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College confidential interview questions Videos

Tell me about yourself. - How to Answer Interview Questions

Tell me about yourself. Click this link to read the article - //careerconfidential.com/how-to-answer-interview-questions-q41/ Would you like to see the entire ...

Unemployment is Temporary!

Job Search Tips //careerconfidential.com/specials/finding-hidden-jobs-ni-g/ Join Career Coach and Career Confidential CEO Peggy McKee as she ...

References: Are You Making a Resume Mistake?

reference tips for resume writing - //careerconfidential.com/specials/extreme-resume-makeover-kit-g/ - Career Coach Peggy McKee tells you what to do ...

User Comments

already, the last years the referencies are not asked. that's good.
Lady looks like a dude

Why should we give you the job over the other candidates? How To Answer Interview Questions

Why should we give you the job over the other candidates? (Why should I hire you instead of someone else?) - Click this link to read the article ...

User Comments

Thank you so much! Your videos are all so helpful! 
The Office-like eye movement at the end.

Resume Length: What It Says About You

Resume Writing Tips: //careerconfidential.com/specials/extreme-resume-makeover-kit-g/ - Redo your resume to get the job! Career Coach Peggy McKee ...

Resume Tips and how to answer the "What is your greatest weakness" interview question.

Roger Lear shares 5 great tips on FOX 35 on what is changing with resumes and interview questions. OrlandoJobs.com watches the trends in what employers ...

User Comments

Hey Roger.......greatest weakness is my ever prominent gag reflex when I am beer bonging:) Damn, I hate when that happens!!! TKE forever brother:)
Speakers were out on desktop and there are no notes.
my weakness is i always get a hardcore boner

Preceptorship (Job Shadow)- How Do I Get One?

How to Get a Job Shadow //careerconfidential.com/job-search-strategy-tips/ Join Career Coach Peggy McKee as she discusses the value of a preceptorship ...
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