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Gary Johnson Schools Mancow on Iran, Drug War & Taxes - August 4th (2012-08-04)

Visit //UncensoredTV.net to watch videos related to Gary Johnson, Ron Paul, Judge Andrew Napolitano, Peter Schiff, Adam Kokesh, Alex Jones, John ...

User Comments

mancow....what a joke. I absolutely can't believe that people can't figure out what msnbc and fox news are.....propaganda. I don't see them going after romney and asking him questions like they are doing with johnson and paul. WHAT THE FUCK ABOUT ROMNEY CARE!!!! HUH!! WHY NOT GO AFTER ROMNEY FOX???? Folks...it is all propaganda. Stop listening to this garbage. Makes me sick.
I think its hilarious, they did almost the exact same saber rattling with North Korea, they were talking about military intervention in North Korea before NK got their nuke, but the moment they got it the U.S. was like..."Uhh..uh..ok..just dont do it again" then all that saber rattling stopped and what do ya know..South Korea is still there.
For all those people who dont like Mancow, he is a Libertarian. Problem is that he still has a bit of Republican still stuck in his head. He can't seem to shake it. Most things he says are true and make sense but he still falls into that Republican mindset on some things and it piss's me off to.
The reason that paul and johnson will lose and continue to lose is because they are honest and hold to their principles. Obama, bush, romney can not say the same thing. As obama about libya, gitmo, patriot act, etc....ask romney about romneycare. Don't get me started on bush.
Just a few seconds into the video: That interviewer is obnoxious! What the heck is the standard that fox hires people? Did that man even go to school!? He's breaking all the rules they teach, and just plain acting nasty and obnoxious!
Mancow... you are an idiot. What is with all of these columnists posing as journalists in the mainstream media? If only there was a policy at Fox that said something like, 'The less you know, the less you should speak.'
Johnson: Should we have bombed Turkey, or India, or Russia when they developed their nukes? MadCow: Yea! Maybe we'd have a lot less of these programs around! Wow. Just wow.
what a rude idiot, who the hell is this guy, get lost, you are a prostitute to the highest bidder, do the American people take you seriously. What a fool!!
Mancow, you are a DICK. Shut the fuck up and listen. He sounds like a GOP spokesperson, after he takes the cock out of his mouth.
Mancow is talking like such a republican on this show but you should hear his radio. He is totally different.
Kill them with kindness Gary, kill them with kindness. The host should have his head pile drived by somebody.
Turkey doesn't have Nukes. The reason he doesn't want to bomb Eyeran is because he smokes dope.
Gary Johnson owning this joker, who the hell is this guy with arguments from the year 2002?
I would love to punch this fox puppet right in between his eyes!
This dude on fox interviewing him is a fucking douche-cake
Mancow? nope, he is just a COW!!! a stupid cow
Mancow is such a fucking faggot.
somebody: Jesse Ventura
Mancow is a rude ass.
You suck Mancow

Gov. Gary Johnson on FOX with Neil Cavuto (2012-05-07)

Visit //UncensoredTV.net to watch videos related to Gary Johnson, Ron Paul, Judge Andrew Napolitano, Peter Schiff, Adam Kokesh, Alex Jones, John ...

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Cavuto is a raging moron. Dismissive of all argument and empirical evidence in favor of his own unfounded opinions. It's only anecdotal, but I voted for Obama in '08, and I'll be voting for Johnson. There is no way in bleeding hell that I would have ever voted for Romney if Johnson weren't running.
If he makes this about Pot it will burn him on both sides? HA HA HALF MY KIDS ARE NOW CRIMINALS BECAUSE OF THESE VICIOUS DRUG LAWS! Keep up the GREAT WORK Gary!
And there are plenty of *former* Obama supporters out there just like me who are voting for Johnson.
When ever you disagree with Fox they just start interrupting. Like a bunch of ignoramuses.
With 3 months left he'll only split the votes and obama would win.
Neil Cavuto isn't as smart/funny as he thinks he is.
LMAO Neil is an idiot. Blinded no doubt.

Gov. Gary Johnson on Cavuto FOX (2012-07-24)

Visit //UncensoredTV.net to watch videos related to Gary Johnson, Ron Paul, Judge Andrew Napolitano, Peter Schiff, Adam Kokesh, Alex Jones, John ...

