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Restoration of the Daleks - Confidential

Just a selection of footage from the filming of Restoration of the Daleks.

User Comments

When it came round to the final editing, ive noticed your Dalek voice is in rather than this, Did you dub over in time with the lights, or was the speech that this fellow in the Dalek was speaking just tweaked and pinched on the computer?
This is really awesome. It gives a great insight into the film process, its great to see you had fun whilst making it. I like how you had the Dalek voice coming live from the prop. Thats really cool.
Amazing, very interesting. Gosh the Dalek looks good, I mean it looked amazing in your actual production, but even in these behind the scenes stuff it looks brilliant.
That Zippy impression is bloody amazing! :D Well done to all of you who where involved in this,The film was brilliant and it's really inspired me.
Evening CR! This is compelling stuff! Got to ask how did you get the major props - Dalek, the boss' chair and the superb Davros Mask??
this is great coverage, how did you manipulate the daleks voice as in the video th modulator isnt how it sounded in the real film
The opening titles stir up images of you sat in front of an After Effects error message going "Ah feck it".
Lol "I Think The Cleaners Came But Didn't Take The Rubbish" Randomly Made Me Laugh
Wow, very interesting! Thanks a bunch for posting Rob! Loved it alot!
Looking good. I pop up in this for about a 13th of a second
Is that the real person who does the voice of zippy?
Awesome!!!!! Love it :) A very big well done :)
@DalekDrone9 nope just a great impersonator
I'm inlove with your videos :P
Sooooo bloody awesome!!!!! :D
IKEA Daleks?

Doctor Who: Plastic Treachery- Fan Film Trailer

The first trailer for our upcoming three episode fan film due for release some time in August. The story feature the return of the fourth Doctor and the Autons.

User Comments

@batmanmarch You've got that Cyberman helmet, try a Cybermen story. :D Or I'm sure you can be able to borrow some fans' Dalek props for filming. I'm a moderator at the Dalek World forums, maybe I can ask around some of them there and see if it you could use theirs in filming. ;)
i fought i had commented but couldnt have done i cant se anything anywere haha, but i was blown away by this trailer it looks like youve had great fun producing it and no doubt it will have payed off , amazing work matthew!
@TheCastellan Thanks my friend! Initially it was going to be a one off, however we've had so much fun doing this one we are contemplating another. We're just trying to work out what to do for monsters...
@batmanmarch I know I probably say this too much, but why not use an original monster? Doesn't anybody ever think to make an original monster?! Anyway, Plastic Treachery looks wonderful, can't wait! :-)
This is also the #2 Most Discussed Film and Animation video in Britain today but we want this to get to #1, the leading vid so far has 87 comments, this has 83. WE CAN GET #1, so get commenting away :)
@smophidoodles we love you sophhh :) u know you and hari and dressing up as the prof and pc jane for the next few scenes yer??? HAHA REUNION :)i think max should come along as well :)
with your episodes of your dr who, what monsters are you doing daleks cyberman autons omgea also i can give you ideas for your episodes p.s. you do a great tom baker impression
Now this dis look exiting it me it is looking better than sum of the new series episodes and do you think that you would do another one in the in a few years penninefilms
Fantastic Matt! far better than the doctor who trailers we get on tv. brilliant music too! well done, i think we all are gunna keep are eyes on the screen, brilliant1
@RowZee42 i shall remind you tomorrow darling ;) leave it in your boot of your car, and then i will make sure i put my bag in the boot or keep something on my phone
amazing film amazing loved all of it words fail me tom baker is my favioute doctor still where did you get the out fit because I want to by a final series out fit
Excellent, Batman. Looking foreword to this. Do you have plans to make any other live action stories like this, or will this be a one time only thing?
@RowZee42 - HELL YEAHHHHH. me and him are beautiful as prof and pc jane :') i miss her so much. and you have my sailor hat and tripoddddddddd!
@smophidoodles im guessing you want them back? haha maybe i will hold them for ransom until you come in on friday dressed as pc jane :)
oh my gosh i am sooo happy to be a part of this :') i really love the music, i keep watching it over and over again :D
everyone comment up, discuss, favourite, recommend, watch on different computers, macs, ipods, phones DOOOO IT. ;)
@JJPproductions123 I use Sony Vegas Pro 8 which allows me to composite the footage of the fire/explosions in.

