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Richard cheese my milkshake Videos


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So, did you eventually get bitch slapped by Riccardo or did the Lumniscent get you? PS, I actually did that once and Riccardo kept trying to shoot me. It didn't work, but eventually, Riccardo got so pissed at me, he ran off after Hewie who had gotten bored and left a few seconds earlier. Some friend, huh? XD
Oooh i never thought of running around Riccardo o.o; You just gave me an idea xD but i thing hes going to shoot me down if i do that xD; well i still have'nt beat the game i need help in it because its hard D: well I like your video its funny x)
fiona: hey hey wanna play you cant catch me you cant kill me!!!riccardo : oh yes i can wth!?fiona:*running in curcles*riccardo thoughts: what the heck?! lol dude plz be my friend lol dude LoL;-)
I could SO do that now!!! *runs off to run around Riccardo singing this version of Milkshake and gets shot and killed* Oh damn... I guess it'll be safer to do it on Normal mode, huh? ^^;
Is that version of Hewie actually in the game? I saw Fiona in a frog suit too, do they match like that? xD I've got the game, I'm only maybe 1/3 of the way through though...so yeah.
lol!! Well I did it in hard mode! ^^ awww no! *revives Fiona!* now run around him again! XD *sings milkshake!* thanks for the comment! ^^
hey ricardo myy................milkshake makes all the ********* damn right its better that yours! wtf fiona *shoot* dies*
@SomethingLacking do you know where i can download the Richard Cheese version of milkshake? that song makes me laugh...
cool video you played my friend Lydia's theme song i like that version better keep making videos there kick ass
THATS as funny is hell.. but is that hewie in the video? not sure who dat ish that animal
Fiona would have probably died or completely run out of stamina before then D: lawl...
lmao xD That was so amazing, i love how she's just running in a circle xD
WOW!! This one is good too!! I'm definally subscribing to your videos!!
a pissa!? sounds like an insult! uh oh! XD sure I'll see what I can do!
I like Milkshake and that milkshake IS NOT BETTER THAN MINE >:)
Yep you unlock them! ^_^ Fiona in a frog suit is odd though! XD
THAT WAS A PISSA!!! ur gonna haff 2 do sum more funni ones! lol
Awww am flattered! thanks so much for suscribing! ^^ *hugs!*
Milkshake. It's the Richard Cheese version. He's hilarious.
@TheWhirlwindLancer3 i got slapped by the lumniscent
whats the name of this song and who did this version
Did he kill u after this?Im just asking no efence..
.... Wouldn't she run out of stanima really fast?

My milkshake is better than yours

PJ Party/ My Milkshake Brings Everyone to the Lounge

My Milkshake Bring All The Boys To The Yard - Kelis

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I voted for badest Video ever recorded!!
why is this a video???

"Milkshake" (Cover)

My brother dancing to Milkshake by Kelis

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i love you, noah. 8)
I hate you.

Milkshake MEP - My part

User Comments

good job! i liked the part were he smiled at the end ^-^ it matched thr little ding xD
This was one of my favorite parts in the MEP!!! *^* Awesome job! ;D
Aww thank you! I'm so glad you liked it! =D
Thanks! I'm glad you do! ^^
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