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The cafe night van gogh Videos

Night Cafe Van Gogh Animation

A short 3D Animation made for my University class ( three-dimensional-models).

User Comments

WOW!!! Satimar Rockner you are the BEST!!! You are like... THE STEVE VAI OF ANIMATION!
haha. thnx for your nice words but we both no that's not true:)

Night Cafe of Van Gogh

//paintingsgaloreonline.com/ For the Night Cafe painting, the artist slept at the place for him to be able to paint the Night Cafe perfectly. The pool table within ...

User Comments

20 - Ok theres a problem here.. theres a dislike button. how could you possibly dislike this?
why cant i make this great of videos?
1v1 anyone? sYsTeM-DoUgLaS (ps

Van Gogh The Night Cafe

فيديو يحتوي على تحليل للعمل الفني (المقهي الليلي) للفنان (فينسينت فان جوخ)

Van Gogh painting comes to life in 3D

Full story: //bit.ly/1IN6rgy A virtual version of a famous painting lets you wander round the artwork and explore the scene in 3D – with a few added extras.

User Comments

Stupid ! If Van Gogh had wanted. To make a 3D rendering of this image he would have made a sculphture. His feelings and emotion about this place was expressed in 2D and that´s how it should remain. If you want to make a 3D work make your own creation.
+vincent7520 It isn't about that. This is a glimpse into the way Van Gogh saw the world. It's absolutely breathtaking and beautiful when you look at it like that. I don't know if the artist of the video intended that, but that is how I see it; it brings me to tears. Especially seeing him sitting there alone with his mind in the state it was in, it makes it even more melancholic. I think this is a brilliant video.
+vincent7520 you're making a fool of yourself because you don't know what you're talking about 
Why should I ?I'm intersted in science which this channel is about. Except on rare occasions like this one ...
Please leave
I see new trend in indie games coming...
+MRk0peryto as a game developer, I feel inspired :)
Isn't this what people see anyway? That's what I see when I look at his paintings.
This way I don't need to think for myself.
I call fake, Van Gogh has both his ears.
+Peter Andersen here, have some sense of humor
You are a stupid little little shit
As an artist this made my heart sink down low and almost made me tear up a bit. I can't help but think of Van Gogh never being able to see people finally after years of hard work and rejection, appreciating his work.
+Sarah C The tragedy of our existence lies in the fact that while it matters to people like you and I if we actually did this for those who mean so much to us now, in the end it's all for naught in the ruthless shadow of Father Time.   
+Jason Axford Was thinking about that episode while watching this...the tears did stream. Especially with that beautiful music. Augh my heart
+CPTAIRC Watch Doctor Who S5E10 Vincent and the Doctor. It'll do that and more to you.
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