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The night cafe analysis Videos

The Cafe Terrace at Night

League of Analysis Bronies 2

This is a remake of League of Analysis Bronies of The Rift Café video! The orginal video is made by VoiceofReason Orginal Video: ...

User Comments

I now have one mission. To go and sub to EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. .U.
+TheRealAvaGirl mission accomplished.
Me sub spam shall start a-flowin
One day I will be good enough to join. Someday.
Me and you both
The Rift Cafe isn't really as portrayed within the video. Most of the more well-known analysts are not there. In fact, what you will find if you were to ever join the Skype group is about 100 people you don't know and 20 you might know. Not that those 100 are bad people or anything, most of them seem cool enough, it just is almost never what people expect. Another person you won't find there (at least as of around the time I left) is the person who made this video, Lightning Bliss. She's left along with many of the other bronies portrayed within the video. The group itself spends most of its time doing role playing or talking about video games or other non-pony cartoons. Drama is always occurring there, and seldom does a week pass when someone doesn't fake their own suicide or try to use their fellow Rift members to make a few dollars. The group isn't even about analysis anymore, as there are now many members who are artists, animators, or voice actors. It would be great to have a place where like-minded pony analysts who create quality content can come together to discuss and debate their ideas, opinions, and editing techniques in a setting free of immature drama. But the Rift Cafe is not that place.
+Corpulent Brony It definitely would. It also contradicts the welcoming and inclusive image we've had of our community. But maybe that's what we get for calling it the 'rift?'
+Ben Nthat would be awesome.  I know some have tried this, but they never appear to quite get off the ground.  If anything, the analysis community has become more segmented.  There are now certain "cliques" and they don't really interact much.  I think it harms opportunities for us all to collaborate together.
So don't the real analysts talk with each other through Skype anyway? That's the impression I got from the videos released when Key was in trouble. Even if they've left the original Rift they can still create a similar group and be more selective about who they invite and keep.
this was the best. and the original video is probably what inspired me to join up with all you awesome folks too. thanks for bringing back the awesomeness, Bliss, I know I wasn't featured lol, but who cares! these videos are still the best. xD
Now that's the spirit!

(3D) Charity Boardgames Night (Cafe Games club) - 26 Feb 2011

ArtSleuth 1 : VAN GOGH - The Starry Night (final version) - MOMA

What gives this star-filled night its haunting power? A doomed painter's madness or a carefully planned strategy? More on //www.artsleuth.net.

User Comments

Talkie, talkie, talkie...Sorry, don't buy this interpretation...doesn't stand out as convincing...the elucidator seems to completely dismiss the effect of Van Gogh's altered state of mind on his work. A dry, lifeless dissertation..............
+Tony DanisI guess you had to consult your pet gerbil for that retort, dumb anal fvcker. OK, so put your tail between your legs and run to your medicine cabinet for some valium. Fvck. What a poor excuse for a human being you are.
+ThamesOrIsis I think your anger stems from you being ignored by everyone. I think I'll do the same.
+Tony Danis I thought so, a fvcking mad doctor connected by an anal dildo to the pharmaceutical industry. Did your daddy keep you chained to the radiator when you were a kid? Fvck.
+ThamesOrIsis Nurse, 5 mg Haldol for the patient, please. And restraints, I think.
+Tony DanisOoooooh, Anal Tony, doing some Internet psychoanalysis! Wow! Your intelligence is really shining now! Fvck.
+ThamesOrIsis You're really hostile!! How you getting along with Mother?
+Tony Danis OK, got it, you're one of those "psycho" ivory-tower types. I can only imagine what kind of a fvcking dry read your dissertation must be. You think you are so fvcking rational, but fail to see anything beyond the horizon of your narrow worldview. In fact, it seems that you are caught in the anal stage. But I don't want to insult you. And I'll decline that beer.
+ThamesOrIsis Well, one of the things I had to do in my psychiatry rotation was to do a workup on several historical figures with known psychological conditions. In each case, a plenitude of biographical details was provided to help in our assessment. We know, for instance, an enormous amount about Van Gogh's life from birth through to death, particularly in regard to his everyday activities. Taking the more traditional approach where family and social factors play key roles in the development of the psyche is helpful; however, in this individual's case, I'm sure he suffered from profound organic aberrations that dominated his artistic expression.It's too much to go into here, but one thing of interest ishe's on record as having consumed cadmium paints during his periods of mania. These contain substitutes that provoke hallucinatory episodes remarkably similar to the visual and chromatic distortions we see in "Starry Night". But it's all too big a subject matter to be adequately treated on YouTube.Cheers.
+Tony Danis Empty claim, Tony, nothing but an empty claim. Let's hear how you think Van Gogh's altered state of mind affected his work, in particular, The Starry Night.

One Hour With God Pelu Oniwasu (On Demand Stream)

Fresh FM Program Details. The Breakfast Show Host: Tope Edward (The Big T) Time: 7 am – 11 am The Breakfast Show is a well-rounded information based ...

User Comments

Thanks a million for this stream. I was very angry with myself for missing the program but I am glad I could still watch. Blessings

Education Today with Ademola Olokun (On Demand Stream)

Fresh FM Program Details. The Breakfast Show Host: Tope Edward (The Big T) Time: 7 am – 11 am The Breakfast Show is a well-rounded information based ...

Ajaabale Iroyin (On Demand Stream)

Fresh FM Program Details. The Breakfast Show Host: Tope Edward (The Big T) Time: 7 am – 11 am The Breakfast Show is a well-rounded information based ...

Vincent Van Gogh - Starry Night

Analysis of Vincent Van Gogh's painting Starry Night in relation to distinctively visual.

User Comments

thank you for this! gave me a basic knowledge of the painting and how to write an essay on it :)
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