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Reno nevada running races Videos


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did you ever share your "big news" that you mentioned in one of your vlogs from like a couple weeks ago!?
are your clothes XS? Id be interested! My IG is tashallmighty !
Ahh little Oscar!! So glad you found him!!

P-51 sunset run-up at the Reno Air Races 2009. Rolls-Royce Merlin start-up

Bill Eberhardt's maxed out P-51 racer MERLIN'S MAGIC does a sunset run-up prior to race trials on Friday. This is a 3000+ HP legendary Rolls Royce Merlin that ...

Susan G. Komen Northern Nevada Race for the Cure

RENO, Nev. - The 17th annual Susan G. Komen Northern Nevada Race for the Cure welcomes the community to walk or run a 5K course in honor of the fight to ...

2014 Reno Gold Air Race - Precious Metal cockpit view

Precious Metal – Appropriately disqualified or not? What's the difference between 3rd place and 8th place at the Reno National Championship Air Races?

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Thom and Ben-You guys were robbed! Great cockpit cam footage and it tells the tale indeed. Now I had a lot of insight to this "protest". Boys; I was that "Fly on the Wall" photographer in the tent behind the hanger where you ducked-in with the RARA Officials to request an appeal. OMG. Precious Metal actually took 2nd I feel. That East line judge just might have mistook the yellow belly on Voodoo for PM. The reason that I say that is that I was a credentialed Media photographer and was watching this gold race along side of a veteran pilot and air race official. We both mistook Voodoo for PM on the start at a distance-from our position on the North side of the ramp. Voodoo looks like a purple racer from above and a yellow racer from below. It took a few laps to figure it out. Can we please see Mr. Hinton's on-board video footage if it exists? For what other reason could a solo judge make this clear mistake? Benefit of doubt goes to honest mistake here. I have to say that under the circumstances both Thom and Ben acted very professionally and with integrity on their appeal. I can't say as much for the RARA officials. I was sickened by their responses. I was certainly "THE" impartial observer in this discussion. Thom perhaps you will not bring this up-and will let the Video footage do the talking-and it does. However-It must not go un-reported that the words from the officials mouths were very disturbing; if not damning. Here are some of the quotes that I hopefully have somewhat close to the actual verbiage from RARA officials. I did not audio-record the appeal nor take images during this discussion. I did take-in 100% of it all-as I was right there at the table. 1) "Thom we are not saying you aren't a good pilot" 2) "The Awards Ceremony starts in 5 minutes and we "Already have the Trophies cut" 3) "That judge has 10K hours in F-100's and I flew with him in Korea and I'm standing by his decision. You are disqualified!" This was obviously a clash between old school RARA and a new wave racer. Period. Thom politely asked the officials to review the camera footage; contending that a mistake had been made. One official started to review the footage- and he was obviously enlightened. He quickly left to find and bring a higher level official into the tent. This happened yet again over the course of 20 minutes.. When the head honcho finally appeared he had his mind already made up. This is disturbing to me: as he viewed the video, he was completely disoriented on what he was watching and claimed he could not relate the on-board footage to the race course. Wow! Thom would politely restart the video and point out the starting chute and each pylon along the first lap to this gentleman. This official was apparently unaware that the second pylon is cut on the start. The first time you round pylon number two is on the second lap! Just when the footage advanced to lap #2 with PM heading for pylon #2 ( where the infraction was claimed; and they claimed Thom went wide somewhere between 150 and 500 feet out-depending on which story they gave) the official stops watching! and says "I'm standing by our decision".... Thom then closed his laptop and he and Ben left. What Thom and Ben did not witness was what happen next: The officials lauded the fact that PM was "Way Wide and Off course". Sort of in a bravado chorus. It was mean spirited from my viewpoint. Then they caught a glimpse of my press credentials-pointed me out and moved their conversation away from the tent saying " Boys lets get this banquet started". Team PM was robbed. Thom/Ben Message me-need to confer..have brainstorm on new race course.. and can you post tail cam footage too? Thanks RL888 etc
+Rich Lewis > 3) "That judge has 10K hours in F-100's and I flew with him in Korea and I'm standing by his decision. You are disqualified!"Nobody gives a shit if the guy has a million hours flying a barn across the sky, flight experience has absolutely nothing to do with being a judge. This guy doesn't question his dumbass buddy because he lacks a pair of balls to do the right thing and stand up to a washed up old bastard that has no business being anywhere near aircraft.> The reason that I say that is that I was a credentialed Media photographer and was watching this gold race along side of a veteran pilot and air race official. We both mistook Voodoo for PM on the startYou'd have to be an idiot to mistake these two aircraft, even from a distance. PM was the only aircraft in the race with coaxial propellers, which can be distinguished from virtually any distance by sight. Even a legally blind person could distinguish the difference because coaxial propellers have a completely different sound profile from a regular single propeller.The PM coaxial propellers create a much higher pitch and keep a consistent engine tune as it passes by, compared to a regular single prop where the buffeting by the prop wash introduces a LFO to the engine noise as the plane passes by.
I've watched this three times now and used freeze frame. I don't see a "show line" cut. Where on on what lap do the allege this happened?
Horse feathers!
In the description it says: "The team was notified in the pit that a single individual disqualified Precious Metal for crossing the east showline on lap two" From what I've read, it occurs around 8:29

Paul runs second in Nevada

Ron Paul is the renegade of the Republican Party, and is relying on word of mouth, Youtube and web sites to put his message across. He didn't make it in the ...

