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Tennessee university history Videos

The History of Tennessee State University's Aristocrat of Bands & Sophisticated Ladies

Brief history on Tennessee State University's marching band and majorettes.

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The History of the University of Tennessee's campus (UH 100 project.)

User Comments

Great job! I can see how Knoxville's history applies to me so much when watching your video about UT's history
Great video! It was cool to learn about the history of our own university... good job!
It's nice to have learned a little bit more about the history of our school
now I feel like I know a lot more about our school now
wow great content! i never knew alot of this
Interesting facts that I didn't know!
Cool video!! Nice work:)
very informative!
Nice info
good job

This Week in College Football History - Florida vs Tennessee

Sept. 21, 1996 - Florida vs Tennessee. Watch as Florida hands Tennessee and Peyton Manning their only loss of the season.

Tennessee State University Building Bridges

A bref History of Tennessee State University.

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created by Natman

Southern Dozen Ride 11 - East Tennessee History Tour

//www.southerndozen.com/ Explore the scenic roads leading to the historical Rocky Mount and Tipton-Haynes Historical Sites, The Sycamore Shoals Fort ...

Northern Middle Tennessee History

little tour of the Nashville stage coach route from the 1800's and a little bit about how the next town down got thier name. it's historical so some may not enjoy it ...

User Comments

Unfortunatly i was never interested in history so this great vlog was wasted on me. But i can see the intrerest that other people will find in it :-) Even english history puts me to sleep lol :-) You have loverly countryside, you yourself have an ideal home thats close to the highway but setback far enough to be seperate :-) I didnt hear most of what you said due to wind/road noise, im a bit deaf so blame me ha ha, if you want to improve the audio then get an insensitive mic thats close to you.
No i still watched it mate, i wasnt bored, i just never was interested in history. The history class at school just didnt interest me, i dont need to know about crusty old kings dead a long time ago, living now with living people is the important bit, appreciate people while they are alive :-) You post history material mate, other people are less perculia than me ha ha :-) :-)
this is more of a remember where you came from thing than anything else or surprised at how people used to survive in less technological times. plus since nothing really major occurred here there aren't many that really know about this stagecoach trail because that's about it for the notariety of this immediate area. hope it didn't bore you too badly
wasn't sure if it would be for anyone subbed to me any more or not most of the history buffs are on my other channel and didn't really migrate over for whatever reason.
yeah i figured with the way you like history that you would appreciate this one too
thanks for sharing this very interesting

History of Calderwood, Tennessee

A short history of the (now extinct) company town of Calderwood, TN. Taken from the video; "Happy Valley: A Living Cades Cove."

User Comments

My dad, Bill Garland, just told me about this video. Me (Lieza Garland Howard), my sister (Rebecca) and brother (Patrick Garland) are the 3 little kids standing in the middle on the front row! Lots of my relatives were in this photo, whom I miss dearly! Aunt Lib, Aunt Nell, Granny Garland, Uncle Burr.......So many great memories of Calderwood where we spent our summers and beautiful snowy white Christmases!
Thank you for doing this video. It answers a lot of questions for those of us who are amateur historian-wanna-be's, and those of us who just plain wonder what went on. My compliments on the professional way it was done.
Best town
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