Gentleman// The Doctor & Jack

I don't understand my brain, so I'll just leave this here. Thumbs up? Comment? Enjoy! :D Also, to my subscribers, new and old, I apologize for not being as active ...

User Comments

I love you for this
lol thanks :P

AC/DC - If You Want Blood (You've Got It)

AC/DC - Volts (Bonfire Disc 3) 1997, produced by George Young for East West All titles M. Young, A. Young & B. Scott except "School Days" by Chuck Berry ...

User Comments

best version, abrupt, well, it fuckin' shreds.

Doctor Who 2009 - Fire and Ice (1 of 8) Fan Film

//www.doctorwho2009.com/episodes Introducing: Kenneth Raymond Moore as The Doctor Jennifer Richman as Alice Doctor Who 2009 is a non-profit ...

User Comments

I kinda like it. Good plot and nice acting. I don't like the doctor's accent. I honestly think the actor should use his own american accent for it. It's a fantastic actor but the english impression makes the doc sound like he has a cold all the time. But apart from that, great. Though I can't help thinking that due to the really high amount of grading it makes it looks all to much polished up and as a result just doesn't look real. At 03:31. No morning would look all dreamy and golden like that.
I thought it was good but a little slow paced there was a lot of stopping while they chat moments that could have been cut out. i think it could have been edited back by cutting out pieces like Alice talking to herself or the UNIT soldier talking to himself. I didn't like the solution being bullets the Doctors always been against that sort of thing. I recommend it for viewing but say watch ep 1,7,8 and you've probably not missed anything just blocks of dialogue. Not a bad effort on the whole.
I watched this whole thing, and I have to say I was sold on the whole thing from the start. Everything is brilliant! Some people may comment on the actors abilities, but the first episode's are difficult for every actor. All the actors that played the Doctor had to develop and build thier take on the Doc. And its always standard procedure to not like any new doctor, then he grows on you, then your all upset when he has to die. For me, I like this Doctor allready!!! MORE!!!!
i watched it alll and it's okay but needs alot of work a few basic technical flaws that could of been easy resolved Also certain parts of the story could of been done alot better but honestly keep it up i'm not trying to be a dick about it because i think that this has some real potential and it frustrates me that something so Professional is let down by something pretty basic
Hi! Would you and your fellow filmmakers like to be part of a massive film project? I have a plan to bring together some of the most talented Doctor Who fan film writers, designers, effects people, directors, producers and more in a massive collaborative effort and pool their genius toward a single end. If you'd like to be a part of it, please get in touch!
The only reason why the '96 movie did so badly was because it wasn't made by the BBC in the first place, it was made by a US film company but the BBC still counted it as canon. The one thing that was kept in there which I now don't believe should've been in there was the jelly beans, each Doctor is unique, and bringing the Jelly Beans in wasn't right.
great,obviously! but i think the grading is WAY overdone. i mean,grading can be used well,but i mean,it's completely over the top on this. you can't take it seriously because it all looks so perfect and graded. sorry,but that's my only critism. apart from that is brilliant. where did you get the ice warrior costume? i am in need of one desperately.
Not bad so far, it's a good effort (probably better than I could do) But when the other girl was talking about screaming and tires screeching........well, she really didn't scream and the tires definitely didn't screech, so, if little things like that are caught and excised during the production it will definitely bring the quality up.
"An Americanised version of Doctor Who – a Midwest remake of Rose with the most painfully self-aware "British" performance since Keanu Reeves in Bram Stoker's Dracula - played out to outright belly-laughs during the otherwise tolerant fan film festival at Cardiff's Chapter Arts in 2011. Pure MSTK fodder. Painful."
I honestly think you are doing this thing very well, however I also think you should be given a big budget and then see what happens. Your acting skills are very good, however the dialouge leaves a little bit to be desired, but in the Star Wars Episode 4 way, not the Dianna Troi way, if that makes any sense at all.
Cameras are REALLY expensive. The cheapest I've seen a digital camcorder is $200, and most amateur filmmakers can't afford a quarter of that (and that's a poor quality camera). Really, at least this crew has some concept of cinematography and narrative. 99% of amateur films give the rest a bad name.
Im not sure you you're still doing this, but this is great. I think the script is a little strict, try speaking more...relaxed. I know you tried to make it that way, but you have to kind of improvise on it just a little bit. Other than that, this is fantastic and i would love to see more.
This is like watching one of the real classic episodes of Doctor Who with a more modern tone and better effects. I'm totally serious when I say this is better than many of the episodes of the new series. I would rate this above Midnight, AND Blink, AND Evolution of the Daleks
I have to say, very good start to the film, this clip. I liked the opening scene as it, plus the title Fire and Ice, remind me of a strip from the webcomic Sluggy Freelance. The strip also made reference to the song. Great opening so far.
right and wrong - Besides the Doctor was british - however his TARDIS interior, it looked british looking (if you count medieval style), which in my belief, shows how stupid the americans are if they think britain was still in those times
Although its poor british performance makes it similar to the movie i love it just the same as the movie. Both had great perfomences especially the actor for this Doctor. Great work but british accent needs to be worked on.
Hey. I am about to write a Dr. Who parody about Daleks. It will be our third web series, but one thing I am still trying to perfect is coloring. What did you use to soften the picture? I like the overall effect.