User Comments

godblesskiddchris; you are such a clueless dipshit its not even funny. I'm embarrassed as an American there are so many like you. YOU are the one who knows absolutely nothing about who REALLY runs your own country. Fool! You are an Corporate-brainwashed zombie. U think we in the U.S. have fair & free elections because CNN,ABC,Fox,ect..say we have? They along with the other rich elites buy the elections off! Open your eyes! Nothing EVER gets done in America anymore the politicians don't listen.
"Communist ideas in mind" Define those. Communism is a system. "Some ideas" is not communism. For example, one of ideas of communism is that it needs police to prevent people from doing harmful stuff to others (murdering, raping, stealing). In capitalist USA, Police are doing that too - hunting down communists, rapists and thiefs. So, there you go, capitalist USA has "some communist ideas in their mind". Why was Putin a communist? Because back then you were red or dead.
dude, then once putin became a communist, you cannot go back either. you are so biased and stupid. yabloko never shook hands with those people, they are against the nazis remember? democrats and republicans worked together after 9/11 too, doesnt mean they love each oterh. who are you trying to fool. and if you learn a bit more about KKK, you'll understand that russian communism contributed greatly to a huge increase in KKK membership. SO WHY DID YOU MOVE TO CANADA?
what's happening in the US is what's been happening for the last 200 years. you russians have always been predicting the fall of america, ever since early 1900s, because you are jealous cunts, time to get a life for all of you. russia ain't shit, right now you are like saudi arabia, all the money comes from oil, but unlike saudi arabia, most of ur population is what we call "poor". you are jealous, you want us destroyed because you cannot match our power. fuck off
Does not matter party or organization (BTW, NBP is not a party - they were refused registration). KKK and NBP are nazis. Fact. If Republicans or Democrats march alongside KKK and wave their flags together, they will lose elections for decades to come. Fact. In a democracy people do not elect those they hate. In Russia people have memory of what nazis are. In Russia people hate nazis. And those who march alongside them. Yabloko will never win democratic elections.
I read it before. In Russian when I was, too. As well as many of my Russian friends who voted for United Russia. I know that Yabloko repented affiliation. But that does not matter. Once you march with nazis, you cannot go back. Yabloko tries but no one will listen. They'd rather vote for another party. Will YOU vote for a candidate who shaked hands with KKK leaders? Even after he repents 1000 times? Or will you vote for another candidate who did not do that?
Everyone born before 1991 was a communist. Sure, communist legacy does hurt Putin's chance of election, but it also hurts everyone else's. If I had a choice between Putin and another reasonable candidate who was never a commie, I'd vote for the other guy. But there is none and will not be for many years. And communists are not as bad as nazis. Yabloko were both communists (yavlinskij in KPSS 1985-1991) and marched with nazis (spring 2007).
thats bullshit, i can hardly call russia a democracy. yes the people elect putin, but only because the main media is pro-putin. he turned virtually every anti-putin tv station into his own. and if yabloko dominated the media like putin does, i'm sure it'd gather at least 50% of the votes. and are you saying that yabloko is a nazi party? i'm getting lost. i hope you're not that dumb, because parties are created to compete with each other
Doesn't matter if of when they split. Imagine a US party allied with KKK. Even after split, they will not be elected for at least a generation (when all those who allied with KKK die or retire). So, give me a list of Russian opposition parties that are not insane and did not ally with nazis. I am still waiting for those. As of now, United Russia does not need propaganda. their opponents are propaganda by themselves. Nazis, commies, etc.
You do not get it, do you? Racists are racists. They are not necessarially nazis. there are skinheads and other wastes of DNA, but people care little about them. NBP, on the other hand, looks ALMOST EXACTLY AS NBP flag. They listed Goebbels and Goering as "great people". Now, THAT is what people look at. Russian people remember what Goebbels said about Russians. And when Yabloko marched alongside NBP. They were dead that instant.
Riiight... By the same logic, Italy and Germany were not together in WWII. Just when fighting ;) In any case, Russian people will NEVER elect a party that is willing to go alongside with nazis. Those photos are a death sentence to any Yabloko's attempts at being elected. Because in democracy it is people who decide who wins. And 99% of russian people do not like nazis. Neither do they like anyone who goes alongside with those.
you are so unsophisticated, you just hate the fact that yabloko is the only normal party in russia, and you try to stick that marching thing up my ass, but it's not working. we both know what yabloko stands for and that they hate the nazis. i'm pretty sure that if united russia was suppressed like yabloko, they'd have to march with nazis as well. and let me tell you, united russia is a lot more like nazis than yabloko is
