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Universe sandbox alternative Videos

Alternate Thursday: Universe Sandbox. A place in the cosmos which doesn't revolve around you.

A brief look at the cosmos with Universe Sandbox. Created and Published by Giant Army. Available on Steam Music: The Story Unfolds - Jingle Punks Solar ...

ROCHE LIMIT - Universe Sandbox 2

Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=2318196&ty=h Hello and welcome to What Da Math! In this video, we will talk about The Roche Limit and ...

User Comments

are you using mods?because I cant stand on the bodies.
+Garrett Manar I have seen you do it before and I was wondering if that's a mod or universe sandbox 1, or if your just going up really close.   I just wanted to know if you used mods.
song title pls.. thx btw i rly appreciate ur vidz bro! keep up the good work! :)
+JonDecagon gettums
+ZEDFLAKKER Your welcome.
+JonDecagon ok
+ZEDFLAKKER Check the Universe Sandbox 2 OST on YouTube. Beautiful stuff. I really like the song at 10 minutes in the video.
Your introduction as well as the title of this video led me to spend over a half hour calculating what we would need in order to create a ring around Earth. If we wanted a nice thick one stretching from 15000 km above Earth to 20000 km above Earth (well above Earth's artificial satellites and well outside the hill sphere of the Moon) and 1 km deep as well as being basically pure water (so in other words would in actuality need much less water) you would need the equivalent to half of the Earth's oceans in water. I have a feeling that it would affect tides to some degree, as well as maybe some orbits, but shouldn't affect Earth's orbit or the Moon's since it is so spread out.
+Trevyn Case Well I think I might have screwed up with the calculations, but interesting nonetheless.
The main reason the inner planets do not have rings is due to the solar winds from the Sun. Once you past the asteroid belt the outer planets atmospheres extend out millions of miles making some appear to be gas giant planets. This explains why Pluto's atmosphere is the size of Earth, yet the planet is smaller than our moon.
+Riotboy1 Source please. By the data available from a short Google Scholar search, Pluto's atmosphere is a very thin, ephemeral veneer and trails off rather quickly (50-300 km, 10 microbar pressure at the surface). That's nowhere the size of Earth, nor Earth's atmosphere. It's also not a gas giant, nor a planet.//web.archive.org/web/20151122090602/https://repository.si.edu/bitstream/handle/10088/27503/201527CE.pdf
you should do a video on the new planet.
+Anton Petrov (WhatDaMath) you can make a ring using the Roche Limit , here is how1. Place an object in orbit 2. make it close to the planet and make it move a little bit closer until it forms a ring
+Anton Petrov (WhatDaMath) I think a video on Carbon Stars would be interesting. They are quite beautiful, even in simulations... :D
+Canis latrans No the planet 9 hypothesis
+Anton Petrov is it the nemesis hypothesis
Oh my god that math gave me the biggest migraine ever.
+Ryan McLaughlin It was pretty simple, TBH. Highschool level math. What seems to be the problem?
The music got really loud, and it became hard to hear your voice in this video.
+Wethewax agreed

Terraforming PLANET NINE - Universe Sandbox 2

Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=2318196&ty=h Hello and welcome to What Da Math! In this video, we will do the impossible and...terraform ...

User Comments

Why is the atmosphere orange? Is it sulfur?
I think it's just a visual effect
you're so fuking interesting man :D
Why do people think Planet Nine is Nibiru and why do they think it's gonna end the world. (Even though Planet Nine is in the outer solar system.) I want an answer from from +Anton Pertov.
Petrov*. So confusing.
The moon doesn't affect our tides.
+datAkwardSwedishGamer No, silly.... Poseidon does!
Your right!
I hope that you're kidding.
So if we fart all at the same time a few times the Earth would overheat??
Lol, nah, cuz then the cows would've killed us all already~!
Likely this planet is the one who was been throught formation or being formed this past millions to even billion of years at the end of our solar system eating all kinds of rocks and ice and became this big as 10x the earth if he was a neighboor of pluto,. pluto would have either been eaten by him or turn into a moon and some believe that pluto belonged to some giant who knows if he wasnt part of the 9 planet moon system thousand or even million of years ago but went seperated ways maybe because of some unknown invent to us.
+Natasha Zinkiy If there is anything out there, it never game close to pluto. It would take 11,000 years for it to orbit and the climate thing you said wasn't ever accepted into the scientific community, it's a folk lore. Spain is in the direction of the current coming from the gulf of mexico, which is hot. Green house gases and seasons change and so doesn't Earth. Greeks and Sumerians couldn't have seen an object that doesn't reflect light. It would be too dark to see on the planet and there is no chance without a telescope out there to see it. You can barely see Saturn when it is at its most visible and even then, you need a good telescope. There's multiple studies done by geologists that say the Earth has cooled and warmed up and cooled again in this pattern less than a thousand years. If the planet were to come any close to Earth, then the orbit wouldn't have 0.016 eccentricity, which is almost perfect. It would be very high compared to it now.Nothing what you're saying is true nor accepted scientifically, they're myths.
+X Kaber He just came out, and we dont really know it.And there is something that affects the entire solar system every couple thousand years. it could be this planet that ended the ice age since pretty much every scientist today has claimed that we were suppused to still be in the ice aged and it ended very very fast killing a ton of life in the process and nearly wiped us out in the process, the planet defroze too fast making even siberia a warm land like portugal or spain yet had barely any green land.Theres also Tiamat who has been destroyed and ancient greece knew the planet or sumerians too.
It's known that Pluto has been able to clear it's orbit, so planet 9 doesn't have the gravity to affect it that much. The planet isn't even massive as they estimated, smaller than Neptune but bigger than Earth.
Anton is such underrated YouTuber I usually like that kind of YouTuber.
The kind of underated youtuber that comments often.
My favorite scientific channel by far!
+Jeroen vdP Yes science!
+Larsak Roblox entertaiment mine too!!!

