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RANT: I hate Coachella? | abb3rz07

Here I rant for 7 minutes about what's wrong with music festivals and cultural appropriation and all that jazz. I'm also overcaffeinated. Song of the day: Slow ...

User Comments

cool, so dont go. we don't want your ugly vibes there anyway
People are spending their money to go to Coachella. They are spending a lot of money. They can go for whatever reason and enjoy themselves in whichever form they so choose to. You're just a hater, it is made clear by how you say something is "too Hollywood" and that you "hate SoCal". It is trendy to say that you hate those things, so you're exactly what you rant about.
Lol this is so stupid! Let people be. I don't see how it bothers you, just ignore people. I go to Coachella not only for the great music, but to explore new music like artists I've never heard of, seeing different cultural styles, meeting new fun crazy people, the partying everything about Coachella is great! I love the whole festival fashion. If people who are all about fashion and social media annoy you and stop you from going to Coachella then you're a fool! I'm 19 gone to Coachella several years now and I love seeing and hearing great music as well as the fashion and art of people there today. Nas was great last year with the 20 year anniversary of illmatic, Pharrell was amazing, all the edm and DJ sets were great! Fatboy Slim killed it, and much more! Can't wait for this year! Coachella is fucking great! Everyone be yourselves! 
i agree... her ego is HUGE. she thinks she's like sooo above everyone else
i feel ya. I'm not native american or anything but hate how people dress like they are trendy boho chic with headdress's n such. i love bastille, cage the elephant, classix and all those bands. i find it even more annoying when trendy you tubers get to go when they probably don't even know who's playing probably.
I can understand why some people are saying "who cares" and "why does it matter" (and I've never been to Coachella), but as someone who has just recently been to a music festival on the east coast, I completely agree with what you're saying. Personally, I couldn't give two shits about the people that are just hanging around to take selfies and "look cute," but it really annoys me when you're standing in a huge crowd, waiting in the scorching heat for a band you really love to perform, and you're suddenly knocked over by a line of young girls holding hands while they push their way to the front of the stage, just to stand with the rest of their friends who barely know the fucking band. It really distorts the whole tone of the festival and ruins that whole sense of community that it should have. That's my biggest problem with music festivals lately. It's fine if you're trying to be trendy and have fun or whatever, but just please stay the fuck out of the way of the people who genuinely love the music.
You literally said in this video that the people who are truly there for the music "couldn't give less of a fuck" about the type of person you're talking about, yet you took the effort to make a rant video about them? seems like you give a fuck... also you can "show off your cultural status" while still appreciating the music. you make it sound as if it's one or the other. how do you know these people aren't enjoying the music? can't you wear fun outfits, take pictures, while also enjoying the music? it isn't one or the other just saying!!
not trying to hate, I was just a little disappointed by this vid.. not everyone's version of fun is the same as yours!! don't bring others down because their version isn't the same as yours.. isn't that the fun of festivals is the diversity of people coming together idk??

Donald Trump Rant

My thoughts about the negative feed back Trump got from putting boarders up and keeping people out.

User Comments

hi there im from uk and we dont like trump trump were a open country here if you do what he says will cause civil war he ll never get in too dangerous any way moving on dropped you a subscribe and a like same back please got some videos on my channel too vlogs etc ride safe
+MrMaxodom1 thanks dude
Thank you for watching and your feed back. I'll check you out.
Trump says what, I believe, most people are thinking. I support most of what he says, I just wish he'd use a bit more tact. But then again, that would probably make him another run of the mill politician. You are correct in that what he said about closing the borders to Muslims was taken out of context, which is what the media is excellent at doing. Ride safe!
Trump sure speaks his mind. All the others hide and give false statements to the american people.
I am a huge Trump supporter. All the rest are just run of the mill, same old shit different day type politicians.
+navythomas8 That too!
+MrMaxodom1 Don't kid yourself, she wants the power more. Introduce more liberal agenda's. 
Yes! They never do what they said they would do. They will say and do everything just to get into office. Hilary can't be trusted with classified info. and just wants to be first woman president.


For more check out //mmarants.blogspot.com My 2010 MMA awards for what was one of the most amazing surprising shocking dynamic years for mixed ...

User Comments

I agree with most all these picks, except fight of the year and comeback fighter of the year. Fight of the year is without a doubt jorge santiago vs. kazuo misaki 2. Comeback fighter of the year has to be Shogun, he was considered the number 1 LWH in the world when he came into UFC then lost to griffin, had a bad fight against coleman and beat an over the hill liddell. Nobody gave him a chance against Machida and he got a bad decision and came back to KO the untouchable machida in 1 round
@CrossCounter1 HAHAH you right Man Hardy was just a spit second and a few inches away from getting the KO himself!!!! I like Condit cause he takes chances no doubt!! Knockout was similar to the Rashad Evans vs Lidell knockout but much closer! Jacksons camp is stacked I hope they are willing to fight eachother for the titles!
Good picks! Realky gotta give fight of the year to henderson and pettis though, even without "the kick". Im a huge gsp fan, being canadian and all, but i gotta give fighter of the year to dominik cruz Ever think about adding a "worst decision" category?? MMA FANS ADD MY FB @ MMA ONTARIO
@CrossCounter1 Your right about Condit Bro!! Shit I was thinking about that earlier today!!! Shogun knocking out Machida was nice too but I think he officially finnished it punching Machida while Machida was on his back! Condit just layed out Hardy one SHOT!
@ARandomCanadian yeah what the hell, overeem can fight fedor if he wanted to, hes already done obviously with the k-1 gp tournament, what kinda bull shit is that, and people are saying fedor is dodgeing overeem? thats such bull shit.
GSp involved into a wrestler he started as a striker... that's how he got so good was the ability to destroy people standing up. sure his stand up has improved but he was always an excellent stand up fighter.
why doesnt it let me watch the "this video is a reponse to mma live:12-23-10". says not available in my country, now i know what that means but what type of bullshit is that.
I wouldve said comeback of the year wouldve been Brock vs Shane. Brock actually got hurt and punched, Anderson Silva just got slapped by some featherfisted nobody.
@420dimebag I'd also like to add KO of the year was marlon sandro vs masanori kanehara or pretty much any of Maximo Blanco's fights this year
Gotta agree with the need for female mma nods!! Those girls can DEFINATELY scrap!! Also, what about a "most desirable fight" category??
my only difference is fighter of the year in my opinion was frankie edgar and fight of the year for me was pettis vs henderson
leben vs akiyama was a good comeback... I like your video, check out my channel its all UFC related.
Benson Henderson vs Cowboy Cerrone 1 was a Classic top 3 fights this year!!!!
fedor greatest athlete ever!!!! its phil 'the power' taylor lololol
So you gonna say anything about Overeem vs Duffee?
@ARandomCanadian Yeah for 4 and a half rounds.
Isnt P4P and Fighter of the Year a same thing?
@utubesacks Werdum vs Fedor wasn't in the UFC
MMA youtuber of the year: worldtravelerman
No female MMA love?....*tsk* *tsk* *tsk*
GSP started as a striker with karate

SEC Rant Harlem Shake

LOL, nice tabs Dolla.

User Comments

RMFTideFan, you homo
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