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Marvel universe animated movies Videos

Marvel Universe - Animated Reality - Captain America

Ever wondered how Captain America doges bullets and defends himself from enemies? Check out some of his coolest moves when Morgan learns a few tricks ...

User Comments

Why do they never say that Parkour is french ? but let be honest, Jackie Chan was one of the very firsts ! By the way, I'm so afraid about the B13 remake !
He did the vaults wrong. Jump first then place hand. Just a reminder.
the human torch reminds me of captain america
Morgan reminds me of the Human Torch. =D

Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe (Part 1 of 4)

I do not own any rights. All rights belong to MARVEL COMICS and DC COMICS. This video is made for entertainment purpose only***

User Comments

deadpool is overrated. I mean he's as funny as a bugs bunny cartoon. he's skilled but he's never been able to successfully harm people like Daredevil whom he's had a feud with since civil war. he's not interesting. I'm watching the video because it seems the Deadpool kills series brought him up from the C list and I'd like to know whu
Why did he even go berserk?
Oh right.Thanks!!
That Doctor did some fucked up things to him. so he only had one voice in his head. the voice in his head told him to kill. usually deadpool does what he wants anyway..
Deadpool is one of the best characters for me he is way more interesting then most other's but how could he take the life of the Watcher WITH A SWORD ?
+alex cameron How this kids make daedpool as he was the best ever and he is just a fanservice :v
+Vestah Gaming what the fuck are you actually talking about
+Latoya Thompson-Young Are you retaded? spiderman just has to knock him out, Then use his web and deadpool is done, ironman just have to knock him out, and send him to a sun... hell even carnage owned him, deadpool only won because he got 5 symbiots 
+Vestah Edits idoit he could beat all of them like nothing
Omg i just met deadpool, he is the best character ever, omg, Kid wtf he is nothing, i mean nothing compared to: spiderman, wolverine, iron man, even superman has a better history
But... Why the f*ck does he kills the fantastic 4 ? I know he kills the other ones Because he is listening to the voice in his head, but why the F4 ?
Lol exactly
i hate dreadpool
i know i love deadpool but this dimension deadpool name is dreadpool understand?
This is another dimension o
Many have te Q of y dead pools face s sooo fuked up....even though he has re-generative power!!? well the Answer s he has a kind off Cancer !!! nt sure hw or y..... bt if som cn bak me up wit a better answer!!! plzz dooo........
+the-main cat his mask regen i nvr knew that
+Harrish Moorthy its his MASK... NOt his face (which he has regen on)
Man I love what your doing here and how you mix it up between Marvel and DC
Thanks a lot. I love comics and I know that millions worldwide love comics like I do, so I just wanna share them all our common interest in an entertaining way :)

Collider Heroes - Will There Be A Man of Steel 2? Animated "Killing Joke" Preview

Welcome to the 52nd Episode of Collider's Heroes, hosted by Jon Schnepp, with guests John Campea, Robert Meyer Burnett and Amy Dallen. We bring you the ...

