My friend went to this thing called A-Kon (Anime convention) and didn't invite me. She posted pictures on Facebook when she got home and it looked like she and her other friends had the best time. I felt so left out, and I don't even like anime that much.
Haha sometimes me and my one bestie watch Netflix when we're together other times we go out lol. Sometimes I do get left out but then I go and have my own fun or call someone or Skype my best friend so you don't have to feel bad about it lol
I actually had to completely stop being friends with certain people because they have chronic FOMO to the point that i cant even MENTION that i went out with someone else without them freaking out and asking why i didnt invite them.
My friends go out and are like 'do you want to go out today?' And I'm like 'no, I see enough of people my age at school. I'm just gonna stay at home, watch Netflix, play on the ps3 or whatever and chill.' I just dgaf about people...
If you're worried about someone being offended because they weren't invited, INVITE THEM. How fucking hard is that to figure out? If you don't like them, don't be their friend. That fucking simple.
No FOMO. Do people know that smart phones embed the location the picture is taken by using gps into a photo? Turn off the phone's gps service to prevent that from being stored in the meta data..
I really don't care if my friends hang out with other people! I feel like if your always hanging with your friends, like, 24/7, it just kinda seems a bit stalker-ish and annoying to me.
I have been guilty of fomo through out highschool but now I am comfortable with what I do instead of forcing myself to do things I don't enjoy that much.
How about people just be truthful so we can avoid all this bullshit of telling someone one thing then having pics of you doing something else. Yeesh
I think fomo is also when you can't hang out with them because you have to go do something boring like work or homework.... that is the worst
I think we all feel a little FOMO sometimes, but it gets annoying when people have extreme FOMO and bug out everytime you go and do something
lol I have no friends so when I see those pictures its only because im not there bffl. I just know them somewhat... I have no life :P
I used to be part of the group having fun, then after that due to work i couldn't go so I had fomo, but now I'm just indifferent.
I only get fomo when my bff is hanging out with someone I hate then become best friends with them idk it just makes me paranoid
People don't even enjoy their time anymore because they're so preoccupied taking photos. Why would I be afraid of missing out?
I wish you would talk about the new movie, The Purge and what you would if there was a day that legalized all crime.
You're mistaken on the Facebook thing. You can only deny it from going to your news feed. Their tags still happen.
If I'm sitting at home, and I see my friend tweet about being out with my other friends, I get really upset...
I spent last Saturday night watching Game of Thrones DVD box set and playing Planetside 2. No Fomo.
definitely guilty, during the video I just texted my friends to see if they're doing anything fun
she deactivated it but then reactivated it. girls change their minds. we're weird like that.
I don't have friends and hate being social, so I definitely don't suffer from FOMO. lol
I am FOMO, we have a FOMO group and we create the fun for anyone that has the FOMO!

Dr. James Naismith vs Gary Payton (Jan 2011)

The inventor of basketball, Dr James Naismith debates Gary Payton on who will win the NBA Championship of the 2010-2011 season.

Fascist Workplace Phonics or: How i learned to stop worrying and love phonology Fascism

Skit from That Mitchell & Webb Look Series 4 - Episode 1. Take note: We know it's an "Initialism" and have done for some time. The reminder that it hasn't ...

User Comments

They are saying things incorrectly, not wrong. That dude should have gotten blasted before the espresso lady!
So you hate Shakespeare?
You'll notice that I used 'standard,' not 'common.' Huge difference when talking about language.One comment on this is particularly useful //english.stackexchange.com/questions/144737/when-to-use-wrong-or-wrongly-as-adverbsOnce again, I also dislike 'wrong,' and don't use it in that way, but it is not useful to say it is incorrect.
Common isn't correct. Just because a lot of people think "literally" means "figuratively" doesn't make it so.
I'm pretty sure that 'wrong' is acceptable. I don't like it either, but it's standard. The real crime is that H.H.H is an initialism, not an acronym!
Glad I wasn't the only one who noticed that.
I've never understood the 'hae-ch' vs. 'ae-ch' thing, so I use them interchangeably like when I spell my own name: *Haech* E.A.T. *aech* E.R.
+Tyler ColeIs that why we still speak Latin?
Then that's wrong. It's not an opinion, it's a fact.
Gay title
I wasn't aware titles had sexual orientations, and your point is?
+Joshua Western You missed the "you're", BTW. And I have this feeling it may have been deliberate. 
+Joshua Western that's the joke
+TazG2000 you COULD care less? that means you do care ;)Although I agree that I couldn't care less about about his opinion of the damn title
I could care less about you're opinion of the title.

You Gotta Fight...

Quadtalk: New JMU alcohol Policies

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