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Hope college worship Videos

Hope College Worship Retreat (Part 3)

Hope college worship

Hillsong College/Project Worship

I DO NOT own the rights to nor am not associated with Hillsong College nor do I work for them in any way shape or form, tho I have been accepted and plan to ...

User Comments

@Ptitjuju04 HEY! thats awesome yeah I already got the plane ticket and am going in July! I'm very excited! What did you study? Music? If so what instruments did you take over there? Were you at Hills or City Campus? any recommendations of what I need to do while I'm there? so i kinda have a lot of questions :-) Thanks and God bless you!
in american dollars it comes out to a little over 6000 for the year but that doesn't include living and food cost, so you have to raise that too so they advise about $1000 a month for living and food, so definitely be saving. Hope you get to make it out there!
@Ptitjuju04 oh i am planning on getting a part-time job for sure, no idea where but yeah a job is in the plans, good to know, thanks for all the advice! Ill take any more that you want to give :-) thanks again, you are a blessing! continue to be blessed!
Oh MY FLIPPIN WORD!!!! His Gory Appears - The most epic version right here. I never would have thought of doing that that song. My mind is blown away! I would pay quite a bit more that iTunes $1.29 or $0.99 for that song if it was available
Everytime i see this about Hillsong i Cry because i know this is where i need to be... Just got out of the Navy and have to save so i'm in commercial diving school now. I'll do that for a few years then head out to Aussie Land..
Hey,if u can msg me kluschei, i want to kno some info about hillsong college PLZ!!!!!!!!!! I really wanna go sumtime soon!
@JCorreaMusic not that I know of but when i attend the college in July I will be sure to find out for sure!
Man thanks alot bro! Now i have an idea how much i need! How many months? I kno ill make it with Gods help!
@JCorreaMusic there is no dvd, i just finished my first year out at the city campus Hillsong in sydney
Hi! You guys sing so great!! Where can I download? Is there an album out or coming soon? God Bless :D
I dont know the title but it was originally on the hillsong college opener for the 2012 year!
Hope you are enjoying hillsong college tell me about it! i really wanna go there.
@13frankiek what can you tell me about the campuses? What is the Difference?
How much is it to go to hillsong with all of the things that one needs
It's Spontaneous worship probably at the end or interlude of Hosanna.

Hope CM Promo

Visible Music College Worship Audition: Gabrielle Zittle

Hello! my name is Gabrielle Zittle and this is a video of me leading a worship set at New Life Bible Church! I apologize for all of the cuts, but this was a live set for ...

Still - Hope

'Still' from the Hillsong Worship album, Hope. We pray this song encourages you and your Church. Hide me now Under Your wings Cover me Within Your ...

User Comments

hillsong ever the best church choir
+Tumusiime Robert me too :)
Please tell me who is the singer ?? I only know Darlene here
+BONEKRUSHA No problem. Sorry for the commotion. :)
+MrsLevitan Boss Even though my intention was to answer to the question above, I apologise if I came across defensive to you, Evelyn & Jackie Chan and which caused you to answer back in a.sarcastic manner so I've deleted all my offending comments.Please forgive me, just gonna take the lead from this song and Be Still. God Bless
+BONEKRUSHA ... Rage much...
+BONEKRUSHA Thank you, but the damage was done, you were the one arguing. :)
+BONEKRUSHA ... Not really trying to argue... Just trying to remind not to do that again...
+BONEKRUSHA ... Still, what was the point of arguing about it? Would God have wanted that?
+BONEKRUSHA Calm down,man. Why ya'll fighting over such petty issues? Just join in worship together for the most High as beloved brother and sisters. Shouldn't we. Pax. :-)
I was talking about the 2nd solo, ok?
+Evelyn Reyno I'm sorry, you are incorrect. Reuben WROTE this song and is actually standing directly next to Tulele's right hand side playing acoustic guitar but it is Tulele Faletolu who is the Lead Singer of this song. How do I know? I was in the choir for this album and I still go to Hillsong.
+BONEKRUSHA Reuben Morgan is the singer of this song...
Tulele Faletolu is the Lead Singers name for this song
How we missed Darlene's voice in Hillsong albuns!
+Anderson Colchibachi Indeed, soooooo trueeee
+Anderson Colchibachi very much true my brother

(JPCC Worship) Satu Alasan - Electric Guitar Cover by Gilbert T. S.

Hey guys! It's been 5 months since my last video. I had a great semester with all the college and ministry stuffs. It's Christmas yesterday and I want to say Merry ...

User Comments

Nice kak :). Mau request lagu Besar di Dalamku - True Worshippers kak. Thank you and God Bless You
Nice Job my Son..!! Teruslah dalam hadiratNya.
amp simulator sama effectnya ada ap aj bro
ayo buat lagi ko sukses
ko ada tab nya ga ko ?
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