Dalek Challenge Interactive Quiz - Intro

Welcome to the interactive Dalek Quiz - you need 'annotations' on for it to work. If you have already answered all 11 questions then please use the table below ...

User Comments

9 out of 11!
Good job! :-)
0 Exterminations. I am a true Dalek.
Excellent :-)
0 exterminations, 11 out of 11.
Great job! :-)
0 Exterminations! I am glad to be known as a Dalek! EXTERMINATE!
+Cursor Emmy You're very welcome :-)
Thanks for making the quiz
Random hug
Well done :-)

Doctor Who Plastic Treachery Episode Three: Part 2 of 3

Doctor Who Plastic Treachery Roger Tersam has revealed himself to be the Master, who has once more joined forces with the Nestene. However, after the ...

User Comments

love this I watch this episode over and over this is like the 900th time I've watched love your Tom Baker impression love the bit "doctor why you talking to yourself you've got a planet to save" excellent story 10/10
I like all the stunt scenes you and the person who played the master and which master is he bast on the one from the third doctor or of the 1980s one sorry I don't now they names very well
brilliant auton voice. And the fire effects are BRILLIANT, Id love to be involved in your productions as ive always wanted to be an actor. Especially a voice over artiste.
@penninefilms Thanks! The Master is kind of based on the 80's version, Antony Ainley, but he is actually a future incarnation of the Master.
I wondered why there were people dressed in boiler suits walking around at Pets At Home:) Also where was this filmed?
haha 03:19 "... duuuude! shut uppppp!" "..is reward enough" *ping* and i still love the dying (dancing) autons!
Lol, I heard a lot of famous screams (the Wilhelm, the gut wrench/Howie scream) Excellent story, well done :)
@penninefilms Initially when we rehersed the scene, I used the music from the Sea Devils on a rough edit!
My name is Marc! And I am a very big dw fan. I watch it on BBC America. A lot. Please reply on my channel.
THIS IS BRILLIANT! i couldnt beleave it is coool and it rocks your better then fred and annoying orrange!
oh know the autons are attacking pets at home lol i was there when you were filming at pets at home
When you do you 8th doctor series will the master be in it and thanks for replying to my question
Interesting the two girls with the umbrella at 8:00 did not notice the Auton spazing out. :)
I wondered why there were people dressed in boiler suits walking around at Pets At Home:)
@batmanmarch Cor that is a long time and how long will Shadow of the Daleks take to make
Great work I'm inspired to make an episode like this but how long does it take to make
@IndianaBilly1 An Auton head lol! It was a replica bought of ebay a few years ago.
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