KingOfClay; The only military bully in the world right now is the U.S. Russia is only building up its military to defend itself from Bush and Israel building up the missile defense systems around Russia. Its said its for Iran but its much closer to Russia. Bush is instigating another cold war with Russia only now Russia is a democracy. At the same time Bush names communist China his most favored nation. Bush is a freak!
1. What the hell does Russian revolution have to do with the argument? because you know nothing about america and the KKK 2. What does situation of KKK in 20's have to do with the argument? i don't even know why you brought KKK up! and you know nothing about it. if you want to understand KKK, then read about how it was in the 20s and not just repeat whatever putin says on TV. you know nothing about politics and history
Good pay at oil sands. Can't complain. And Opposites of nazis or not, I would never vote for someone who once affiliated himself with nazis. Neither will any reasonable American vote for a liberal who marched alongside nazis. End of story. Now, name a Russian opposition party that never affiliated with nazis (and therefore has at least a theoretical chance to win). I am still waiting for those.
I never called Yabloko a nazi party. Learn to read. They march alongside nazis. You saw the photos. They are viewed as nazi puppet due to very big mistake they made. No amount of "we did not mean it" will get their popular support back. If they hope to compete in democratic elections, they have to disband and make a new party. Because those who are hated cannot win in democracy.
1. What the hell does Russian revolution have to do with the argument? 2. What does situation of KKK in 20's have to do with the argument? KKK is despised by almost all Americans. Fact. NBP is despised by almost all Russians. Fact. Piece those 2 together. And, I am telling you thins fot 10'th time: look at photos of Yabloko and NBP together on "march of the dissenters".
no you basically implied that yabloko supports nazis. a lot of russians are very racist too. just racism itself can be viewed as mild nazism. it's sometimes dangerous for blacks to simply walk on the streets, you guys beat them! yabloko does not march along nazism, because they don't support their ideology. go to that fucking source and read it you braiwashed fool
Then why were they marching together during the dissenters' march?! As for fall of communism, you do not get it at all. Fall of communist system was necessary (the Soviet part). Dissolution of Union (an unrelated part) was not. However, you cannot think beyond "four legs good, two legs bad" anyway, so why the hell am I even trying to help you understand that?
wow you just showed that you know nothing about politics, and i really mean nothing. ron paul will not win, that's for sure. and whenever he talks, he's so vague, it's clear that he doesnt know shit about either the economy or the military at all. he'd be a disaster. mccain is a strong leader who has balls unlike bush, and he'll put putin where he belongs
Once again, let us look at the pictures: Google images. search НБП Яблоко Click on second image. Now, look at the following flags: NBP - black hammer and sickle in white circle on red background. Yabloko - White background, red circle with a green wedge in it and "Яблоко" written on it. Yep, here are yabloko and nazis, marching together :)
Funny. I can say the same for Bush, Brown, Sarkozy, Merkel' and others. Won't make that any more true. Show me when it occurs. As of now, it is just your blind ideological chanting "four legs good, two legs bad". You would make a wonderful Party Comissar in USSR. You have the exact amount of stubborness and blinded neeted to be a true bolshevick ;)
Sure. Nice talking to you too. Let us hope the winner in 2008 elections is either Ron Paul or McCain. If it is Ron Paul, USA will be stable, rich and happy and stop messing up others. If McCain wins, USA will invade a lot of places, Bush after him will be known as "Bush the peaceful", USA will collapse economically and stop messing up others.
Wrong. Look at Putin's speech during the Munich conference. He stated that fall of communism in USSR was necessary and inevitable. What he said was a disaster was dissolution of the union. That torn the union apart and ruined the economy. And resulted in a lot of blood (especially in Georgia). Thousands dead is a disaster.
I'm fearful of Russia trying to militarily bully the world again also. And although RT is largely a propaganda network, this report is less biased and more newsworthy than the smear campaign launched against Ron Paul coming from Fox News, MSNBC, & CNN. It's sad but true. There's a lot of blame to go around.
but you will not destroy us. we prevailed over the british monarchy, over nazism, and communism. freedom prevails, basically no american ever migrated to russia, it's you russian immigrants who flood the west to escape poverty and discrimination. lol, and you have the cheek to call yourself a great empire

Reno Nevada street races

2015 Summer Night In Reno Infront of The Summit.

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Ay okay reno the biggest little city in the world
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