Galaxial Car Crash | Universe Sandbox

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, my name is Blaine. I am so excited to be making videos for such a caring, wonderful audience. I want to ask you to sit back and ...

Terraria: Otherworld Announcement Teaser Trailer

This is a pre-alpha teaser trailer for Terraria: Otherworld. Set in an alternate dimension within the Terraria universe, Terraria: Otherworld places the player in a ...

User Comments

This feels like a flash game and not more like an 16-bit ( sprite simulated) game. It could be just me i don't know.
The footage is still pre-alpha. I'm sure the game'll change a lot
We are not prepared Love your work Re-Logic :D cep upp the good work devs
+DeXZoR thx thats sucks tho :/
+Ys - Gamer new game
+DeXZoR pls help me so this is a new game or an update ?!
Sooo... Why is this not coming to Xbox One? Who the hell doesn't want to please their fan base and make more money!?
+Maxwell Swanson they said it's in discussion
Arent terraria 2 and terraria:otherworld same games ?
+Arda Yapıcı nope
i hope they make a return of sum bosses and maybe make new ones :)
sorry i spelled some wrong
PLEASE tell me that they will still update terarria. PLEASE
+shadowclone3556 thx man!
+Eric S They'll add a few new update to terraria. After they finish this game, they'll move on to a new project thats different from terraria. After that project is complete, they will begin work on Terraria 2.Make sure to check terraria.org for updates
I really hope there's the Crimson too..
+AwfulLuz (previously Liz/MrLisawsome) This game with Crimson? Nope, I'm out of this shit
+AwfulLuz (previously Liz/MrLisawsome) Luz, there aint no terraria without crimson sassy face
Oh, hey, look, Terraria and Starbound did the fusion-ha. But... why did Redegit think of working on this before Terraria 2?
+Riyaan Rebello terraria and starbound had sex more like

Halo 3 - Mythic Map Pack:: GamePlay (sandbox)

i put up another film Halo is a science fiction video game series created by Bungie Studios. The series centers on the Master Chief, a cybernetically enhanced ...

User Comments

lol hd was almost worse. Can't say I would do much better though so I cant comment based on that. 5*
man the guy playing really sucks but sandbox looks really cool
no...one of my friends is..he just sent me a film..
cool thats pretty neat =D - lukeeeeee7
wait is this you playing???????
I like how you did this base.
cool man wats your gamer tag
this guy sucks really bad
nikka you suck at playing
hha nice 7 shot lol BK


Watch Dogs Clothes Shopping Gameplay on Xbox one - All alternate costumes. In this Video: Showing you guys all the outfits you can buy at a local clothing ...

User Comments

Oh christ, you really blow dude.
+TOTALLY AVRIL LAVINGE dude don't use the lord's name in vein

Universe Sandbox 2 | Capítulo 2 - Choque de Galaxias y planeta X

https://twitter.com/SerantesAst https://www.facebook.com/serantesAst Muchas cosas de estos vídeos son opiniones o teorías en las que puedes creer o no.

User Comments

pero los agujeros negros no tienen masa infinita?
Ah y por cierto buen video ;)
+TheWolfBlack5 teoricamente
entonces que era la gravedad?
+TheWolfBlack5 nop
Xuga, una pregunta, cuando dijiste que la humanidad ya no iba a estar por ahí cuando el sol ya no exista... ¿Te refieres a que la humanidad ya va a estar extinta o a que debido a nuestra futura tecnología estaríamos en otro planeta? Buen vídeo, como siempre, sigue así.
dejame con mis locuras, soy especialito ;3; (?)
+enzo “blackdragonnc” contrera hombre que te quite el sueño algo que va ocurrir en 4000 millones de años xd xd xd
es algo que nos a quitado el sueño mas de a uno, aunque sea difícil considerar la completa aniquilación de los humanos por x razón, es una posibilidad... aunque yo creo que posiblemente, si todo va bien, ya tengamos la suficiente tecnologia para viajar por el universo, que por dios! sería increíble, diganme demasiado optimista, pero me encanta la idea de que seamos capaces de conquistar o terraformar otro planeta y vivir en ellos, así como en planet survivor :3
las 2
Creo que la tierra tenia que ser comprimida a una pelota de golf, no de tenis.
La cosa es que tiene que ser comprimida a una pelota
sera una coña.no?
andromeda no es mas grande que la via lactea, es la galaxia eliptica mas cercana
no, andromeda es la unica galaxia del grupo local con mas estrellas que la via lactea.y existen otras galaxias mas cercanas que andromeda.
es imposible que la tierra gravite alrededor de un agujero negro tan minúsculo.
+Gerd Matilla Eso es totalmente relativo y no comprobable. Es como si compararas sagitarius A que aunque tenga una barbaridad de masa no es tan grande en cuestión de tamaño y mantiene una cantidad ingente de estrellas y demás astros a su alrededor. Eso ya es algo teórico es lo que puedes o no puedes creer. Tal y como digo en la descripción.
+Xugador .la masa sí es la misma aunque este comprimida .pero la deformación del tejido espacio-tiempo depende, no sólo de la masa,sino también del volumen del objeto que configura  esta deformación en el mismo. sí la masa de la tierra ,estuviese comprimida en el tamaño de una pelota de tenis , la luna no gravitaría sobre la tierra ,porque la deformación del tejido espacio- tiempo que provocaría la tierra, sería de una pendiente distinta como para que cayera en ella la luna.
+Gerd Matilla No, no lo es.La masa es la que es.
Y en la vida real, porque hay agujeros negros que tragan y otros que no?
+Emiliano Palmeri “PuesPlay” Todos "tragan"
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