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Collegehumor letter to miley cyrus Videos

Open Letter From Miley Cyrus, Aged 50

The middle-aged Miley sends a message to 2043's hottest new pop sensation.

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Discharge Presents: An Open Letter to Miley Cyrus

Discharge has been a bit preoccupied with Miley Cyrus since her performance at the VMAs a few months ago. Here are some things we've been wanting to say ...

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That girl is a good singer if you think about it
She will love this so much!

An Open Letter to Miley Cyrus

The 15 year old star of Hannah Montana, Miley Cyrus is trying to replace America's TRUE sweetheart, Hilary Duff. Zacky doesn't play that.

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katiegraaay, you are confused, as mitchell wants you to be. The video in which he copied me WORD FOR WORD was taken down before you even opened you youtube account. He later replaced it with a different miley video. That's not the one I speak of. And HE is the one who has taken legal action against ME. I do not know why, except that I showed how he stole my work by showing our clips back-to-back for the world to see. Freedom of speech is very important to me, so I am fighting it.
Please do not insult good people; especially those who are so young. If you are not a teenager yourself; you should not discuss teen girls. [You could have a mental problem]. If you are not a judge of a singing competition which they opt-in for, then, why do you feel the need to be judgmental? That is always inaccurate; simply the symptom of one who has not yet learned the meaning of love. These girls are both talented & work at their arts. Who r u 2 judge either one?
i can't tell if you're serious or just acting odd. either way yes, miley cyrus was born into hollywood but she is a good singer and she connects with her fans unlike most celebrities. MOST IMPORTANTLY she is a teenager, her movies and music are aimed towards girls her own age. i would be creeped out if you DID like her
Very interesting video I'm gonna pick my side.... I'm with Hilary because Miley is too over rated I mean they have kids programed like robots when it comes to her At least Hilary had real fan how knew what the heck music is MILEY SUCKS!!!!! GO HILARY!!!! oh....i almost forgot hilary's alot prettier too!!!!
First off, just because you're born into a famous family doesn't mean you don't have talent. It may mean that you don't need it, but it doesn't mean that you don't have it. Secondly, whose fan one is, is not a matter of life and death. Someone here needs a rectalstickectomy.
i'm sorry, you are not comedic gold and i'm not normally the type of person to bash anyone... Since you have deeply angered me by saying that Meow Meow Mitchell copied you which I am not seeing... I'm fuckin' pissed. fuck off! Find another way to get popular.
I would also like to note that Hannah Montana's frequent switching from blonde to brunette is an abomination and an offense against God and nature. As the Great H-Duff would say, This is NOT what dreams are made of.
man i should just make a vlog like that britney girl "leave britneyyy alone *sobs uncontrolably*..excpet replace britney with the word zack..anyways my point is...theres a lot of haters commenting here.
Eat bananas!!!! Three of them at once...cram 'em in there..while you attempt not to choke, patiently acquire a sense of humor, some perspective and finally some .....of my boy Zack's name outcha mouth.
Okayy so you're pretty much amazing XD Gotta love the last little bit at the end of this.. so priceless. "Your choice, America." Oh man, you're awesome. Never stop doing whatever the hell you're doing!
ur a fag WTF is up with you, you ugly old man your fucken stupid, go fuck urself u retard. what are u some fucken frickin retard with NO GOD DAMB FRIENDS GET A FUCKEN LIFE U BITCH
You think you can just make this insightful and thought provoking video, and everyone will just magically forget about you infringing my copyright? It's not happening, champ.
Born with a silver microphone in her mouth! I think Hanna Montana has more potential. But no one can top Hilary Duff and Minnie Mouse as far as class. The jury is still out!
Let's high five each other and go ride around the park in a two person bike, while sipping milkshakes through a tube connected to bags of milkshake in our backpacks.
Stop trying to make me look up peoples names to find out who they are! It's bad enough that I had to learn enough stuff about Duff and Cyrus to make this video!

'Let Miley Cyrus Be A Lesson' Mom's Open Letter To Daughter Goes Viral!

Dear Daughter I'm To Fight Or Die Trying To Keep You From Becoming Like The Miley Cyrus In The World. Advice Gone Viral Mother's Online Letter Has 3.9 ...

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These horrible people running the music industry today are teaching kids to behave in a way that bring about their being used and discarded, as well as, seek happenings that are dangerous. I mean places where young girls are encouraged to display overt sexual behavior in public & with indifferent observing only older men like Thick's role in this disgraceful display. We've got to fight this. It is completely about baiting vulnerable youth into the clutches of bad people for easy exploitation.
I think kids should look up to their parents not a 20 year old that was a kid not to long ago so what does that say about the parent. Many girls act even more worst that Miley but because Miley is from Disney she can't do basically what Lady Gaga did at the VMAs, the more people mention Hannah or Disney when talking about Miley just makes it even harder for her because even with everything that she is doing Disney is still mention and not just the singer Miley Cyrus
If ever there was an example of just how far American culture, and in particular youth culture has beed degarded this exhibition by Miley Cyrus is it. Not much more need to be said or displayed to demonstrate just how out of control American society has gotten, parenting has fallen and youth have lost any concept of decency or correct behavior.
Lol this is hilarious Miley's old enough to do whatever the fuck she wants and no I'm not defending Miley because she is truly an ugly scumbag but people are tying soooo hard to make this an issue let the bitch be foul she's obviously just having fun
Leave Miley alone old ladddddyyyyyyyyyy :( she can be who she wants. Miley is being herself if u didn't like it u shouldlnt have watched it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She just doesn't want anyone treating her like little country girl anymore...
I don't know, my daughter wouldn't think of emulating anything near Miley's "performance" and I don't need to point it out to her.
NO TALENT! I dont care what she or anyone does. But, still NO TALENT. Cant sing, dam sure cant dance.
She is 20 what do you want from her raise your child your own she is not responsible.
miley does some weird stuff / wears too revealing clothes but she is 21 not 12
I used to think Miley was hot, not anymore though.... WOW.
She is not a parent of every child in the world.
About time people speak up
Leave her alone people

"A Letter to Miley Cyrus" // Malika

Original Poem: Malika G. We're really excited to announce that our Spring Showcase is officially set for April 18th, 2014! This is a very big tradition for us and we ...

Streight Angular - An Open Letter to Miley Cyrus (Official Audio)

12 Days of Miley: Key Of Awesome #80

Counting down calendar till the Coming of The Child! See more Leah at //www.youtube.com/user/SkinnyBJesusMeeting Subscribe to BarelyPolitical!

User Comments

What is STD? A disease?
Sexually transmitted disease
do 12 days of bieber
Yasssssssss plzzzzzzzzzzz
i hate your videos
+ThatFrigginGuyFromHamilton get to fuck
+Fiona Ng get to fuck
she got her ring back
Omg I love the i don't care. The whole thing was hilarious!
+Madison Seaha Iont care hahaha
"and a complete lack of decency" I love it. I new here, but whoever played Miley was great!
+Jennifer W yeah
the only thing that bugs me is bringing Jesus into it.
+Michele Pruett thank you
+Julia Bergeron precisely!
And that's why Thor's brother broke up with her

Miley's Open Letter To Liam Hemsworth

Miley's Open Letter To Liam Hemsworth Miley Cyrus seems to be missing her ex-fiance Liam Hemsworth. According to sources, she has penned down an open ...

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NoO she's nasty! Ugh whore!
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