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Reno nevada whole foods Videos

It takes a community K-12, Reno Nevada Benefit for Schools; www.ittakesacommunityk12.com

Whole Foods "ethically-sourced" beef supplier destroys 1000 wild horses.

Wild Horses are federally protected animals that live on our public lands, and yet cattle rancher put pressure on the government to remove these animals to ...

User Comments

Horses have "families"? What a joke. Most of those horses are full of disease, worms and have bad feet. They are destructive to range--and I have a hard time with consideriing these as "Wild" animals--they are not native to the range--in effect they are the descendants of strays and are not indigenous to the western range. Get rid of them.
+bookmarkthis that is true but dont you think people kind of take it to the extreme? I mean, we still live in the world we have always lived in and stll the old problems are best solved by the old solutions..as well as confusing compassion and ignorance
+BlankUberEverybody There is no rational excuse nowadays to not have compassion for all living sentient beings.
+bookmarkthis Humanity has had a symbiotic realatonship with other species forever--people have developed and raised several speicies to aid our survival and will continue to do so long after you and I are gone... comapassion is a valubable human asset -some people waste theres--me? I have compassion for my fellow man. Others peoples cows or other animals really dont need my comassion
+BlankUberEverybody It seems your mind has not yet developed compassion. Watching this documentary can help www.earthlings.com
+bookmarkthis Uhh..okay..whatever--have fun out there on the lunatic fringe of reality--but, Im curious if you feel the same about every human who has inhabited the earth for the past 200 thousand years at least who had a relationship of some kind with animals on earth. Even for the past 100 years are you accusing everyone of barbarism and that you, out of millions and millions of people are better than them? What w ould Jesus say about you? If Jesus and his freinds were sacrificiing lambs at passover would you call them barbarians?
+BlankUberEverybody Anyone who eats animals participates in the most barbaric acts man can do to another being. Enslaving, abusing, raping, maiming and murdering innocent animals purely for your greed and pleasure. 
+bookmarkthis Excuse me? You're accusing me of acts of barbarism? WHat are you talking about? We are making comments on the internet, not sacking and burning cities or raping and pillaging defensless people. Do you even know what barbaric means? Come on!
+BlankUberEverybody Why are you in such denial of how barbaric your actions are?
+bookmarkthisNo,your inabilty to understand has nothing to do with liquid or a holiday. You dont understand because you're ignorant, is all. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
+BlankUberEverybody Sorry, it's hard to understand your replies. Your typing and facts are confusing. Maybe holiday liquid celebrations are your excuse.
+bookmarkthispeople looking for facts arent going to get any from you people all a dither about the wild horsies..relax, mangeing these things has been happening for quite awhile-nobody needs your input as you are irrelevant to thiis discussions. Face it, wild horses have been the back bone of the canned dog food industry in the USA for a long time and I , as Im sure all Americans are, am proud to supoort it. by golly heck yeah!
+BlankUberEverybody You seem upset to face the fact that barbaric customs will not be part of the future.
+bookmarkthisNo one cares what you think or say because you obviously dont know anything
+BlankUberEverybody Sorry if this seems too blunt, but we think you and your family are evil ignorant carnists and there's nothing that can change anyones mind, unless you change your actions and beliefs.
+Caesar Oleksy oh ceasar come on...Im about as "evolved" as the next guy..look, Im from an old cattle ranching family in the west and love horses, cattle, the range and all that goes with and have for my whole life....yes, definietley protect SOME of the wild mustangs...but you cannot expect all of them to be allowed to breed and overpopulate range that can be put to bettter use. Do some readiing and maybe you can evolve to learn some basic range management--bless your heart and may the baby Jesuse look after you every day of your life amen
+BlankUberEverybody Maybe one day you'll evolve ... God bless you and wishing the best!
+Lizzie Gulick they should not all be protected...most of them should be canned for dog food

Thrive Raw Food Demo: Pad Thai prepared by Robin Fletcher.mp4

Thrive Raw Food Demo: Pecan Energy Balls prepared by Darci Hanrion.mp4

User Comments

those energy balls were so good! can't wait to make them.

Swap Speciesism Action at Whole Foods, Las Vegas

February 2015, Las Vegas, Nevada.

User Comments

Bro, I would totally eat people if I had the chance.
+GatorMacheteJr heard that too, but I hear veal is a better description from a man who wrote a book on it in the 19th century. Probably depends on palette and the age/origin of the person. I know pigs and humans decompose almost idnetically
I always heard pork.
it tastes like veal, and I h8 veal, also diseases could more easily pass that way
Bacon is my shit doe. Sometimes I like to kill animals slowly so I could watch them die and think to myself, "YOU LOOK YUMMY"
+John Sakars you have probably never had real food beforevegan bacon tastes like starch and shit mixed with onions
Careful with all that edge. 
+Andrew Button I wasn't being funny though :( I do like to watch them die slowly. I like to watch them squirm before I throw them bad boys on a stove!! Mmmmmmm
I like to eat meat myself, but you Tyler are just a retarded edgy fag and are not funny.
+Tyler Glen Walker You can have vegan bacon.
I wish I was there just to walk straight through all of them and get some ham an eat it right in front of them.
yeah I wonder if you loudly ate meat in front of them how pissed they'd get
sakars you need to reup the vid with the tits
+Alex Trainman Thanks for the lol's :') and I didn't know her name was Maria the "Steak" babe.. lol fuck these vegans with meat names
+Edward Rabbit delivered faster than a meat feast pizzahttps://vimeo.com/120655505
He had a vid with tits? If you can find it please link

5yr Anniversary Party

Peg the Wine Gal on Old River Cabernet Sauvignon


We show off some wacky christmas gifts! We have another great time at Pastry Art. We are Inspired by the Tiny House furniture that is in the coffee shop!

User Comments

Hey Kevin, have you guys thought about putting steps on the wall, kind of like those hooks, in the tiny house?
OOUUU steps on the wall would work great for getting onto the loft!!! that way a ladder wouldn't take up floor space!!
Kevin looks like he should chew tobacco. 
Where is the night abroad intro? 
Yes it's a good intro. Keep it! I actually miss it when you don't use it. : )
thanks for the reply love your vloggs just subscribed today. You should keep it. Hope you and Kevin have a lovely christmas and a happy new year jess
i was just using the intro as a reminder to download the song if you wanted it. I can't decide if i want to keep it up any more. 
Love u dottie u r an amaz-ball friend and alli deserves someone as honest and true and easy going as u. Hope u enjoy ur everything and keep loving and dont waste a moment without telling kevin how much u love him cuz u both r adorable together Peace 
when i go to Cheesecake Factory i always get the GODIVA chocolate one. so goooooood.
haha respect
I get that toooo!!!! I concur with that.
Literally I had a gig at pastry art last night from 7-10. I so wish it would have been while you were there!
That would have been awesome!
no way! i didn't know they did live music!

Wholefoods Las Vegas Nevada mon 6 feb 2012 george godley 00951.MTS

Wholefoods Las Vegas Nevada mon 6 feb 2012 george godley 00951.MTS.
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