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Universe sandbox buy Videos

What if Earth had 2x Suns - Universe Sandbox 2

What if Earth had 2 Suns? Discover more mysteries of the universe by checking out more interesting videos with Universe Sandbox 2 gameplay playlist: ...

User Comments

where did you get thhis software and what is it called/
This game called "Universe Sandbox 2"READ THE TITLE!!!!!!This game is not FREE btw...
What happens if you put a second star near the solar system? Exactly what you would expect. "Wat is dis? Tee Ert cot closer to da sun!" No shit! What's next, it got hotter too? Huh, I wouldnt have thought!
+Whatever, Fuck Usernames then don't watch....
I think I lost brain cells watching this shit.
Object in motion stays in motion, that why earth is going the same direction until it finds a new gravitational pull. As for why earth and other planets left its orbit, it is probably because the gravitational of the Suns or the other planets weren't strong enough to keep them in its orbit as it get further away. That's just my theory hope it helps! :D
There is a pull after the second gravitational
This is stupid on many levels... You fool other people with this misleading video. Earth can support life while orbiting two stars. But what you did is not a stable binary system. It's just a random mess...
+ArsenalRule 2015 Lol, why would I care what your name is? I already knew you were a stupid fool because you support Arsenal.
+ismazara Don't call me a stupid fool if you don't even know what my name is!
+ArsenalRule 2015 You're the stupid fool. Black didn't say if a star CAME into our solar system, but our solar system HAD 2 stars, which the video SHOULD of showed. So this video is misleading (As the earth COULD still have life if we were in a STABLE binary system) and you are the fool. BTW, please check your grammar before commenting something stupid, thank you.
How is this a misleading video? Everyone knows what will happen if two stars come into the Solar System and this isn't misleading at all! People who have been misled are the stupid fools.
I swear, I lose brain cells watching US2 videos. Why is it that (except for What Da Math) nobody making those have ANY idea about astronomy?
+Whatever, Fuck Usernames "Planet Ert for your informations" XD
+Whatever, Fuck Usernames That accent was killing me too.
Lol, on top of that this guy has such a thick accent it bothers me
Exactly! They are fucking retards...
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