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Criminal lawyer salary ehow Videos

Police Jobs : Are Jobs in the Criminal Justice Field Growing?

Despite economic downturns, job opportunities in law enforcement are on the upswing, as crime does not diminish during poor economic times. Learn about job ...

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Economic downturn, Police budgets cut, crime increases because criminals get desperate, police force understaffed, police work longer shifts, etc. etc.
Ya, they are growing because crime is going up because people are getting desperate to make ends meet
crime actually increases in these times i mean its common sense! sure its going up

Police Jobs : How to Become a Cop

In order to become a cop, a person must have a high school diploma or equivalency, and he must be a United States citizen, be physically fit and be able to pass ...

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@wafflecushioned(1/3) that explains everything. everytime I have to tell someone about some drama that's going down. they always have to send at least ONE cute one and I know I CAN'T have him because he's married, dating, committed, swings the other way or too busy dealing with (crime) drama at work to date. *loud sigh* so that's why the cute ones come because they want to be paid! woooooow o_O with them it's all about cute males, but with the media it's all about cute females. WTF???????
@wafflecushioned (3/3) over here where I live, I was rejected a volunteer position so that's why I have a good reason to believe it and go off on them and that they have to keep recruiting cute white males. because if they don't, all the females are going to be heart broken across north america. over here we have cute white males, females, brown males, asian males and random black males but NO asian females or black female cops. I'm an asian female. that says something doesn't it? :(
@xbearcanrockx I didn't see your other comments at first (just read them), but yeah looks like I'm in luck because I'm a cute white male and I'm in college right now to prepare for law enforcement. I've seen all kinds of different ethnicities as cops. It could be any number of reasons why they didn't hire you (although if it was a volunteer position then I don't understand why they rejected you). Just keep the fire burning inside and college also helps. Don't give up.
im not sure what a "criminal justice college" is but if your talking about getting a degree in criminal justice or going to a school that specializes in criminal justice then yes ofcourse you may become a cop. infact that will help you stand out from all the other people who are applying for the job. Its always better to go to school first b/c you will increase your chances of getting hired.
@wafflecushioned (2/3) I also have a good feeling the only reason the "old, ugly, fat" guys are there is because of the years of experience and training they have that their coworkers and team can really benefit from. I also have a good feeling the only reason they started recruiting ethnic employees is because of language barriers between victims and freaks.
stay in school. get at least a degree in Criminal Justice. it will help you know alot more than these regular cops knows.... Criminal Justice have various courses to cover. but it will definately help you to become a much better and advance police officer. plus if there is any promotion available you will be first in line for the promotion.......
easy: havening contacts in the city or police departmet, I went to apply and they told cuz I did not have background at any law enforcent agency I couldn't, So I went to Irak to years and went I return back, they told that probably I am crazy cuz the war. lol. I working now at MacDonald, I should;ve die there (irak) lol
@xbearcanrockx If you stay physically fit you get a little bit extra pay, but as is obvious, some officers slack off because they know they won't be fired. What they should do is administer a fitness test every six months like the military to keep all their officers physically fit.
Have a desire to beat people legally, torture them, enforce your own interpretation of the law, associate with others who also do thes things...Break the law routinely with impunity and exemption... Also helps to be a pasty white guy with no chin...
you dont have to go to college but police departments would prefer you to have a higher education. whether it be in criminal justice, Administration of Justice, psychology or even business, they just like to see that extra effort in edu.
It depends on what degree you are pursuing. if your going into criminal justice or psych or just getting your general edu then the hardest and last math you will have to take is statistics. most high school seniors take that class
@blueterrior Yes, but most departments would prefer that you have prior military or a college background. Also, most won't consider you for that position until you have a few years at the department.
the good health part of it really confuses me. i see some "big" guys working as cops. i dont know if the physical exam/obstacle course is a one time thing or only required for certain individuals..?
i already have my high school diploma im drug free clean records and i am US citizen. So do i need to go to college and take the LAW ENFORCEMENT career?. Please help.
@wafflecushioned That was a 3 part msg. you'd have to read all of them to understand haha... but it was mostly just ranting. so you don't have to read it?
@mrklowny yea stop blaming others because you messed your life up and are forced to live a life of crime and heart ake .
do u have to take any math courses harder than tha math classes in high school to become a cop
How are cops lowlifes? They put their lives on the line to save scum like you, shat da faq up.
Physically fit?? wouldn't the disqualify half of the existing police officers in the US?
i have a question. is it possible to go to a criminal justice college then be a cop?
Becoming a criminal is easier than becoming a cop and fight crime. Go figure.
Can Karen's people be a cop pls say yes because I want to be come a cop :)
dum u need to go to get criminal justice assoiate degree dumie jejej
if i become a police officer can i transfer to homeland security?
be in shape!?!? pretty much every cop is FAT!!!!

Employment Law : What Is an Employment Contract?

An employment contract defines the term of the employment, the amount of compensation and the duties and responsibilities expected of the employee.

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This is one of the biggest loop holes big business has in their favor against the common man. Too bad the legal system is such a joke of bureaucracy. Our founding fathers would be turning over in their graves at all the amendments to our Constitution favoring big business. A government for the people by the people is what it states. Instead now we have crooked lawyers who become crooked politicians with their own agendas who take money from these businesses.
True, but still law did originate from the rich, to protect the rich, regardless of morals and there have been crooked people in politics since the dawn of politics, I guarantee that everyone has some hidden agenda, granted some don't, but they are rare.
I think they had more to worry about from the British and we are also talking about a simpler time when people had morals and ethics unlike today.
the founding fathers were most likely very very rich men themselves and law was really introduced, by the rich, for the rich, to protect the rich

Police Jobs : About Police Jobs

There are a variety of police jobs that exist in local law enforcement and at the county sheriff's office. Learn about the responsibilities and opportunities for ...

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can permanenet residents qualify for police jobs?
@hotielove00 sarcasm

Police Officers : What Is the Wage of a Police Officer?

A police officer's wages can range depending on their position, but they will generally make between $25000 and $45000 a year. Discover how police officers ...

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It look like it is time for CONVICTED CRIMINAL Beau Babka to update his video's and explain how to be a criminal and get away with it Babka style !!!
@romeovoid1 Where do you go? To hell. NO law enforcement officer should make anywhere NEAR that amount. GOOD teachers should make more than cops.
Move to a metropolitan area. The only cops that give tickets are on motorcycles or highway patrol LOL
what if I become God?

Employment Law : What Is a Settlement Fund?

A settlement fund is an amount of money agreed upon by both parties to settle a damage claim, which usually involves a group of people filing the same claim.

Police Jobs : How to Become a Policeman

Becoming a policeman means being at least 21 years old, having a high school diploma or equivalency, being a United States citizen and having a good record.

User Comments

you don't even have to watch the video just have to read the info
does stuff form when you where young count?
Hell with the cops! ANARCHY FTW! Always (A)
How do you become a security guard?

Business & Office Tips : How Long Does a Background Check Take?

Background checks can take a matter of minutes if they are for references, but criminal background checks may take up to a week. Learn about different scales ...
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