I want to start doing this and have been trying to do this. I really want
to pull my grades up in school. Im getting A's and B's and sometimes
dangerously close to a C which I have never gotten. I am in 7th grade and
am almost 13 (In the us I guess grade levels are different becasue most of
the kids in my grade are already 13). I am not stupid Im in all advanced
classes and have skipped 7th grade math (Im in 8th grade math but in 7th
grade). I overall really need to be less lazy because I know it will effect
my life later in a bad way but at the same time I really just want to make
youtube videos or play video games or even hang out with my friends. Can
you give me some advise on being just less lazy? Thank you very much love
your videos
Well it looks like you're on the right track man! I think what I do is remember that any action I do today will affect my future especially at our age where our education is very important! Just think about how you don't wanna regret this stage of your life when you're older. Balance is key and too much of anything in life is bad. Try to keep a schedule for work, games and friends. Thanks for the support and I hope this helps <3
It sounds a little serious. Dangerous. Thuggish. Like no one should mess with you. I like that :) Keep it up for serious topics like this in the future!