Ford Tri-motor N414H Fly-by Valle Airport, Arizona
Grand Canyon Ford Tri-motor N414H in a fly-by at Valle Grand Canyon Airport, Arizona (piloted by Greg Herrick). Type ratings are now available in the Ford, ...
Yes, this would be the same ship. It is the famous Grand Canyon Airlines
Ford tri-motor N-414H. The ceased using them for Canyon flights a few years
ago. It owned by John Seibold who is one of the previous owners of Grand
Canyon (and a great guy). They are giving type ratings for pilots who would
like to be approved to fly the Ford 5-AT.
Gregg, very nice video! My name is Foster Bachschmidt, I just finished up
my Type Rating with Bryan, you might remember me from the refueling
mission, I was along with you and Tracy and the rest! I'd love to meet up
with you at Airventure in '09 and see you 4AT if you'd be willing!
Hi Foster. Great to hear from you and I do recall... I'll be at OSH and I
assume we will have Ford 1077 there on loan to the Ford Motor company if
they request it again. See you there. Just stop by the plane and leave your
contact info. Greg
Very cool! Back in '89 I worked for a helicopter company and we were
fighting fires at the Grand Canyon. We were based out of the south rim and
I remember seeing a Ford Tri-motor there. This wouldn't be the same one
would it?
Lol. I used to work at a Sutherland Lumber Company (1985-ish) at the east
end of the airport and lived in Spindlehill Apts. on the other side of the
little Miami. I MISS seeing and hearing all the air traffic out of Lunken.