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No message will be sent regarding votes for anyone who is not a candidate. Voting for a candidate that endorsed Paul for GOP in 08 & 2012 will send that message as the votes will be recorded. Votes were recorded for every 08 candidate but not Dr. Paul bec he was not a candidate. Alex Jones called Johnson "A Ron Paul style Governor" bec he said 'NO' to the establishment like no one but Dr. No. After vetoing 200+ bills in his 1st 180 days, the est. named him 'Governor Veto' - watch?v=_4ZGjK84WN8
I never said anyone should be convinced that their vote will count. Election fraud is wide-spread, but I cannot justify abstaining from voting while the most qualified candidate for President is a longtime Ron Paul supporter who is fighting to end the policies which kill & incarcerate innocent people. Thank you for documenting your concerns. They are shared by many others. Hopefully we helped clear some things up for people. I will try to address any further concerns.
Because I don't think Gary Johnson is too anti-establishment. At least not anywhere near as much as Ron Paul is. The diebolds need ppl to vote, so they can "flip" those votes. If enough ppl stayed home, how would Romney get enough votes to win? If Ron Paul supporters write his name in, it will not get him elected. But it WILL send a clear and concise message to the GOP. In that we would've voted for their guy IF they would've nominated Ron Paul!
Gary Johnson is the "fail safe" and ace up the sleeve, of the establishment. The ruling class wishes to lure Ron Paul supporters into the voting booth. I mean, Johnson is infinitely better then obama and Romney, but he is far, far away from Ron Paul. Johnson wants to keep GITMO open and send our troops into Uganda to look for Kony. I refuse to vote for a "humanitarian warmonger!"
Your vote does not count, and if you are politically awake, it counts even less. Odds are that if you vote for Gary Johnson, it will get "algorithmically flipped" to show a Romney vote. Ron Paul got 1000s of votes stolen from him in the primaries, and that cheating wasn't stopped, so what makes anyone think your vote will "suddenly" start to count in the general?
Well all I can say is vote your conscience; do what you think is best. But their is way too much cheddar involved in using our treasury like an ATM machine, and bullying the entire non-Israeli world. I think it is childlike and naive to think that your itsy, bitsy, teeny, tiny vote could possibly change that. But good luck with your Gary Johnson vote.
That's good to hear I hope more Ron Paul writers will do the same. Ron Paul was and will always be my first choice but where I'm at I don't have the option of writing him in. In Arkansas not only are they not counted but it could void my whole ticket which also includes our county sherriff, bunch of other positions and a few amendments.
Johnson wants to end torture & indefinite detainment. GTMO is just a place. 3 allied countries asked for our help regarding Kony & congress voted to help. Johnson suggested using letters of mark and reprisal or asking for volunteers. What do you suggest? Please share one example of Gary Johnson 'warmongering.'
I would suggest a Constitutional foreign policy. We do not belong anywhere out of our country except IF we are threatened with attack and/or attacked. Anytime a US solider fires a single shot in needs to be in defense of this country, and not to defend Ugandans from Joseph Kony.
Why would the establishment want RP supporters to vote against the establishment? Would they not prefer RP supporters stay home & not vote at all or do the same & write in a name that wont be counted?
I could write in anyone's name, but the sad fact is with this rigged process it probably would not be counted. Who knows when you vote for someone on the ballot where your vote really goes?
A vote for Mitt Romney is a vote for Obama if you want a real conservative you have to vote for Gary Johnson.
The D and R scum will just adjust up the requirements to keep him out. If he polled 90% they'd make it 91%
If Johnson gets that 15%, I'll reconsider my write-in for Ron Paul and go with Johnson.
Im not voting this year. Michigan screwed Gov.Johnson and is not on the ballot here.
Yes! Just like they did to Ron Paul when they switched from 5 states to 8 states.
Haha! Did he say, "Neo, great seeing you" at the end?
He seemed pretty respectful from what I saw.
He is no Ron Paul but debate would be great
Is that makeup on your face Cavuto???
Cant your write him in?
cavuto such a bitch
Gary Johnson 2012!

police check point...........

