"then to blow his brains out with a 303"......song writing at it's
finest!...lol John Ashe wrote this classic....Chad recorded a lot of John's
songs....great stuff!
//www.abc.net.au/radionational/insidesleeve Lead vocalist for Sydney outfit Youth Group, Toby Martin, opens the door to his living room to discuss his love of ...
That song was good for that time, and well done...!
Chad Morgan - In the Nuthouse
"The Shiek of Scrubby Creek" - Chad has defied those who said he wouldn't last in the business - 50 years on and he is still pulling crowds that are the envy of ...
I first saw Chad in the Slim Dusty Travelling show, 1959! The silly bugger,
had a big effect on me then...and whats crazier...the old Chad still has
that effect.! Last saw him in Innisfail, the crowd couldnt get enough of
him. Legend!
@jackforlong G'Day Mate - yeah he sure is - I saw him in concert a few
months ago... He is just as good as ever - the crowd cheered for more .....
An Aussie Treasure - Cheers
Only someone who has lived in a truck can write a song like this. This is
God's Australian truck song and no other wanker pop poof "
"bullshit will ever come near it. OZ TRUCK DRIVERS, LEARN THIS SONG,...IT
I grew up with Chad Morgan as a kid, as a semi pro entertainer I'd like to
thank him for all the lyrical inspiration and good laughs he's provided me
with over the years. Cheers Chad!
Chad Morgan is one of a kind, and this is how country music should be about
giving people a laugh, I love comedy country music. John Williamson used to
do allot of funny songs which I really miss Songs like Stuff if I know, Old
farts in Caravan Parks, Boggie with M'Baby The Vasectomy Song etc timeless
laughs and when Pixie was with Johnny 'Dad, Teach me to drive the Tractor -
ya laugh your arse off. Martin Oakes has a very funny song called 'When a
Bloke Gets Married' Need more funny country!