User Comments

Robert Meyer Burnett nails it. Darkseid is the one, he tricks Superman (post revival) that Lois was killed, aaaaannnd... GO!
I missed it somehow. My spoiler filter must have kicked in. Equal parts bad memory and denial... my mutant power! Lol
Yea but annoyed with his singer talk he Kinda fucked up x men
WB and dc need to scrap a lot of that schedule, give us a solo batman movie, no back in time bullshit like shnepp wants, give us a Martian man hunter, give us the flash we deserve, and start looking at less popular/known characters to expand their universe even taking some from vertigo. Be smart.also dc needs more involvement with these properties.
And no schnepp nolans film is not just dropping batman into that kind of movie. He created the real world batman that is supposed to have inspired all the mythology,comics,etc. that's what makes Nolan brilliant and one of the best filmmakers of our generation.
lol saying jimmy dies is not a spoiler. they never even say his name and he ends up being some shmuck that works for the CIA.
Very true. It was a character that was minimized to the point where he was killed minutes after his introduction and never given a name.
2 new movies just announced...I think they heard you!
+Eddie Raccioppi yup. The Batman and the Marthas Movie
The Animated Justice League: Gods And Monsters was a hard PG-13 I believe and really enjoyed that film.
+ghostman87 That Brainiac scene still has me man. Such an interesting universe. I'd also love to see J'onn Martian Manhunter and Green Arrow.
+Kamau King Atkinson Oh I totally agree, I can only imagine how The Flash, Green Lantern, Aquaman, etc. would be portrayed in this universe. I just hope the big bad for the next movie is something better than the 1st movie.
+ghostman87 Well the ending made me look forward for another dive into this multiverse. That's the great thing about film. We all can look at the same thing but have different views on it :)
+Kamau King Atkinson Ok poor choice of words... in fact it was a poor choice of an ending...
+ghostman87 weird is good. i like weird.
Me too but that weird ass ending tho Smh
Killing Superman was done to win over the world he's in, prove he was(is) here to help.
This is why you must always have RMB on the show, the guy knows what works. That description for the solo Batman movie is perfect. Take a bit of what Nolan did, but this time you put more focus on Batman, where he's not so overshadowed by the villains. I'd love it if one of the those villains is Black Mask, such an underrated Batman villain who would work perfectly in the kind of film Robert's talking about. Great, great idea for a Batman film.
+TheoKabala89 Black Mask is good idea. He's more Mafia type situation like Two Face and Penguin. I'd also wanna see Hush. Totally fucking over Batman with most of his Rogues gallery but I'd introduce him in 3rd film after the first establishes pre BvS and the sequel goes into a new threat post BvS. And then we see Hush as the Mastermind in the 3rd. I also think Black Mask would play a role in it. What do you think?
Batman has the best rogues gallery bar spiderman? No! Batman has THE BEST rogues gallery! Spiderman's doesn't come close.
My favourites are:1. Batman (duh!)2.The Flash3.Spider-Man
+erosion271 hear hear. Batman's rogue gallery doesn't just kill you, they want to break you, physically and mentally. The whole justice league should be thankful someone like the Joker is obsessed with the Bat, considering they all have a thing against killing.
That's true but they're not all that interesting to me either like i said to me some of them are down right hokey. At any rate Parkers are certainlly in contention
He's okay but he's not on those other guys level to me
+The Anti Critics there's more to a villain than just being 'scary'
+The Anti Critics Bane?
I agree with bar spiderman.
I completely disagree he has Joker, Mr. Freeze, and Scarecrow as the onl ones I found that terrifyiing. Penguin, Riddler, etc. all seem hokey to me. Spider,an has like 3 "Jokers" Green Goblin, Venom, Carnage, Etc.

Top Ten DC Animated Movie Deaths

A list I made because DC animated movies are not for kids. If you haven't figured from the title, this has lots of death in it. You've been warned. 0:14 Under the ...

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How come none of the deaths were from Flashpoint Paradox? That movie was a real gorefest, with some pretty brutal deaths.
I know, right?
And this is why DC is for adults, and Marvel is for kids
but marvel comic is not for kids
FOR FUCKS SAKE! Joker didn't snap his own neck you dumb cunts, Batman killed him! Why do you think his head spins back so fucking quickly? Honestly, use that 5kg bowling ball of a head that you have and use some common fucking sense.
+BigGato it's pointless arguing with him any longer lol
+BigGato Nope, i'm talking about a movie so why would i talk about a comic book? 
+Mad Hatter answer the question. did you, or did you not, read the dark knight returns. If you did, then you would know that joker killed himself and rigged his body
+Andrew Fitzgerald I'll take a deep breath and then come back to you.
+Mad Hatter Batman paralyzed him, and the Joker finished himself off so it would look like Batman killed him entirely. Have you even read the comic or watched the movie?
+Mad Hatter dude there is literally no fucking hands even near his neck,in the frame just before they zoom into the joker,batman is standing like 5 feet away from him
+Mad Hatter yes batman comes out of retirement which spurs joker to break out of his comatose state, batman "killing" joker (joker killed himself) was the last straw and then that's when batman and superman fight. have you even read the dark knight returns?
+jy ds Do you not see his head twist back with speed? How about the random people screaming? Or the fact that Joker basically says that Batman lost control and they'll kill him for it. 
+Mad Hatter at 8:24 batman is clearly at least 3 to 5 feet away from him lol
+BigGato No that's mot why batman and superman fight you idiot! they fight because batan came out of retirement and the government didn't like it. 
it's common knowledge that the joker kills himself, don't go by the damn cartoon go by the comic, the joker kills himself to frame batman and that's why batman and superman fight. 
+jy ds You are a blind person. 
+Mad Hatter there was never hands even close to his neck
+Alastair Thornton Bruh, i already stated why you're wrong D:
Batman partially snapped his neck, to paralyse him.Joker finished himself off.

