Calculator Programming - Episode 22: Auto-Solve Towers of Hanoi
We check out a commonly known puzzle called the Towers of Hanoi. We first look at a program that I already made which allows the user to play the game. Then ...
Ok. I also copied and pasted the original towers of Hanoi, but with the TI
Connect bug, and with the "special variable" that you have to interconnect
multiple programs, it doesn't run. I've tried for days now, and I really
want to be able to play it!! I have been so excited to play it and not have
it done automatically. The farthest I got to fixing it was the actual
screen, but there is no bracket around the tower itself. Thank you and
can't wait to see your next video!!
How to play a game on a TI-30XIIS Calculator, IT DOES WORK!
Here's a video explaining how to play the game that I call Randomizer on a TI-30XIIS calculator (Please Read Description) This game can be played by doing ...
For once we have somebody shows us that it is possible to play somewhat of
a game on a TI30XIIS after all the other people that failed, this is
honestly the closest thing to a game that can be played on this kind of
calculator. I'm a 6th grader in a middle school where if you have any kind
of electronic device, you automatically get a detention. My friend even
tried with his brother's Game Boy Advance to see if he wouldn't get caught
, but he did.
+TotodileMaster It should as long as the calculator has a PRB button and a RAND/RANDI menu. It might even work on TI34 II and multiview calculators because they both have the PRB button.
+TotodileMaster Yeah, middle school gets very boring very fast so i found this out by just mashing buttons on my calculator and turned it into a game for study hall. I kept this a secret for a few years and then I made a video about it because of all the failed attempts and TI 83+ TI 84+ videos that are for graphing calculators a Middle School student most likely wouldn't have. Even though I'm in High School now, it is still good to carry around a TI30XIIS as a backup calculator. And BTW, Middle School just gets harder and harder as you progress through it.
Calculate Game challenges you to a new kind of casual puzzle! Auto-adjusting difficulty will challenge casual players and math enthusiasts alike. Play timed or ...
Game Boy C Programming - Prime Number Calculator
Using the gbdk compiler, I compiled a simple C program that uses some modular arithmatic and a for-loop to calculate the first 100 prime numbers into a ...
I suppose that the old Game Boy (Sharp LR35902 processor) didn't offer the
sqrt (square root) operation. Am I right? It would have been much faster
with it.
+madvorakCZ +mewrox99 You could still greatly improve the speed by first checking that the number isn't even and then starting c at 3 incrementing by 2 and breaking the loop when c*c exceeds i. No sqrt needed.
I implemented a prime factorisation program on the GB today that uses floor(sqrt(x))
+madvorakCZ Yeah, my understanding is that the CPU lacks a floating point unit. There is no floating libraries in the Gameboy C API either. I could at some point attempt to implement my own fixed point library, but i'm very busy at the moment with University.
+tom lukeywood. corrijo: tenías razón, "stdio,h" sí se utiliza (mis disculpas por hacerte perder tiempo), en el último "printf" se muestra la librería de "stdio.h" (y al imprimir en esa linea el código fuente, significa que sí lo incluyeron xD)."Errar es humano" y aprender de errores me ayuda a crecer :')
+tom lukeywood. I think the same thing for a while. maybe the "gb.h" library have an equivalent "printf" function for the gb screen, but i'm not sure ._.the only way that you can verify that is compiling the source (with the appropiate gb compiler).I'll try it too xD
the "stdio.h" library is for some DOS functions. the "gb/gb.h" works on the gb (no soy tan bueno escribiendo en inglés como leyéndolo xD)
Basic Calculator Games
Calculator games made with only the basic calculator editor that comes with the calculator. Most of the games are years old (and bring back old memories of ...