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Weather izumo japan Videos

Promising Skies by Robert W. Smith (出雲吹奏楽団定期演奏会)

Composer: Robert W. Smith 出雲吹奏楽団定期演奏会 Izumo suisou-gakudan (amature wind band) regular concert Conductor: Mamoru Nakata 12.6.2011 Izumo ...

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I played this in November 2010 with my high school band and being the only one from new Orleans, this meant so much to me
ピアノおっきすぎると思うけど... なんかもったいない。

Snowing! Snowing!

I thought I would bring the warm weather from Southern California with me to Japan, but it's just gotten colder and colder since I got here last week, and ...

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Yea, the snow looks nice but maybe i think that cause I prefer the cold myself. Anyway Im glad to see your back in Japan and I might have missed a couple videos but I think I heard you have some Job interviews while your there so Good luck with them.
well, it certainly was a change from San Diego :) two days later now and the sun is finally starting to come out, so I hope it'll warm up a little before graduation on Saturday or it's gonna be so cold in that gym for 2 hours
I thought the snow had left here. (Yamagata)...or a least was trying to, and then it started once again yesterday morning. Yamagata ='s too much snow! I'm praying for spring. Please come! Are you at least enjoying it? ^^
I have actually never seen snow before. Lived in Florida almost my whole life. Lived in Texas for 2 1/2 years, but other than that it's been Florida for me. =( -Billy-
We actually had a bit of snow in Kagoshima yesterday! It didn't stick but quite a few large flakes were falling. Very strange weather for here this time of year.
Love snow, love Japan... I definitely want to be in northern Japan when I'll go there! :D
Heh it is 8 above here, meaning there you have more snow than Nova Scotia, hehe.
admit it... you're a little excited about the snow! ^_^
looks kinda like light version of sweden atm ^^
Were you being Visual Bay there?!
We have sunshine here, bwahahaha!
Time to head south lol
lol! short and sweet!
enjoy the rarity! :)
ah that sucks man
Yay snow!

World of Warships - Aircraft Carriers - Japanese Tier V - The Zuiho

The Zuiho, one of five new Aircraft Carriers implemented in 0.3.1, along with the other Japanese Carriers brings a new level of strategy to Carrier combat in ...

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Question: how can you change the spread of the torpedo? I'm trying everything on the keyboard but no result
+locthiennguyen for planes, u cant.
You should release the torpedos at lot closer since you are firing them manually. Then there is no way for them to dodge. You were missing to many torps by releasing them so far away. But you did very well anyway :)
+Ubiru All right. Thx for the reply anyway :) I played it a bit in CBT and it was to easy, so I kinda stopped playing it. But looking forward to see you stream tonight <3#NoHomo :D
+Mads B Yeah Carrier strats have changed quite dramatically over the last few months, this is just to show you the basics really :D
Try and enable subtiles at 1:11 LOL! I pressed the button by a mistake, and this made me laugh
+Mads B oh god. :D
Well, this video makes me testing the carriers. Did all the 16 planes got shot down by the AA of your carrier?
no assin with the more advanced planes once leveld up
+Edgar Baltazar why would you play a carrier without planes, that's the whole damn point
+Ubiru can you play whit the carrier whit no by planes personally i don"t like them
+Heath Ledger Any time :D
Ok, thanks man :-)
For beginners, I would choose USN. The IJN seem harder to get right. 
I never thought that the AA of an carrier is that good.I took a look at the stats and just saw that the american carriers have even better AA. Just shows me that I'm a total carrier noob :-DWich nation would you reccommed for beginners? USN or IJN?
+Heath Ledger That's correct! :D

"Nita-Mai," the Treasure of Oku-Izumo

"Nita-Mai" is cultivated in Oku-Izumo. The condition of the area--the soil so rich that there used to be "Tatara" iron mills, and the weather where temprature varies ...


出雲大社、日御碕、島根ワイナリーへ行った時の映像。 カメラ:PENTAX K-5 + DA18-135mm WR.

[KAITO] Rabbit of Inaba [Vocaloid][English Sub] 【KAITO】因幡の白兎【オリジナル】

因幡の白兎 by イントロP, illustrations by スースーP On Nico: //www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm8368360 Reuploaded with error fixed since IntroP made the video ...

