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The new youtube comment section and Google+ F*cking Sucks! #rant

my rant on the latest shitty change brought to us by the good people of youtube/google. sign the petition ...

User Comments

ikr, I want to have a creative name. Not a name every single person has. I hate youtube now.
Google started dying when Google made those god damn layout changes. The Google executives need to be violently beaten for this.
LOL..YOUR NAME!! hahahaha!! xD
+4cHUSTLEMANIALUVMELZ .Google wont let me change my name LOL. I wanted to change my title to "Killzone Chronicles" but google wants me to use my real name instead. So fuck em, if I'll just keep Google Sucks.
Replying is so weird and stupid now! On some videos i have the option to reply to maybe the first few comments and thats it! I hated how i had to make a google plus account, i didn't want that bull. 
Sometimes you can reply to older comments anyway if you write a plus sign and then copy&paste the user name you want to reply to. I know, it's kind of awkward, but it works (sometimes). :-\
+animesome Seriously! -.-+Charlie M It does, really sucks!
It seems that video views and comments for many video uploaders are down by round 80%. No, I do not mean 80% remaining, I mean 20% of viewers and posters still remaining. Google seem to have driven the majority of there customers away virtually overnight.
+xXSailorMoonForever1Xx Well, I suspect, after looking a little further in to it, that the pain of these changes is concentrated on the smaller uploaders. These people certainly are being hit, of that, there is no doubt.The changes all favour big users, with lots of followers.I wonder if Google actually want rid of smaller uploaders, so they can further concentrate on exploiting larger uploaders. I don't know, but it fits the actions.Does this idea really fit the business case ? Or is it really a cock up ?
SPREAD THE WORD: Here's how to easily hit Google where it HURT$: 1. Download FireFox instead of using Google Chrome: //mozilla.org 2. Install AdBlock add-on for Firefox ASAP: https://www.adblockplus.org 3. Install Ghostery add-on for FireFox: //www.ghostery.com 4. Use alternate 'Open-Source' anonymous search engines like these: https://www.StartPage.com https://www.DuckDuckGO.com https://www.ixQuick.com 5. Join the uprising, sign Google+ global petition: //bit.ly/googlepet 6. Enjoy ad-free YouTube and experience the fruits of your labor! :) Wow!! The free adblock plugin i just got for Firefox works perfectly!! Woohoo!! No more commercials on ANY VIDEO!! No more annoying popup ads on ANY VIDEO!! No more sidebar-ads on ANY VIDEO!! Thank you for this brilliant info!!! Of course, Google+ STILL SUCKS, even without all the annoying ads.
I have used all that lot for ages, excellent advice though.
ObamaCare/Google+ Here are two things being forced on everyone that's destroying a system that had no reason to be fixed. Well, Obamacare only effects the u.s. , but as the old saying goes "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." What do they not understand about that? Perfection can't be improved. For crying out loud just leave things alone. Atleast don't force crap on people if it doesn't work for them. FASCISM!!!
+iloveinu2death If people need it they can get it? If someone needs an operation but can't afford it they will get the treatment and not be left in debt?
+TangyMeringue gritnom has a point....regardless of if you need Obamacare or not...it should not be forced down our throats...if people need it then they can get it...and if they don't...they can use something else. Would you like it if people forced you to get things or do things that you don't want or need to do?? Think about that before you let your own bias get in the way.
Way to crowbar in your opinion on an unrelated and incomparable topic. Whether or not Obamacare is good, it's trying to address a serious problem. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it.".. I think you mean "If it ain't broke for me, don't fix it."
At the end of the day,...we all have options and don't have to take the shit that is forced upon us by corporate entities. Even if these social networks 'are' free to use. 1. We have the right to protest and petition. 2. We have the right to contact them and/or their share holders and complain. and 3. We have the right to cancel memberships and subscriptions, and seek other internet outlets. All of these networks have one thing in common. They rely on people with phones and computers, etc. If we cease to be a part of their world; they will either recognize the fact that they're losing popularity and finally acknowledge us or they will simply fold, retreat, re-group, and find a way to re-create. I was personally was pissed when YouTube took away the ability to customize the background of your page. They gave us an option for awhile then the next thing I know; the option disappeared and you were stuck with a smaller background window. So I worked with it and found a way to still make my customized background visible. Not long after that we were forced with a generic looking page that only offers you a top banner where you can upload something to. (But it has to fit in the allowed window space) Now there is this Youtube/Google+ merger. What's next,...a 'Parental Advisory' sicker being forcibly slapped in the corner of your video? Okay,...I get that things change. Companies merge. Companies are promoting 'bundling' features. It's supposed to benefit us (so they say). What happened to choices though? We shouldn't be put in a position to sign on for something extra that we don't care for just to keep using something that we already had. I like commenting and being able to reach out to people who comment on my page and my music but I was not pleased with the fact that YouTube 'forced' me into linking my 2 accounts together or else my commenting privileges would be hampered. That shit is just wrong. Do what you gotta do people. Protest, complain, write, petition, or cancel. We have made Youtube what it is today. A thriving social network of diverse individuals from all walks of life and we deserve to be treated better. BTW,...YouTube, if it ain't broke quit fixing it already. Peace
yes..next"option"was google+,now they ask your tel no,It is optional ! (for old users)

