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#Maine #Governor Refuses to Certify State #Senator

Maine Gov. Paul LePage is so angry at Democrats for rejecting one of his nominees that he canceled the swearing-in ceremony for a newly elected senator.

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This Governor sponsored Trump I think - He is awesome!
+Thomas DeLong I didn't find much on him. Not sure what the senator was about. But he almost had no right to stop her certification.
Goodbye sanity.
+Dan B How so?

Maine judge frees nurse of state-ordered quarantine

A nurse who defied orders to stay at home was freed of her Ebola quarantine by a judge. Kaci Hickox returned from Sierra Leone and was told to quarantine ...

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Selfish lady
+chris chung ....ok.. then if you are right we are all dead ¬_¬(nurses require a 4 year degree on science or bio)
+Denis Lara she went to community college for nursing . She's not a scientist
+chris chung .. I am sure this lady, who was treating people with the actual illness has better intel than us here.
+Denis Lara But scientists aren't 100% sure about ebola.. maybe 90%? So it's better to be on the safe side. She wanted her free rights above the safety of others. That's very selfish.
why? because knows better what Ebola is better than a politician?because she has no symptoms?because she has tested negative more than once?fuck you and all the ignorant fuckers like you.

One Man One Woman Wins in Maine

Well Maine is the 31st state to Constitutionally vote what the people of that state want and they voted against same sex marriage. This just continues to prove that ...

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The people of Maine are going to get a chance to set this wrong right this upcoming November of 2012. Equality Maine and its allies have garnered enough signatures to place marriage equality on the ballot in that state. The forces of social justice need all the help that they can get to win this fight. One can find out how to do just that by visiting the website of Equality Maine; it can be looked up on Google.
Americans are sooo conservative. "Land of the free" my ass! Religious idiots! We are so far ahead here in Europe. In sex education, gay marriage, integration, you name it! You country is too frikkin' big and where is Obama with his "changes" ? pffff. Tell me: How does a straight guys life change if gay people can marry? Right! It doesn't!!!
Europe is a fucking cesspool! Growing Muslim day by day. Islamic law in Picadilly Square. England! Fucking euro-queers are going to be on their knees for Allah instead of chugging cock. Talk about persecution. It's coming courtesy of Islam. You'll beg for America to save your gaped, gak-filled asses.
I completely agree Ismatrix. It's just amazing what sincere people try to argue and evidently don't see that it isn't the same thing. I have the same debate going in another one of my videos. It's amazing.
Yes we are conservative,always have been, hopefully will always stay that way. Glad you guys are so far ahead. On this topic you can just stay ahead of us, we don't care. Have a good day.
well white people didnt want black people to mix with white people... and they even used the bible against blacks... therefore y do blacks marry whites NOW?!
The tradition of marriage between a man and woman is what he's talking about. Slavery & health care are not the same argument.
Actually most of us do care and they were also ahead in getting of rid slavery,
Where is obama and his so called change? I hate political douchebags!
So how about showing some support for Peter Vadala in Massachusetts?
Slavery is not a apples to apples comparison.
whoa though were serious for a second lol.
oh don't worry we will be back
YES! perfect.
Good point

Governor cancels swear in of newly elected lawmaker for political revenge

It was no April Fools' Day prank when Maine Governor Paul LePage refused to officially swear in a new state senator on Friday. Having nothing to do with ...

Trump lawyer apologizes for controversial rape remark

Trump lawyer apologizes for controversial rape remark Trump lawyer apologizes for controversial rape remark.

HVAC Technician Salary in Alaska

HVAC Technician Salary in Alaska //techniciansalary.net/hvac-technician-salary-in-alaska/

Man head-bangs and dances at a festival like there is no tomorrow

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whats the music please?

Thailand murders: PM says only ugly girls will be safe in bikinis

Man catches attempted robbery at gunpoint on his headcam

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music playing over the announcer
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