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In The Rabbit of Inaba, there's a hare stuck on the Island of Oki. He's homesick for his homeland, which lies across the sea. He can't swim, so he challenges the sharks to a competition to see who's family is bigger, the sharks or the hares. He has all the sharks line up so he can supposedly count them, forming a land bridge. He jumps across them to get to his homeland, and as he is jumping off the last shark, he says the sharks are foolish, I have tricked them into forming a land bridge for me.
The older brother made the younger brother carry all the luggage, so that he would get to the princess first so that she would marry him. The younger brother finds the rabbit in terrible pain, its broken skin cracked and bleeding from the salt water. The young god takes pity on the rabbit and tells it to bathe in freshwater and then wrap himself in cattails. The rabbit does this and is healed. The grateful rabbit tells the younger brother that the princess will choose him and this happens.
I'm not sure I understand... The rabbit told the sharks it was a competition to get them to line up so the rabbit could cross to the other side of Inaba. The sharks got mad because the rabbit wasn't telling the truth about the competition, the rabbit tricked them. The sharks then torn off all the rabbit's fur for revenge. The rabbit tried to clean itself but couldn't so the God helped it. The rabbit told the God that he would marry a princess for helping it... Is that right?
The last shark overhears this and is of course very angry so he tears the skin off the rabbit. The rabbit is in terrible pain when two brother gods walk by, on their way to a city where Princess Yamagi-hime would choose one of them to marry. The older brother sees the wounded rabbit and fights it funny. He tells the rabbit to bathe in salt water and its wounds would be healed. The rabbit does this and is in worse pain.
Is this a real Japanese myth? if so I want to know more, Anyone who can give me info on it or give me a sight where I can get info on it and other Japanese myths, please tell me. PWEASE!!! IF U KOW DONT KEEP IT HIDDEN E WANNA HEAR!!!!!
Seeing as he stopped the JR twice so I could never leave at the time I originally planned, he practically dotes on me... if Izumo ever suffer a drought I'd volunteer to go there for a month if they 'd pay for my travel expenses XD
I'm not surprised that Kaito-kun is a kind god. As long as he has icecream and hasen't been recently molested by fangirls *cough* he's really nice. -^.^- It's a very cute song and a weirdly farmilliar myth to me, I love it. :)
Eeheehee~ I love how Kaito talks at one part of the song. The song reminds me of a Malay tale of The Mousedeer who wanted to cross the river to get to the fruits on the other side. Only it was crocodiles instead of sharks.
@ChixWakkoLUVxJC Oh trust me, there are many a sad/creepy KAITO song, it seems to be a vocaloid thing :P they are good though, and he has got more happy songs than many of the others!
I am wondering if IntroP will write a song for the part of the myth where Susanoo tries to kill Daikokusama, it's be interesting since both are played by KAITO in her songs :D
KAITO is so kind-hearted! -^.^- Watching this makes me happy! Un-like most Vocaloid stories, which make you cry. But none of KAITO's have yet! Yay KAITO~KUUUUN!!!
*Jakes kaito from all fangirls and hides him under my pillow*i am sorry ladies but kaito ranaway with muki so yeah...now leave i have to do...something.. xD
great song ^^ and it turns out you're not the only one susanoo dotes on. i've called a storm by accident 3 times now >>; if i want it to rain it rains
This reminds me of Why The Fox Has A White Tail myth. I don' remember what animal but it was almost the same as this story, but no happy ending.
fantastic translation! such an adorable story, pbb one of my favorite myths (then again, almost anything with bunnies - and now kaito- would be)
Wait KAITO helped somone instead of killing them... therapy must work!!( except KAITO looks HOT covered in blood, so its a win-lose situation)
I thought that in the story, the ones that the rabbit jumped on were crocodiles, not sharks? I dunno, I could have read a different version.
@hokorichan you make me envious,I always wished to visit japan T^T anyway it's a very nice song XD kaito is one of my fave vocaloid
@Gaaraloverr1 well, yeah pretty much, just the rabit tricked the sharks so he could cross to the other side of the world.
I love this moral story, there's wit, punishment, pain, kindness, healing, forgiveness, and a Princess.
I don't know how to make a rabbit emote, but if I did, that's how I'd describe this video. :-3
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