Marvel Super Heroes: What The--?! Wolverine Movie Premiere!

In our second episode, Marvel's brightest stars including Wolverine, Deadpool and the Blob arrive for the star-studded premiere of the Wolverine movie!

User Comments

I'm guessing deadpool was mad because what 20 century fox did to his character in the movie.....
Who wouldnt be mad?!?!?!? But im looking forward to the new deadpool movie coz i think they actually did well for making that
Wolverine shortly shot himself after from embaressment
+Tyler Walsworth no he would stay dead from the embaressment
It wouldn't kill him he has a healing factor!
I would much rather have seen this movie instead.
+Spike Powers Eww.
Indeed. Plus, seeing Cable breastfed by Emma would be hot.
I agree with u that movie sucked
I think Deadpool just owned Modok...
Who else but Deadpool?
+Sean RobertsonOh yeah, I did.
Now I get it why deadpool was mad in the movie the made a crapy deadpool than the real deadpool
+Yokolo Linkin In that cases no one would mind that much so long as the merc with a mouth actually had a mouth!!!
I Know this si the first version of deadpool .he doesnt wear a mask cause his mask is his skin
0 addition information addition information addition information0
That big fat guy is blob

Collider Movie Talk - Batman V Superman Box Office Dropoff, Doctor Strange Set Pics

On this episode of Collider Movie Talk (April 4th, 2016) Dennis Tzeng, Jon Schnepp and Clarke Wolfe, discuss the following: · Box Office Report · Doctor Strange ...

Marvel Super Heroes: What The--?! DEADPOOL - For Your Consideration

Award season fever has affected everyone from armchair movie critics to taco-loving, world-renowned, wise-crackin' assassins with healing factors and ...

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he can't die!
Guys, in case you haven't noticed, this is parodying movies like Wizard Of Oz, a Clockwork Orange, Silence of the Lambs, Rocky 4, and more!
you're right I haven't noticed
there was a dead pool ad before this
same here ahha
For the video game? Yeah, had it too lol!
+Lilu Modhavadia Same here.
+Lilu Modhavadia lol me 2
+Lilu Modhavadia It must be locked to this specific video because the Deadpool game came out years ago.
+Walrider me to
Lol for me to
R.I.P Taco
Should have been a chimichanga
it lived a good life
that taco footage should be replaced with Josh Trank's Fantastic Four
+WTRisthebestFTW yes
perfect idea
I can't believe deadpool is actually dead now :( no more freaking deadpool issues :( why god why? Why have u forsaken us. Ooo taco. 
+Sandwich Muncher you should read some of the stuff leading up to secret wars itz all pretty good
+Sandwich Muncher well short story long there were these things called incursions where planets from other dimensions crash into each other and after like months of failing to stop them the only planets left in the whole multiverse are the mainstream earth 616 and the ultimate earth 1610 which also finally collided with each other which killed everyone on their respective earths deadpool included
how did he die? isnt he immortal?
+TheSharkshaw dont worry deadpool will be back in October with a relaunched comic and will be in uncanny avengers as a member
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