Detroit Mom Defends Family From Intruders; CCTV Cameras Capture Entire Event

A mother in Detroit defended her family from three teenage attackers and her security cameras caught the whole thing. Source: ...

User Comments

YEA we need more freedom and guns... I hope flamethrowers will be legal soon.
not hard to create your own....well maybe not a large one without injuring yourself but ya...
That's a Highpoint semi-auto rifle, most likely CALIBERED in .40. NOT AN ASSULT RIFLE. Stop being a LIBTARD "news" reporter. 
Why cause I can tell the difference between an assault rifle and a semi auto? "Carbine". I am face palming indeed at your ignorance.
Why cause I can tell the difference between an assault rifle and a semi auto?
Jefferson would facepalm if he saw you using his good name.
Let me set you folks straight on some terminology here: CIVILIANS CANNOT OWN "ASSAULT WEAPONS". (Edit:**) An "assault weapon" is defined (edit: ^,by the military,^) as any weapon that is or is capable of going full automatic. A semi automatic weapon is NOT an assault weapon. On another note, I personally think there is no such thing as an assault weapon period, as weapons are not capable of the critical thought necessary to carry out an assault on their own. (** Unless you jump through a LOT of hoops. This information is news to me but apparently you can own a fully automatic weapon as long as: 1) It was manufactured before 1986. 2) You have a clean record and are 21 or older. 3) You have access to a Class 3 dealer and your state allows you to own a Title II weapon. 4) You can afford the outrageous taxes and fees. So there. :P )
+airsofter918 I had no idea, I was always taught that you just can't have 'em. :P After doing some looking up on the topic it turns out that you can, edited my original post to match. Thanks :)
Well its a thing, the sheriff is your problem.
+Paintchipsrocks Granted you can get around that, but whatever.
+airsofter918 Not in my county, the sheriff is a dick and won't sign off on full autos.
Your right about most of that but the part you say "CIVILIANS CANNOT OWN "ASSAULT WEAPONS"" is not true at all... For a civilian to own a fully automatic weapon all they need is a class three weapons License. And they are really easy to get you just pay for it and take a class.
+Livid Imp I don't know where your comment went so here's a copy from my personal inbox: "Just curious what you think the "AR" in AR-15 stands for?"Off the top of my head, I know for a fact that it does NOT stand for "assault rifle". Without looking it up all I can remember is that it represents where its manufactured I believe.... now I'm gonna go look it up... AH-HA! There we go, it stands for "ArmaLite", the company that originally manufactured the AR-15. I knew it was something like that. :D
+MissyLeyneousOn a funny note, in some places and AR-7 survival rifle is considered an assault weapon, and banned.
+Paintchipsrocks By "assault weapon" I'm actually talking about the "assault rifle", or any gun in general that can be labeled as an "assault weapon". I'm using the media language first and replacing it with the military definition second to fix any misconceptions. You're exactly right.
+MissyLeyneousThe military would classify it as a pcc or a rifle, also a carbine, or a pos, since they don't use "Assault weapon", they use "Assault rifle" also "Battle rifle" "Carbine", ect.
+Paintchipsrocks I'm going by the military definition, I'll make an edit to reflect that.
Actually "Assault weapon" is defined by multiple state laws, even though it's mostly a play on words, it would be anything you want it to be, and it fairly arbitrary.

RANT!!!!!: Niggas & Air Jordans

Just had to give my thoughts on this stuff man. I'm tired of seeing niggas acting this way over some damn shoes. Make sure you share the video with the other ...