User Comments

@im1greatman I'm not saying it's not unconstitutional, believe me it is, but next time your at the DMV paying those scamming ass fees, grab a driver license application, read the fine print, "by signing this document you agree to submit yourselves one of two to forms of examination for blood alcoholic content." One is a breathalyzer, the other is a blood draw. It also says if you refuse your drivers license will be automatically suspended for one year. Inform yourselves America, you sign bul
Maybe America should stop driving drunk? We kinda created this police state ourselves due to our inability to not commit crimes. I prefer these drunk ass drivers off the road. I'll demand the breathalyzer too, but if your drunk and are gonna kill somebody DUI checkpoints seem like the only way to stop a couple drunk drivers. Trust me, if they did a checkpoint and caught no one, they would not do checkpoints.
Charlie man, for some time now I've really been wanting to applaud your passion of things that I wish I could do like you do. When I see things like this I ask myself, ''how will I handle this when it comes my way", and to be honest it frightens me a little because i know it will come. God speed to all those in the good fight. Dont stop what youre doing...
I can't believe they let you film them, Charlie. Cop asks... "Have any of your passengers been drinking?" WHAT DIFFERENCE DO THE PASSENGERS MAKE TO YOUR DRIVING? "What kind of education do you have?" !? They (cops) HAVE to have x amount of tests per these staged events in order to justify the expense. Even if they results are lawful limits.
Also, Charlie, when you sign the paper at the DMV for your drivers license, you give consent to take a breathalyzer. I hope drunk drivers never hurt anyone in your family like one has hurt mine. I know you have kids, people, especially adults should know better than driving drunk. This ain't tyranny, driving drunk is fucking tyranny.
Charlie, I've been following your videos for a long time, probably longer than some of the people who comment here. I respect what you do and believe the world does need to be educated. Everyone should take a constitutional law class, learn your rights then you will be able to fight for them...
In Google: Identifier of personality ID by Volodya Vashchyshyn 27 ghz,28 ghz-is a global biological radar-tracking document-storage device of the personal data or Identifier of human (human ID)-is a newest global biological biometric document-implant-storage device-position transmitter.
Is that one of them spy-cameras that turn it to a gun? I would of told that guy no, but have you heard about RFID chips and how they have already been implanted into Mexican government officials and police. Would you accept an RFID chip in order to work as a police officer?
Charlie, keep up the good work. I am going to make a video like this for my area...this is clearly a violation of the 4th amendment. So much of our freedom has been lost and if we don't start making noise and doing somthing it will all be gone...PUSH BACK!
@Mawin69 When you sign a drivers license you are if fact stating that it is your license to drive. Forced breathalyzers are unconstitutional but this corrupt government doesn't give two shits about your rights.
Great video Charlie. Big Brother has no respect for our constitutional rights. DUI check points are a big business and unconstitutional. Your videos are helping to WAKE PEOPLE UP!!! We love you brother. Peace
In Google: Департамент НЛО,технологий,оружия,яда.Department of UFO,technologies,weapon,poison.
seriously, when i get hasseled by the cops i just DEMAND a breathalizer so i can leave....fuckin bullshit
@travis4truth...... thank you so much for watching........i need your feed back...

Nick Gillespie Interviews Gary Johnson for Reason - August 14th (2012-08-14)

Visit //UncensoredTV.net to watch videos related to Gary Johnson, Ron Paul, Judge Andrew Napolitano, Peter Schiff, Adam Kokesh, Alex Jones, John ...

Gary Johnson with Liz MacDonald on Cavuto (2012-08-02)

Visit //UncensoredTV.net to watch videos related to Gary Johnson, Ron Paul, Judge Andrew Napolitano, Peter Schiff, Adam Kokesh, Alex Jones, John ...

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My vote cannot be taken away from Romney. It belongs to me,not him. We have to stop being good-cop-bad-copped into electing the second worst candidate every four years.
mainstream media is so incredibly biased

Gary Johnson Speech in Houston with John Jay Myers - August 19th (2012-08-19)

User Comments

Well, we don't just believe rumors. Has the UN really endorsed abolishing the 16th am. & income tax? Will Ron Paul be a candidate? Please elaborate on this "Israel 1st" claim. Johnson: "Its a real mistake for us to believe that we have solutions to issues that really only Israel should be & will be dealing with. Israel is an ally & will remain an ally." watch?v=fbF0vOAqdP4 "Israel has 300 Nuclear warheads. [If Iran launches] a weapon they are assured of their destruction." watch?v=6TRBs4Hg-Vo
I repeat, GJ makes very clear his intent for the US to remain Israel's big brother, and would take us to war if Iran goes nuclear. None of our business! Listen to Ron Paul on the Israel question. As for taxes, you misunderstand me. I was referring to the so-called "fair" tax (I hate that term) GJ endorses - an oppressive consumption tax to replace the Income Tax. Again, listen to Ron Paul, who advocates NO tax. Take us back to 1912, when we were FREE and PROSPEROUS. GJ doesn''t get it.
Please share some evidence about this "Israel's big brother" & "Israel-First" claim. Johnson is not in that camp. I gave you quotes with links stating the opposite about Israel & Iran. The UN has never endorsed the "Fair Tax" because it abolishes the 16th am. along with income tax & encourages no Federal taxes. It took me years to look at 'The Fair Tax' because I was so prejudiced by rumors about it. Do some research & share the evidence instead repeating rumors.
I don't understand why any real Libertarian would vote for GJ. His "Israel-First" foreign policy and his love of the (UN)fair tax are unacceptable. Write in Ron Paul.
wow. What's with the hatred for homeless people?
Keep 'em coming I love this channel_
wish he won 2012!
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