User Comments

U don't buy Jordan's anymore? Cool story bro
+Smokin Joe Blazer appreciate it. i mean if a pair i like comes out ill buy em but everybody looks like a carbon copy when you have everybody wearing jordans. i havent bought a pair of jordans in 3 years. i stick to my retro nikes and other shoes that i like
wow Jordans aren't even that great, the only reason people buy them is because of the brand and the hype. the people in the video are stupid for acting like that come on they're just shoes.
+Logic .Arauz man you hit the nail on the head with that statement
The truth is real
+ferawesome thanks man
Jordan's are like iPhones same shit every year higher price tag and always feeding off their cult fan bases
+Arthur F thats what im saying. its a shame how people hype em up like that
This is why I don't like Jordans like that
+DonyellDaDimer i love jordans but since everybody acting like this i dont bother wearing em


GoFundMe ***Donate to help me pay off my student loan debt*** //www.gofundme.com/9tu6ww (All donations are greatly appreciated) SUBSCRIBE TO THE ...

User Comments

Good video.I haven't got one check off youtube,it's really a labor of love for me but i do have many side hustles.
Thank you. I respect that. But, yes side hustles are a must now days, the days of having a job/career that pays enough is long gone these days.

A rant on low ballers in landscaping (Im going to lose it.)

User Comments

225 is a little high...i'd go 150 probably, but no way in hell would i drive 30-45 minutes for only one customer...i'm over well over 100 clients, and i segregate everything into areas so these properties are less than 2 minutes apart in the truck. Maybe the going rate where you're at is higher, but as a general rule i never go under 60 per hour when i'm figuring out how to bid a job that big....if the dude dont like it, good for him, he can get the cheapo guy to hack it up for 80 bucks...and guess what? when he calls and whines about how that guy did a shitty job i'm gunna be too busy to take him on...sometimes you just gotta walk away man...sounds like you got this figured out pretty good. you should watch G PACKARDS video on why you should keep lawn care prices higher...tons of good info!
I charge $40 for an acre lawn thats right next door to me (I have no transport costs and theres very little trimming). I only make money on it because its right next door (at that rate i would be mowing a 4 acre property for $160: Which is not enough) $225 is reasonable, by the time you drive there (Our F-250 gets 10mpg when towing) and take your time to make it look nice theres atleast another $40 bucks. And your gonna burn a tank of gas while mowing which is about $16 its self (4 gallon tank).
here's how they do it for $80.00, they hire people for $6.00 an hour under the table so then they can send 5 guys there and it takes them an hour so they have spent $30.00 for labor and $20.00 for gas so then the profit $30.00 for an hours work and they do it 10 times a day so they are making $1500.00 a week, I know it sucks but until we get rid of the under the table cash employees this is what we have to deal with, I was thinking $275.00 for four acres so your quote was good...
well ive been in this situation before of course not as big as a yard but still basicly same thing. i mowed a front yard for 15$ of course it was across the street but i have to hand rake it and bag it. I then had to do 20 min of trimming for a front lawn. sometimes i ask what they are looking for i usually take their offer. i think maybe 225 was a bit high i probly would done it for 100-150$
no offence to the young kids on youtube but they are the ones that would cut that for $80, but there parents pay for fuel and drive them around and they still couldnt be able to do it. factor in fuel, labor, insurance, workers comp, and allllll that fun shit it should be over $310 for me just to cover my overhead, ohh and btw where i live you need to be 25 to apply for state licencing
your price is completely reasonable!! thats ridiculos, our lawn when i was a toddler cost 40 bucks to you 3/4acre now if i was to guess it would probably be about 80 bucks now days with current gas prices.... i would charge 40 bucks to do an acre by myself lol with no coverage so with your price he is getting a good deal!
Go back in 2 months and followup - bet you can pick up the biz then. Low-ballers usually don't last long. This type of bidding is rampant in our industry right now. Every Chuck with a Truck that lost his job at the factory is now buying a Craftsman and trying to make money.
there's a big difference between cheap and reasonable. ...most clients want cheap..but in the end the guy doing it for 80 to 100 will be out of buisness soon. and the cheapskate clients will still need someone to do the same job...
At the end of the day is going to be the Mower who is putting out his equipment, his labor, and the gas. $225 was a reasonable rate at $56.25 an acre which included the whole lawn detail. You win some and you loose some bro.
I mow 4 acres weekly at my own house. It just beats the crap out of the equipment and yourself. And uses 2-3 gallons of gas each time. And it aint getting cheaper! You keep some you lose some. That was a very fair price
I lost 4 bids this year so far. The Rich seem to go with the cheapest idk why it's messed up man
In my area you are looking at $45-$50 an acre...so $200 is fair. No way at $25 an acre.
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